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Aurora over Scotland (2 files)

Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights displays photographed taken over Aberdeeshire in Scotland since 1989 covering some 350 events with arc, rays, coronas with a wide rnage of shapes and colours
Aurora Eslie Greater au61355jhp 
 Scotland Aurora Borealis Deeside Eslie Stone Circle display Agfa film October 1989 taken from the Recumbent Stone Circle called Esslie the Greater at Eslie to the SE of Banchory overlooking Feughside and Scolty Hill. This photo is from my second Aurora display I photographed using Agfa 1000 RS 6.4.5cm format film stock using my Bronica ETRS, from memory the fastest 120 film available at the time. The project to photograph an Aurora came after a missed opportunity earlier in the year in March with what became known as the Big Aurora, a full Corona over Deeside. I had got the idea of trying to photograph a display following on from my success in 1986 of capturing Halley’s Comet thanks to the support of the Astronomy Ian Shepherd at the Edinburgh Observatory. I had heard about the Big Aurora but had missed the display buried away in my darkroom processing B&W photos for the local newspaper. Ian suggested I contact John MacNicol, President of the Aberdeen Astronomy Society and he eventually tipped me off about the display captured here.

This photograph using Agfa medium format transparency film of which this photo is an example was the one and only time I used it and I suspect it was underexposed as I would not have used my usual bracketing exposures near the 20 second mark based on my experiences with photographing the Comet and aware that exposures much longer than 20 seconds incurred the affect of star trail so instead of sharp dots for stars they became lines. In this case I used the 40mm f4 Zenzanon on my Bronica ETRS a slower lens to my usual f2.8 35mm primes. Push processing the 35mm 400asa slide film at the lab by two stops to the equivalent of 1600asa I found that an exposure around 20 second eventually gave the best results for best colour saturation and exposure and giving the maximum control of grain without it appearing washed out from underexposure as in this case. As I shot my general landscape work using Fuji film, usually Velvia or RAP, I stayed with it for the Aurora although Kodak film was acceptable in quality and results. I felt that the Fuji film handled the reds and greens better anyway and these are in practice the primary colours of Aurora displays when oxygen is excited by the incoming electrons and because of this I stopped using medium format stock almost straight away. This photo has no great technical merit as far as an Aurora record goes except as an example of the 645 format, Agfa film and appears to be the only record I had of this second observed display on the 21st October – I have a note that I missed a display on the 20th. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, British, North, Northern, East, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Banchory, Feughside, Esslie, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Bronze, Age, Clachnaben, Aurora, Borealis, Arc, Rays, Northern, Lights, Merry Dancers, landscape, photos, photographs, sunspots, solar, flares, CME, electrons, photons, storms, energy, sun, stars, oxygen, gas, Van, Allen, belt, ionosphere, flares, space, molecules, magnetic, disturbance, magnetometers, belts, radiation, purple, red, green, yellow, pink, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, colours, colors, moon, whirls, celestial, clouds, nature, dark, nights, night-time, forest, 1989, October, medium, format, slide, transparency, film, Agfa, 1000 RS, 645mm, time, exposure, Bronica, ETRS, wide, angle, lens, Zenzanon, 40mm, f4, scanned, scan, earliest, first, captured
Aurora Eslie Greater au613514jhp 
 Scottish Northern Lights Esslie Stone Circle Greater Agfa 645 transparency October 1989 taken from the Recumbent Stone Circle called Esslie the Greater at Eslie to the SE of Banchory overlooking Feughside and Scolty Hill. This photo is from my second Aurora display I photographed using Agfa 1000 RS 6.4.5cm format film stock using my Bronica ETRS, from memory the fastest 120 film available at the time. The project to photograph an Aurora came after a missed opportunity earlier in the year in March with what became known as the Big Aurora, a full Corona over Deeside. I had got the idea of trying to photograph a display following on from my success in 1986 of capturing Halley’s Comet thanks to the support of the Astronomy Ian Shepherd at the Edinburgh Observatory. I had heard about the Big Aurora but had missed the display buried away in my darkroom processing B&W photos for the local newspaper. Ian suggested I contact John MacNicol, President of the Aberdeen Astronomy Society and he eventually tipped me off about the display captured here.

This photograph using Agfa medium format transparency film of which this photo is an example was the one and only time I used it and I suspect it was underexposed as I would not have used my usual bracketing exposures near the 20 second mark based on my experiences with photographing the Comet and aware that exposures much longer than 20 seconds incurred the affect of star trail so instead of sharp dots for stars they became lines. In this case I used the 40mm f4 Zenzanon on my Bronica ETRS a slower lens to my usual f2.8 35mm primes. Push processing the 35mm 400asa slide film at the lab by two stops to the equivalent of 1600asa I found that an exposure around 20 second eventually gave the best results for best colour saturation and exposure and giving the maximum control of grain without it appearing washed out from underexposure as in this case. As I shot my general landscape work using Fuji film, usually Velvia or RAP, I stayed with it for the Aurora although Kodak film was acceptable in quality and results. I felt that the Fuji film handled the reds and greens better anyway and these are in practice the primary colours of Aurora displays when oxygen is excited by the incoming electrons and because of this I stopped using medium format stock almost straight away. This photo has no great technical merit as far as an Aurora record goes except as an example of the 645 format, Agfa film and appears to be the only record I had of this second observed display on the 21st October – I have a note that I missed a display on the 20th. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, British, North, Northern, East, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Banchory, Feughside, Esslie, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Bronze, Age, Clachnaben, Aurora, Borealis, Arc, Rays, Northern, Lights, Merry Dancers, landscape, photos, photographs, sunspots, solar, flares, CME, electrons, photons, storms, energy, sun, stars, oxygen, gas, Van, Allen, belt, ionosphere, flares, space, molecules, magnetic, disturbance, magnetometers, belts, radiation, purple, red, green, yellow, pink, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, colours, colors, moon, whirls, celestial, clouds, nature, dark, nights, night-time, forest, 1989, October, medium, format, slide, transparency, film, Agfa, 1000 RS, 645mm, time, exposure, Bronica, ETRS, wide, angle, lens, Zenzanon, 40mm, f4, scanned, scan, earliest, first, captured

Egypt (open collection)

A selection of galleries with photos of the following main areas: Abu Simbel; Abu Rawash Pyramid; Abu Ghurab Sun Temple; Amarna; Aswan; Alexandria; Abusir (Saqqara); Abydos; Beni Hasan Rock Tombs; Cairo City & Egyptian Museum with interiors and selected Tutankhamun Exhibits ; Colossi of Memnon – who hasn’t; Cruising on the River Nile and Lake Nasser; Dashur; Dendara; Deir el Medina & Ptolemaic Temple; Dime Elsebaa; El Ashmunein; El Lisht; El Sagha; Esna & Edfu Temples; Giza - Pyramids and the Sphinx, inside Great Pyramid and Tombs of Royalty; Hatshepsut Temple; Hawara Pyramid; Heliopolis; Lake Nasser sites; Karnak & Luxor Temples; Karanis or Kom Ushim; Kom Ombo Temple; Luxor City & Nile Views; Medinet Habu Temple; Merneptah Temple and Museum; Meydum Pyramid; Minya; Nubian Museum in Aswan; Nubian Village on Seheil; Philae (Temple of Isis) Island; Ramasseum; Ramses Small Temple at Abydos; Saqqara & Memphis; Seheil Island Rock Carvings; Seti 1 Temple; Tanis; Tell Basta; Tuna el-Gabal; Various Temple & Tomb Interiors; Valleys of Kings & Queens and Tombs of the Nobles; Zawiyet e-Aryan Pyramid.

Egypt > Abu Simbel (115 files)

Photographs of the Great Temple of Ramses 11 at Abu Simbel and those of his wife's temple of Nefertari with some interior images as well.
Abu Simbel Stele EG051370JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Stone Carving Temple Entrance Walk Photograph, saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051369JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Carved Faint Walk Entering Egyptian Ancient Monument, saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051368JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Painted White Hieroglyphs Offering Scene Entrance saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051367JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Carved Stone Horus Gods walk entering site, saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051366JHP 
 Abu Simbel Egypt Stele Exhibit Amun Offering Pharaoh Walk Entrance saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051365JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Painted Relief Hieroglyphs Pharaoh Gods Seated, saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, painted, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051364JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Rock Frieze Hieroglyphics Entrance Walk Photo, saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG051363JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele Exhibit Carved Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses Smiting Enemy, saved from various sites, some lost to Lake Nasser, and now set into Great Temple artificial hill which houses the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. Now the temple has been reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, stele, saved, exhibits, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, Gods, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, manmade, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple Horus EG051375JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple huge rock carved statues Ramses Horus God behind the protection of the falcon God at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Horus, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple Horus EG051374JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ancient Egyptian Great Temple rock carved seated front statues Ramses 11 behind the protection of the falcon God Horus at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Horus, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple Hall EG051389JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple entrance doorway rock cut Hall Osiride Ramses figures at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. This is as near as it is possible to photograph these days and an lighting exercise of some challenge to the cameras of 2005. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, entrance, door, hall, Osiride, statues, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Nine Bows EG051385JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple carvings Nine Bows enemies Egypt bound Asiatics Nubians at the base of one of the huge rock carved seated statues of Ramses 11 at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, NIne, Bows, prisoners, enemies, bound, Asiatics, Nubians, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Nine Bows EG051383JHP 
 Abu Simbel Egyptian Temple Nine Bows bound Nubians Asiatics enemies Egypt at the base of one of the huge rock carved seated statues of Ramses 11 at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, NIne, Bows, prisoners, enemies, bound, Asiatics, Nubians, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Nine Bows EG051382JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ramses Temple carvings Nine Bows enemies Egypt bound Asiatics and Nubians at the base of one of the huge rock carved seated statues of Ramses 11 at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, NIne, Bows, prisoners, enemies, bound, Asiatics, Nubians, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Great Temple EG051376JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple huge rock carved statues Ramses wife daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Horus, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Vista EG051450JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ancient Egyptian Great Small Temple Vista front empty with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and the temple of Hathor built for his wife Queen Nefertari viewed from near the resthouse at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, Hathor, pharaoh, Queen, Nefertari, seated, area, resthouse, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Vista EG051449JHP 
 Abu Simbel Southern Egypt Great Small Temples Panorama no people with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and the smaller Temple of Hathor at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, tree
Abu Simbel Vista EG051446JHP 
 Abu Simbel Photo Great Small Temples front empty tree framed with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, small, Hathor Temple, landscape, vista, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Nefertari, temples, pharaoh, queen, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Vista EG051444JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple huge rock carved statues Egyptian Ramses seated with and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, Hathor, temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, pharaoh, queen, Nefertari, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, vista, framed, tree
Abu Simbel Vista EG051442JHP 
 Abu Simbel Small Temple Hathor Nefertari foreground vista front view with is huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 viewed from Hathor Temple built for his wife Queen Nefertari at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, Hathor, Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Nefertari, temples, pharaoh, queen, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple EG051425JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ancient Egyptian Great Temple low angle photograph similar original level River Nile but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, low, angle, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple EG051424JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple original River Nile level photograph rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, low, level, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple EG051423JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple rock carved statues Ramses wife daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Stelae EG051361JHP 
 Abu Simbel Stele carved relief smiting enemies warrior King exhibit entering site walk Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, exhibit, stele, stelae, pharaoh, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Statues EG051398JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Ramses head face beards carved stone from two of the four huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11, these are the right hand ones facing the temple, at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, heads, faces, righthand, side, graffiti, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Royalty EG051429JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ancient Egypt RamsesTemple seated statues legs knees wife daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, queen, Nefertari, son, Ramessesu, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Ramasses EG051436JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple head torso crown rock carved statues Ramses and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, telephoto, crop, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Ramasses EG051435JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Egyptian Temple rock carved seated statues Ramses photo at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, telephoto
Abu Simbel Ramasses EG051432JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple landscape telephoto photo huge rock carved statues Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, telephoto, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Princesses EG051390JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple rock carved statues Ramses wife daughters closeup at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Queen, Nefertari, daughter, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Plaque EG051430JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Information Board Unesco Rescue information on artificial mountain housing the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, plaque, Nasser, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Nefertari EG051406JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Ramses Queen Nefertari Statue Crown standing side King at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Queen, Nefertari, figure, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Hathor Temple EG051443JHP 
 Abu Simbel Hathor Ancient Egyptian Small Temple Queen Nefertari tree framed near the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wife, Queen, Nefertari, Hathor, temple, small, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, trees
Abu Simbel Graffiti EG051426JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple graffiti torso carved stone Ramses Carved onto the huge rock seated statues of Ramses 11 with his graffiti covered torso at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, torso, graffiti, names, dates, carvings, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Graffiti EG051409JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Graffiti Name Carved date early visitor then commonly done on huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 here with dated names carved on areas not buried at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, graffiti, names, dates, Fachineli, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Graffiti EG051408JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple sapper Wheal military engineer carved name dated grafitti with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 with dated names carved on the legs at what was once a River Nile site buried deep in sand but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, graffiti, names, dates, Sapper, Wheal, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Graffiti EG051395JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Graffiti Name Black dated carved legs huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, graffiti, names, date, Black, legs, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Graffiti EG051394JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Graffiti Carved names dates legs 19th century visitors on the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 not buried under sand at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, graffiti, names, dates, Marriott, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, leg, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Graffiti EG051393JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Graffiti Photo Lecaros name dates rock carved statues of Ramses 11 at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, graffiti, Lecaros, names, dates, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Face EG051410JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple huge rock carved statue face closeup Ramses 11 at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, face, nose, eyes, mouth, beard, closeup, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Face EG051400JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Egyptian Temple rock carved face beard clsoeup photo Ramses at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, closeup, bread, face, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Entrance EG051387JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple rock carved statue base symbolic marriage union Egypt Ramses 11 with this Union of the Two Egypts reliefs on the passage side at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, side, relief, union, upper, lower, plants, entwined, NIne Bows, enemies, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Entrance EG051381JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Egypt entrance prisoners bound carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, queen, wife, Nefertari, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Chapel EG051371JHP 
 Abu Simbel Small Chapel carvings alongside Great Egyptian Temple Lake Nasserwith its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, chapel, Thoth, carved, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Resthouse Oleander EG02092JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office gardens oleander white flowers flora palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Resthouse Oleander EG02086JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office Egypt gardens white oleander flowers bark palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, orange, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Resthouse Oleander EG02081JHP 
 Abu Simbel Temple Ticket office gardens pink oleander flora palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, landscape, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02093JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office garden white oleander yellow flower grass and palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, landscape, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, yellow, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02091JHP 
 Abu Simbel Egyptian Ticket office white oleander flowers petals closeup garden park area and palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, landscape, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, white, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02090JHP 
 Abu Simbel Egypt Ticket office oleander white pink flora palm trees in garden and is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02089JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office Lake Nasser garden oleander palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, landscape, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, beach, sand, water, blue, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02087JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office park oleander flowering palm trees Egypt is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02085JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office Egyptian pink flowers petals colourful oleander and palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02084JHP 
 Abu Simbel Temple Egypt Ticket office gardens flowering pink oleander and palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02083JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office pink white oleander flowers close palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, landscape, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Oleander EG02082JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ticket office gardens oleander flowers flora park palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, upright, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Arrival Area EG02094JHP 
 Abu Simbel TempleTicket office entrance covered patio gardens shops with oleander and palm trees is the new and pleasant starting place for the walk to the Great Temple with its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site. It was reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and is now housed in an artificial hill visible in the disance and high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and situated on its shores. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, arrival, ticket, office, shops, gardens, refreshments, landscape, oleander, flowers, petals, leaves, grass, pink, white, palm, trees, shore, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Walk Back EG02079JHP 
 Abu Simbel Egypt Lake Nasser walk path sand tourists walking just before they will see its huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser and reached by a sandy walk from the ticket office. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, path, sandy, walk, steep
Abu Simbel Temple Entrance EG02075JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Re-Harakhte statue door entrance Egyptian Pharaoh wife with huge rock carved statue of Ramses 11 and his wife looking up above the main door to the statue of Re-Harakhte at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960's and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, door, niche, Re-Harakhte, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Temple Entrance EG02074JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Re-Harakhte statue above door lintel Egypt with huge rock carved statue of Ramses 11 and his wife looking up above the main doort to the statue of Re-Harakhte at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, entrance, door, niche, Re-Harakhte, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Stele EG02080JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple stele exhibit Egyptian historic site Lake Nasser on the walk to the huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, Great Temple, exhibits, stele, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Fallen Ramses EG02078JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple huge rock carved fallen statue facedown Ramasses 11 as was prior to what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, fallen, earthquake, frost, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Fallen Ramses EG02077JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple carved fallen statue face Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses 11 with his wife and daughters as was prior to what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Fallen Ramses EG02076JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple carved collapsed statue torso face history Ramesses 11 and his wife and daughters as was the way it appeared prior to what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, collapsed, fallen, earthquake, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02073JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior wall paintings carvings reliefs chariot war in the hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariots, bow, smiting, Kadesh
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02072JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior carving Ramasses chariot bow arrow lining the hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, interior, digital, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow, horses
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02071JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior wall relief Pharaoh chariot war scene in the hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, entrance, hall, interior, digital, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow, horses
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02070JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior seated Ramesses prisoners wall relief in hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, offering
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02069JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior war scene battle fighting chariot in the hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, interior, digital, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow, horses
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02055JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior Egyptian offering scene unfinished wall drawing in the hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, interior, digital, Pharaoh, offering, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, relief, Horus
Abu Simbel Wall Relief EG02054JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior frieze drawing figures offering Gods in the hall with Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, figures, deity, Gods, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, relief, offering, wine
Abu Simbel Hall EG02068JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior Hall entrance Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, Osiride, statues, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow
Abu Simbel Hall EG02066JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Egypt interior entrance hall Osiride Statues Ramses 11 in Nubian style and with extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, Osiride, statues, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow
Abu Simbel Hall EG02065JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior inside entrance hall Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, Osiride, statues, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow
Abu Simbel Hall EG02064JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ancient Egyptian Great Temple interior columns hallway depicting Ramses 11 and Amun in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, columns, interior, digital, Amun, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow
Abu Simbel Hall EG02059JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Hall interior Nubian style Osiride Statues wall reliefs celebrating Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, entrance, hall, tourist, interior, digital, Osiride, statues, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow
Abu Simbel Hall EG02058JHP 
 Abu Simbel Egypt Great Temple interior Hall scene carved figures Nubian style Osiride Statues of Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall and extensive wall reliefs but not of the best quality in terms of detail and style. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt although these were taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable and very strong tungsten lighting was used on the internal white plastered walls giving a colour caste beyond the camera at the time to balance. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, entrance, hall, interior, digital, Osiride, statues, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, wall, reliefs, warrior, battle, scenes, prisoners, chariot, bow
Abu Simbel Great Temple EG02047JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple huge rock carved statues seated Ramasses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, mud, brick, enclosure, wall
Small Temple Interior EG02044JHP 
 Small Temple Nerfertari Abu Simbel interior wall paintings reliefs Egypt built by Ramses 11 for his wife Queen Nefertari slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, interior, wall, painting, reliefs, Hathor, columns, face, sanctuary, landscape, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, Amun-Re, eroded, history, Egyptology, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Simbel Statue EG02036JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple carved statues Pharaoh wife daughters relocated at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, Osiris, figure, statue, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Simbel Statue EG02029JHP 
 Abu Simbel Ancient Egyptian Great Temple rock carved seated statues Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, statue, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Simbel Statue EG02028JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple rock carved statues Ramasses wife daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, statue, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Simbel Statue EG02027JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Horus falcon God figure ancient Egyptian with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, Horus, figure, statue, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Simbel Prisoners EG02032JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Egypt huge rock carved statues Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Simbel Prisoners EG02031JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple prisoners relief carvings main entrance doorway with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, prisoners, relief, door, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Ramses Abu Simbel EG02025JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Horus falcon God figure rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, Horus, figure, rock, statues, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Queen Nefertari Temple EG02039JHP 
 Small Temple Abu Simbel built Pharaoh Ramesses Queen Nefertari exterior slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, exterior, reliefs, landscape, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, eroded, history, Egyptology, hieroglyphs
Nefertari Temple Statue EG02042JHP 
 Small Temple Abu Simbel Nefertari Egyptian Queen interior carvings Ramses 11 for his wife slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, interior, wall, painting, reliefs, Hathor, columns, face, sanctuary, upright, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, Amun-Re, eroded, history, Egyptology, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Nefertari Temple Painting EG02041JHP 
 Small Temple Abu Simbel Interiors Hathor Ramses wife Queen Nefertari slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, interior, wall, painting, reliefs, Hathor, columns, face, sanctuary, upright, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, Amun-Re, eroded, history, Egyptology, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Nefertari Temple Hathor Column EG02045JHP 
 Small Temple Abu Simbel wife Queen Nefertari Hathor pillars inside built by Ramses 11 slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, interior, wall, painting, reliefs, Hathor, columns, face, sanctuary, landscape, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, Amun-Re, eroded, history, Egyptology, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Nefertari Temple Hathor Column EG02043JHP 
 Small Temple Abu Simbel Interior colours wife Queen Nefertari Ramasses slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, interior, wall, painting, reliefs, Hathor, columns, face, sanctuary, landscape, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, Amun-Re, eroded, history, Egyptology, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Great Temple Abu Simbel EG02038JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple mudbrick enclosure wall view carved statues with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, statues, enclosure, wall, mudbrick, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Great Temple Abu Simbel EG02034JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Egypt huge rock carved seated statues Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, stele, statues, colossi, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Great Temple Abu Simbel EG02030JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple low view rock carved statues Pharaoh Ramasses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, statues, colossi, carved, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Great Temple Abu Simbel EG02023JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple Rock carved relocated approach Ancient Egyptian first view on walking onto site with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, first, view, rock, carved, huge, statues, colossi, Great Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple EG02037JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple carved statues Pharaoh wife daughters Horus at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, statues, huge, Great Temple, landscape, Osiris, Horus, figure, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple EG02024JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple first view approach Ramasses Egyptian Pharaoh on walking onto site with huge rock carved statues of Ramses 11 and his wife and daughters at what was once a River Nile site but now reconstructed in a mammoth UNESCO rescue project in the 1960’s and housed in an artificial hill high enough to save it from the total flooding with the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, first, view, statues, rock, carved, huge, Great Temple, upright, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, cliff, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Small Temple EG02040JHP 
 Small Temple Abu Simbel Ramses wife Queen Nefertari Egyptian statue slightly away from his own Great Temple is a small but equally beautiful treat with some colourful and well preserved wall reliefs and Hathor faced columns. Photography is no longer allowed although where taken when it was permitted but tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light the best quality is not always achievable. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temples, Queen Nefertari, small, temple, rock, carved, exterior, reliefs, upright, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, statue, Amun-Re, eroded, history, Egyptology
Abu Simbel Aerial EG02020JHP 
 Abu Simbel Temple Aerial view aeroplane cruiseboat berth Nasser Egypt on landing over Lake Nasser offers a fleeting view of the Great Temples from the port side windows with cruiseboats at anchor near this huge man made site constructed in the 1960's to re-house and save Ramses 11 huge rock cut monuments from certain flooding following the building of the Great Dam near Aswan. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, Temple, aerial, landing, portside, flying, aircraft, water, berthed, rock, carved, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, history, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, cruiseboats, berthed, desert
Abu Simbel Aerial EG02019JHP 
 Abu Simbel Aerial view Egypt Temple high Lake Nasser panorama on landing approach over Lake Nasser offers a fleeting view of the Great Temples from the port side windows with cruiseboats at anchor near this huge man made site constructed in the 1960's to re-house and save Ramses 11 huge rock cut monuments from certain flooding following the building of the Great Dam near Aswan. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, Temple, aerial, landing, portside, flying, aircraft, water, berthed, rock, carved, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, history, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, cruiseboats, berthed, desert
Abu Simbel from Lake EG051518JHP 
 Great Temple Ramses 11 Abu Simbel Lake Nasser view cruiseboat giving a sense of how it might have looked when it originally was on the banks of the River Nile. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, water level, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, desecration, damage, mountain, cliff, shattered, fallen, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple Statues EG02BE37JHP 
 Great Egyptian Temple Ramses Abu Simbel Horus God statues cut into a cliff face on the banks of the River Nile although now by the shores of Lake Nasser viewed from the extreme right hand side from the base of the huge seated pharaoh figures. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, base, low, upwards, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen Nefertari, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, Burckhardt, Belzoni, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, Kuoni, cruise, cruiseboat, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple Statues EG02BE36JHP 
 Great Temple Ramses 11 seated statues Abu Simbel Lake Nasser ancient Egypt looking up to where his huge seated statues on the right hand side of the rock cut creation dominate the shores of Lake Nasser 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen Nefertari, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, Burckhardt, Belzoni, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, Kuoni, cruise, cruiseboat, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple Ramses EG02BE28JHP 
 Huge Pharaoh Ramesses Great Temple Abu Simbel Egypt looking upwards overlooking the shores of the modern Lake Nasser viewed from the left hand side at the statue's base. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen Nefertari, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, Burckhardt, Belzoni, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, Kuoni, cruise, cruiseboat, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple Interior EG02BE53JHP 
 Abu Simbel Great Temple interior Nubian style Osiride Statues Ramses 11 in the entrance Hall. A photograph like this is no longer possible as there is a total ban in all such tombs in Egypt. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, entrance, hall, tourists, interior, digital, Osiride, statues, figures, deity, Godlike, Pharaoh, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Temple Gods EG02BE60JHP 
 Gods Ptah Amun-Re deified Ramses Re-Harakhte Abu Simbel interior photo in inner sanctuary of Great Temple at Abu Simbel where photography is no longer allowed. Slightly soft as tripods were not allowed and in the very poor light had to be perched on guard rail. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, interior, sanctuary, landscape, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, seated, history, Egyptology, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Light Show EG051486JHP 
 Great Temple Abu Simbel Light Show red colours projection colours with his seated statues lit up during the nightly light and sound show with his charioted figure illustrating the Victory of sorts at famous Battle of Kadesh 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, Great Temple, landscape, digital, light, sound, show, night, dark, stars, floodlights, floodlit, spectacular, moving, music, imagery, colourful, Ramses, warrior, battle, Kadesh, chariot, pharaoh, red, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Great Temple EG02BE51JHP 
 Great Egyptian Temple Ramesses Abu Simbel Lake Nasser Egypt low view viewed from approximately where the River Nile would have flowed before its rescue in the creation of Lake Nasser. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, upright, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, desecration, damage, mountain, cliff, shattered, fallen, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel Great Temple EG02BE50JHP 
 Great Temple Ramasses Abu Simbel Egypt low level viewpoint front viewed from approximately where the River Nile would have flowed before its rescue in the creation of Lake Nasser 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Lake Nasser, River Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great Temple, landscape, low level, viewpoint, digital, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, desecration, damage, mountain, cliff, shattered, fallen, colourful, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel at Night EG051504JHP 
 Great Temple Ramses Abu Simbel seated statues left hand night lit up for the walk back to the entrance after the nightly light and sound show 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, upright, light, sound, show, night, dark, stars, floodlights, floodlit, spectacular, moving, music, imagery, colourful, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen, Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, desecration, damage, colorful, colours, colors
Abu Simbel at Night EG051502JHP 
 Great Temple Abu Simbel seated statues Egyptian light show night lit up for the walk back to the entrance after the nightly light and sound show and taken as you depart the site to the left. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, light, sound, show, night, dark, stars, floodlights, floodlit, spectacular, moving, music, imagery, colourful, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen, Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, shattered, fallen
Abu Simbel at Night EG051499JHP 
 Great Egyptian Temple Ramesses 11 Abu Simbel seated statues night lit up for the walk back to the entrance after the nightly light and sound show and taken looking towards the left hand side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, light, sound, show, night, dark, stars, floodlights, floodlit, spectacular, moving, music, imagery, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen, Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, Burckhardt, Belzoni, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, graffiti, names, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, desecration, damage, shattered, fallen
Abu Simbel at Night EG051496JHP 
 Great Temple Ramses 11 Abu Simbel Egypt Lake Nasser light show with his seated statues lit up for the walk back to the entrance after the nightly light and sound show and looking at the intact pair on the right hand side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, upright, light, sound, show, night, dark, stars, floodlights, floodlit, spectacular, moving, music, imagery, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen, Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, Burckhardt, Belzoni, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, graffiti, names, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, desecration, damage, shattered, fallen
Abu Simbel at Night EG051495JHP 
 Egyptian Temple Ramasses Abu Simbel seated statues night light show lit up for the walk back to the entrance after the nightly light and sound show and viewed from the right hand side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, light, sound, show, night, dark, stars, floodlights, floodlit, spectacular, moving, music, imagery, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen, Nefertari, Re-Harakhte, religion, Gods, Ptah, Amun-Re, deified, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, Burckhardt, Belzoni, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, graffiti, names, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, desecration, damage
Abu Simbel & Crowds EG051515JHP 
 Great Temple Ramses Abu Simbel Lake Nasser Cruiseboat Egypt people view giving a sense of how it might have looked when it originally was on the banks of the River Nile, minus the crowds. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, telephoto, crowds, spectacular, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, Queen, Harakhte, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, sailing, desert, rocks

Egypt > Abydos & Dendara (4 files)

Images of two important sites north of Luxor near the River Nile but usually visted as an extra tour either by road or a day cruise.
Dendara Museum Exhibit eg075503jhp 
 Dendara Temple entrance open air museum torso pharoah ancient Egyptian, is located north of Luxor survives as one of the finest examples of the Late Period and the main buildings visited today date from fourth century BC in to the Roman period. It has a notable rare representation of the famous Cleopatra, some beautiful carvings and is relatively unscathed by the ravages of time, desecration and being dismantled for building materials. The photo is by the main entrance North Propylon gate alonside which is a small open air museum of various artefacts found on site including this carving of the pharoah do which the torso half lies alongside showing the great carving skills of the craftsmen in sandstone. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Dendara, Dendera, Temple, entrance, landscape, open, air, museum, exhibit, carving, skilled, sandstone, pharoah, necklace, headdress, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, gateway, gate, inside, mudbrick, enclosure, wall
Dendara Museum Exhibit eg075502jhp 
 Dendara Temple entrance open air museum torso pharoah ancient Egyptian, is located north of Luxor survives as one of the finest examples of the Late Period and the main buildings visited today date from fourth century BC in to the Roman period. It has a notable rare representation of the famous Cleopatra, some beautiful carvings and is relatively unscathed by the ravages of time, desecration and being dismantled for building materials. The photo is by the main entrance North Propylon gate alonside which is a small open air museum of various artefacts found on site including this carving of the pharoah do which the top half lies alongside showing the great carving skills of the craftsmen in sandstone. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Dendara, Dendera, Temple, entrance, upright, open, air, museum, exhibit, Corinthian, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Bes, statue, God, gateway, gate, inside, mudbrick, enclosure, wall
Abydos Ramesses 11 Temple Gate 5433EG07JHP 
 Small Egypt Temple Abydos Ramesses Cartouche Granite Gate above is a 10 minute walk to the NW of the main Sety 1 Temple at Abydos and although much smaller and completely uncovered, it is worth the walk and effort to see it for there are many high quality colorful painted reliefs which are easily accessible and a joy to behold. Probably covered as late as the Napoleonic exploration means the sun and exposure to the elements has not had long enough to destroy the colours completely something that will eventually happen. In this photograph is one of the grey granite gates that is still standing with a beautifully carved cartouche to the Great Pharaoh. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Abydos, Ramses, Ramesses, temple, mortuary, limestone, gray, granite, sandstone, painted, bas reliefs, hieroglyphs, cartouche, entrance, portico, pylon, octostyle, square, pillars, hall, chapels, court, upright, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Gods, Sety 1, sunlight, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, exposed, roofless, natural, light, conserved, mineral
Abydos Hall of Ancestors 5370EG07JHP 
 Abydos Interior Ramses Son wall reliefs Hall Ancestors Corridor Bulls with Ramses and his son in action lassooing a great bull enroute to the Osireion 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Abydos, Osireion, Seti, Sethos, Sety, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, hieroglyphs, hall, ancestors, bull, door, king-lists, corridor, approach, Abedju, al-Madfunah, al-Ballyana, digital, landscape, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, prehistory, prehistoric, dynastic, God, necropolis, cult, Khentiamentiu, Osiris, Isis

Egypt > Aswan Nubian Museum (1 file)

Aswan Nubian Museum Ramses 11 EG052954JHP 
 Aswan Egyptian Nubian Museum Statue of Ramses 11 from Garf Hussein temple colonnade built in the 19th Dynasty by Setau Viceroy of Kush in sandstone. En Exhibit inside a modern air-conditioned building whose foundations were laid in 1986, opened in 1997 and organised through UNESCO. Very low artificial light makes general photography difficult as well as affecting accurate colour balance. This now appears to be the only museum in Egypt where photography is still allowed although it is not easy as the ambient lighting is extremely subdued for conservation reasons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Aswan, Nubian, Nubia, Museum, exhibit, statue, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, great, Osiride, sandstone, Setau, Viceroy, Kush, inside, interior, ancient, upright

Egypt > Edfu Temple (1 file)

Photos in this gallery are of Edfu Temple, one of the best preserved in Egypt, and usually the first first visit after leaving Luxor ona Nile Cruise.
Edfu Pylon Scale EG052247JHP 
 Ancient Egyptian Edfu Temple Ptolemaic Pylon Visitors Entering Scale Photograph viewed from the south with visitors giving a great sense of the scale of this facade of this ancient monument located by the River Nile and is one of the main visits for most Luxor to Aswan cruise packages. One of the best preserved temples in Egypt this one is dedicated to the falcon God Horus and his granite likeness is probably one of the most photographed relicts in Egypt. Originally erected by Senwosret 1 it is mainly supplanted by the current Ptolemaic creation dating from 237BC, this particular part being started 116-71BC along with the present pylon. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Edfu Temple, West Bank, River Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, landscape, temple, preserved, Horus, pylon, south, scale, people, visitors, carvings, hieroglyphs, colonnade, column, Ptolemy, Ptolemaic

Egypt > Giza Pyramids & Sphinx (152 files)

Photographs of the three Giza pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the Sphinx, temples, Solar Barque museum and western cemetery mastabas, including the Light and Sound Show night views.
The Sphinx EG951094jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Great Pyramid face carved limestone blue sky clouds this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, 1995, 645, slide, film, transparency, Bronica, ERTSi, 70mm, lens
Giza Pyramids EG951251jhp 
 Giza Pyramids Southern aspect sand desert three Cairo Egypt blue sky sunny in the distance and tkane from the main coach stop and photo call from the hundred’s of thousands of tourists who came every year to see these wonders of the ancient world. Left to right there is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Turah limestone capped Khafre Pyramid and to the right the smaller of the three, that of Menkaure. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, Mycerinus, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, capped, desert, sand, 1995, scanned, scan, 645, slide, film, transparency, Bronica, ETRSi
Giza Erosion EG024131jhp 
 Giza Egypt Great Pyramid rock-cut tomb Ra-wer limestone pillars erosion, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, Great, Pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, tomb, Ra-wer, eroded, pillars, columns, entrance, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand
Giza Erosion EG024130jhp 
 Gizah Egyptian Khufu Pyramid rock-cut tomb Ra-wer limestone columns eroded, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, Great, Pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, tomb, Ra-wer, eroded, pillars, columns, entrance, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand
Giza Khafre Pyramid EG024113jhp 
 Khafre Khufu Pyramids Egypt Giza tombs limestone desert sand foreground, the second largest of the Gizah site monuments and constructed between 2558-2532BC during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre [Greek name Chephren], one of Khufu’s sons and is responsible during a reign of around 25 years for the magnificent Funerary complex which is held to include The Sphinx. Although his Mortuary Temple is almost nothing but a foundation, his Valley Temple is a fantastic example of the skills of the early Egyptian craftsman with huge accurately cut pillars of granite which was the house after his death for numerous statues including the famous diorite one now in the Cairo Museum. This view is of the southern face showing the mainly uncovered structure although remains of the outer casing of Tura Limestone can still be seen near the top and in the distance on the right the Great Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, Great, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, south, face, blue, sky, desert, sand, foreground, low, view
Giza Khafre Pyramid EG024112jhp 
 Khafre Khufu Pyramid ancient Egyptian tombs limestone desert sand foreground, the second largest of the Gizah site monuments and constructed between 2558-2532BC during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre [Greek name Chephren], one of Khufu’s sons and is responsible during a reign of around 25 years for the magnificent Funerary complex which is held to include The Sphinx. Although his Mortuary Temple is almost nothing but a foundation, his Valley Temple is a fantastic example of the skills of the early Egyptian craftsman with huge accurately cut pillars of granite which was the house after his death for numerous statues including the famous diorite one now in the Cairo Museum. This view is of the southern face showing the mainly uncovered structure although remains of the outer casing of Tura Limestone can still be seen near the top and in the distance on the right the Great Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, Great, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, south, face, blue, sky, desert, sand, foreground, low, view
Giza Menkaure Pyramid EG024111jhp 
 Menkaure Mycerinus Pyramid Egyptian tomb limestone blocks entrance camel tourist, the smaller of the Gizah site monuments and built during his reign of 28 years from 2531-2504 and it is about half the size of the Great Pyramid, possibly because of a much more relaxed rule than his predecessors who exacted a high price on the society building their huge monuments. Alongside his pyramid are three smaller ones for his Queens, the larger for his chief queen, Khamerernebty 11. This is the North face of the pyramid with the entrance and the huge gash left by earlier more brutal attempts of accessing the burial chamber. Modern access is through the entrance in the course of unfinished granite blocks showing above the mound of soil. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, burial, tombs, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Queens, satellites, subsidiary, pyramids, Khamerernebty, chief, Queen, limestone, granite, casing, incomplete, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, entrance, north, face came, tourist, riding
Giza Menkaure Pyramid EG024101jhp 
 Menkaure Mycerinus Pyramid ancient Egyptian tomb smaller Queens pyramids, the smaller of the Gizah site monuments and built during his reign of 28 years from 2531-2504 and it is about half the size of the Great Pyramid, possibly because of a much more relaxed rule than his predecessors who exacted a high price on the society building their huge monuments. Alongside his pyramid are three smaller ones for his Queens, the larger for his chief queen, Khamerernebty 11. This photo is from near the popular southern viewpoint coach park which offers a view of all three pyramids with the distant backdrop of Giza and Cairo. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, burial, tombs, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Queens, satellites, subsidiary, pyramids, Khamerernebty, chief, Queen, limestone, granite, casing, incomplete, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand
Giza Menkaure Causeway EG024116jhp 
 Menkaure Mycerinus Pyramid Egypt tomb causeway Gizah desert erosion Cairo the smaller of the Gizah site monuments and built during his reign of 28 years from 2531-2504 and it is about half the size of the Great Pyramid, possibly because of a much more relaxed rule than his predecessors who exacted a high price on the society building their huge monuments. Alongside his pyramid are three smaller ones for his Queens, the larger for his chief queen, Khamerernebty 11. The cuaseway runs eastwards from the Pyramid and its Mortuary Temple through the desert sand to the valley below. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, royalty, burial, tombs, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Mortuary, valley, temple, causeway, limestone, eroded, erosion, sand, desert, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history
Giza Menkaure Causeway EG024115jhp 
 Menkaure Mycerinus Pyramid ancient Egyptian tomb causeway Giza desert Cairo the smaller of the Gizah site monuments and built during his reign of 28 years from 2531-2504 and it is about half the size of the Great Pyramid, possibly because of a much more relaxed rule than his predecessors who exacted a high price on the society building their huge monuments. Alongside his pyramid are three smaller ones for his Queens, the larger for his chief queen, Khamerernebty 11. The cuaseway runs eastwards from the Pyramid and its Mortuary Temple through the desert sand to the valley below. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, burial, tombs, Menkaure, Mycerinus, causeway, eroded, sand, desert, valley, limestone, granite, casing, incomplete, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand
Giza Khufu Pyramid EG024142jhp 
 Khufu Cheops Great Pyramid Egypt Giza Boat Barque Museum limestone blocks, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
Photos is taken near the Funerary Temple of Khafre on the southern face of the Great Pyramid, a small figure walks just under the Solar barque or Boat Museum building on the left - the figure if transported to the top of the pyramid would probably not be visible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, southern, south, aspect, side, boat, musueum, solar, barque, figure, walking, man, scale
Giza Khufu Pyramid EG024141jhp 
 Khufu Great Pyramid ancient Egyptian monument tomb limestone blocks south side, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. Taken here from near Khafre's Funerary temple on the south side of the pyramid. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, souther, aspect
Giza Khufu Pyramid EG024140jhp 
 Khufu Great Pyramid ancient Egypt Giza tomb limestone blocks southern aspect, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. Taken here from near Khafre's Funerary temple on the south side of the pyramid. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, souther, aspect
Giza Sphinx Stele EG051036jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid Paws Stele closeup telephoto this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. Here the famous 'Dream' Stele is taken using a 300 mm telephoto from the road to the Great Pyramid and as close as one can get without going into the enclosure. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, stele, closeup, telephoto, lion, paws, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx Stele EG051013jhp 
 Gizah Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Chephren Paws Stele closeup telephoto this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. Here the famous 'Dream' Stele is taken using a 300 mm telephoto from the road to the Great Pyramid and as close as one can get without going into the enclosure. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, stele, Dream, closeup, telephoto, upright, lion, paws, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx Head EG051005jhp 
 Gizah Egyptian Sphinx head face eyes nose mouth nemes painted colours closeup this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face taken from the Sphinx Temple faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, head, face, eyes, nose, mouth, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, painted, colour, red, forehead
Giza Sphinx Head EG051004jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx head eyes nose mouth nemes ear painted colour this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face taken from the Sphinx Temple faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, upright, lion, head, face, eyes, nose, mouth, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, painted, colour, red, forehead
Giza Sphinx Head EG050998jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx head face eyes nose mouth nemes painted colours this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, head, face, eyes, nose, ear, mouth, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, painted, colour, red, forehead, concrete, repair, strengthen, addition
Giza Sphinx Face EG050996jhp 
 Giza ancient Egyptian Sphinx head face nemes headdress eyes ears nose mouth this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete
Giza Sphinx Face EG050994jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx face eyes nose mouth nemes painted colours closeup this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, mouth, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, painted, colour, red, forehead
Giza Sphinx Detail EG050997jhp 
 Gizah Egypt Sphinx ear concrete repair nemes limestone erosion closeup telephoto this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, face, ear, closeup, detail, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, painted, colour, red, forehead
Giza Sphinx EG051040jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Chephren faceon head face blue sky Paws Stele this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, stele, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx EG051034jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid Paws Stele police camel this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, stele, lion, police, camel, tourists, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx EG051031jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Chephren Pyramid Paws Stele Temple walls tourists this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, stele, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx EG051020jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Chephren Paws Stele sideon limestone blocks this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, stele, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx EG051019jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx head face Khafre Chephren Paws Stele side desert this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, stele, side, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx EG051016jhp 
 Gizah Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Chephren Paws Stele Face Torso head this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, stele, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx EG051011jhp 
 Gizah Egypt Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid Paws Stele face head this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, stele, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Coach Park EG050982jhp 
 Cairo Giza Egypt coach park taxis city scape crowds desert hot haze located between the Great Pyramid and Khafre with the Funerary Temple of Khafreon the right and the cuaseway drops off to the left to the Sphinx which lies below the main coach park. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Western, cemetery, pyramids, Khafre, Chephren, Funerary, temple, coaches, taxis, coach, park, carpark, crowds, tourists, crowds, ciuty, slyline, buildings, erosion, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050984jhp 
 Ancient Egyptian Giza Western cemetery tombs mastabas limestone warren located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050981jhp 
 Gizah Egypt Western cemetery eroded limestone Great Pyramid focus located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock in this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. On the right is the Solar Boat Museum. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, great, pyramid, cheops, khufu, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand, solar, boat, museum, house
Giza Cemetery EG050980jhp 
 Gizah Egypt Western cemetery eroded limestone closeup blocks Pyramid located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock in this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050978jhp 
 Giza Western cemetery eroded limestone closeup Egyptian Great Pyramid Khufu located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock in this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050976jhp 
 Giza Western cemetery eroded limestone close Great Pyramid located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock in this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Eroded Limestone Block EG050983jhp 
 Gizah Egyptian Western cemetery limestone block erosion wind weathered located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, weathered, water, wind, windblown, holes, limestone, desert, sand
Eroded Limestone Block EG050975jhp 
 Giza Egypt Western cemetery limestone blocks eroded wind weathered located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, weathered, water, wind, windblown, holes, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050974jhp 
 Ancient Giza Egypt cemetery mastaba Great Pyramid limestone boulder eroded located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, Great, pyramid, upright, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050973jhp 
 Ancient Giza Egypt Western cemetery Great Pyramid limestone block erosion located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre with the Solar Boat Museum on the extreme right is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050972jhp 
 Ancient Egyptian Giza Great Pyramid Boat Museum tombs eroded rock mastaba located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Great, Pyramid, Boat, Solar, Museum, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050971jhp 
 Cairo Ancient Egyptian Giza Egypt Western cemetery tombs mastaba located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, great, pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, upright, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050970jhp 
 Egyptian Giza Egypt Western cemetery rocks mastabas Great Pyramid Khufu located between the Great Pyramid behind this rock and Khafre is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, upright, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Giza Cemetery EG050969jhp 
 Gizah Egyptian Western cemetery tombs mastabas limestone rocks desert located behind the Great Pyramid seen in the top right with Cairo city on the left hand horizon is this warren of old eroded limestone tombs is gradually being excavated and many restored and opened to public view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, great, pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, Mastaba, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone, desert, sand
Great Pyramid Giza EG050900jhp 
 Cheops Great Pyramid Gizah Giza Cairo Egyptian monument side skywards, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue
Great Pyramid Giza EG050899jhp 
 Giza Khufu Great Pyramid ancient Egyptian jigsaw limestone blocks closeup, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, closeup, jigsaw
Great Pyramid Giza EG050898jhp 
 Cheops Gizah Great Pyramid ancient Egyptian tomb limestone blocks closeup, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue
Great Pyramid Giza EG050897jhp 
 Khufu Cheops Pyramid ancient Egypt monument limestone huge blocks closeup, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, foundations, base
Tomb Carving Giza EG050923jhp 
 Senegemib Mehi Giza ancient Egypt tomb painting reliefs colours false door in front this Dynasty V mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, upright, nobles, officials, chief, justice, vizier, Senezemib, Mehi, son, burial, tomb, painted, reliefs, wall, carvings, false, door, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Tomb Carving Giza EG050919jhp 
 Tombs Khenementi Akhetmehu Overseer interior carving farming scene cattle herdsman in this Dynasty V1 mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, upright, interior, carving, cattle, deer, herding, nobles, officials, overseer, granaries, treasury, embalming, house, judge, Nekhen, priest, goddess, marker, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Tomb Carving Giza EG050918jhp 
 Tomb Khenementi Akhetmehu offering table carved stone interiopr wall Giza Egypt in this Dynasty V1 mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, upright, Khenementi, Akhetmehu, nobles, officials, overseer, granaries, treasury, embalming, house, judge, Nekhen, priest, goddess, carved, offering, scene, table, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Tomb Carving Giza EG050911jhp 
 Senegemib Intii Giza Egyptian Hippopotamus adult young tomb animal carving in this Dynasty V mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, landscape, Senegemib, nobles, officials, chief, justice, vizier, Senezemib, Inti, carving, stone, hippopotamus, hippopotamuses, adult, young, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Giza Tomb Sign EG050955jhp 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza notice sign board information entrance Egyptian cemetery, who was Iymery’s son and a government official who held the title Steward of the Great estate like his father, and one of many private mastabas from the middle to late Dynasty V that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is difficult as flash and tripods are not usually allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances. This photo was taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, noble, official, tomb, mastaba, mortuary, chapel, Great, Steward, Estate, Neferbauptah, son, Iymery, notice, board, information, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Giza Tomb Sign EG050920jhp 
 Senegemib Mehi son Giza Egyptian chief justice vizier information sign board in front this Dynasty V mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, nobles, officials, chief, justice, vizier, Senezemib, Mehi, son, Pharaoh, Unas, public, notice, information, board, sign, marker, board, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Giza Tomb Sign EG050913jhp 
 Tombs Khenementi Akhetmehu Oversea Judge Giza Egypt information board sign in front this Dynasty V1 mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, nobles, officials, overseer, granaries, treasury, embalming, house, judge, Nekhen, priest, goddess, public, notice, information, board, marker, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Giza Tomb Senegemib EG050901jhp 
 Senegemib Inti Giza Egypt chief justice vizier mastaba information board in front this Dynasty V mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery near the Great Pyramid and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, nobles, officials, chief, justice, vizier, Senezemib, Inti, Pharaoh, Unas, public, notice, information, board, sign, marker, board, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, limestone
Giza Tomb Entrance EG050914jhp 
 Tomb Chapel interior pillars carved Akhetmehu Khenementi carvings tombs Giza in this mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, Akhetmehu, Khenementi, royalty, nobles, officials, offerings, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, pillars, interior, rooms, hieroglyphs
Tomb Carving Neferbauptah EG050964jhp 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza painted colours freize hieroglyphs carving ceiling Egypt, who was Iymery’s son and a government official who held the title Steward of the Great estate like his father, and one of many private mastabas from the middle to late Dynasty V that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is difficult as flash and tripods are not usually allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances. This photo was taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, noble, official, tomb, mastaba, mortuary, chapel, Great, Steward, Estate, Neferbauptah, son, Iymery, interior, painted, reliefs, agricultural, scene, cattle, bovine, fish, boats, sailing, rowing, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Tomb Carving Neferbauptah EG050961jhp 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza painted seated offering food colours ancient Egypt, who was Iymery’s son and a government official who held the title Steward of the Great estate like his father, and one of many private mastabas from the middle to late Dynasty V that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is difficult as flash and tripods are not usually allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances. This photo was taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, noble, official, tomb, mastaba, mortuary, chapel, Great, Steward, Estate, Neferbauptah, son, Iymery, interior, painted, reliefs, offering, food, fruit, scene, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Tomb Carving Neferbauptah EG050960jhp 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza Wall agricultural cattle Scene Interior carving Egypt, who was Iymery’s son and a government official who held the title Steward of the Great estate like his father, and one of many private mastabas from the middle to late Dynasty V that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is difficult as flash and tripods are not usually allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances. This photo was taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, noble, official, tomb, mastaba, mortuary, chapel, Great, Steward, Estate, Neferbauptah, son, Iymery, interior, painted, reliefs, agricultural, scene, cattle, bovine, fish, boats, sailing, rowing, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Tomb Carving Neferbauptah EG050959jhp 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza carving donkey loads carrying ancient Egyptian interior, who was Iymery’s son and a government official who held the title Steward of the Great estate like his father, and one of many private mastabas from the middle to late Dynasty V that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is difficult as flash and tripods are not usually allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances. This photo was taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, noble, official, tomb, mastaba, mortuary, chapel, Great, Steward, Estate, Neferbauptah, son, Iymery, interior, carved: relief, agricultural, scene, donkey, carrying, loads, back, sailing, rowing, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Tomb Carving Neferbauptah EG050957jhp 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza Wall offering gifts list carved stone Scene carving Egypt, who was Iymery’s son and a government official who held the title Steward of the Great estate like his father, and one of many private mastabas from the middle to late Dynasty V that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is difficult as flash and tripods are not usually allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances. This photo was taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, noble, official, tomb, mastaba, mortuary, chapel, Great, Steward, Estate, Neferbauptah, son, Iymery, interior, painted, reliefs, agricultural, scene, cattle, bovine, fish, boats, sailing, rowing, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Painted Carving Iymery EG050952jhp 
 Iymery Steward Scribe offering scenes fruit food boxes carved colours Cairo Egypt Giza Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050951jhp 
 Iymery ancient egyptian tomb painting procession food fruit carrying cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, procession, carrying, head, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050950jhp 
 Iymery mortuary chapel wall relief cattle herding egrets Cairo Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, egrets, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050948jhp 
 Iymery chapel tomb wall paintings cattle herd Giza Egyptian mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050947jhp 
 Iymery doorway painted carving cattle boat water she pool Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boat, pool, she, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050946jhp 
 Iymery mortuary wall painting boats fishing oar hemu beating water cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, fishing, beating, water, oar, hemu, marshes, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050945jhp 
 Iymery ancient Egyptian burial wall reliefs boats fishing diving hunting Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, fishing, diving, swimming, beating, water, sticks, marshes, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050944jhp 
 Iymery Steward chapel wall scene cattle bovines goats herding Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, herding, cattle, bovines, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050943jhp 
 Iymery Steward Tomb Painting Cattle herding wall colours bovines Giza Egyptian Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050940jhp 
 Iymery Tomb wall reliefs coloured graffiti Greek painted desceration Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, graffiti, Greek script, letters, desecration, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050939jhp 
 Iymery Steward door jam painted carvings Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, door, doorway, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050938jhp 
 Iymery Steward procession figures painted wall chapel Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, chapel, mortuary, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050934jhp 
 Iymery Steward Scribe wall relief painted carved bovine cattle Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, bovine, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050933jhp 
 Iymery Mastaba wall paintings reliefs carving daily life scenes Giza Egypt in the Western cemetery where he left this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, daily, life, wine, making, pouring, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050932jhp 
 Iymery Tomb doorway painted reliefs Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, doorway, doorjam, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050929jhp 
 Iymery Steward Scribe Tomb door wine making painted relief Cairo Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Painted Carving Iymery EG050927jhp 
 Iymery Steward Great Estate Scribe Archives Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marches, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Giza Tomb Sign EG050926jhp 
 Iymery Giza Egypt Western cemetery mortuary chapel sign information board at the entrance to this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, landscape, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, information, sign, marker, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Carved Statue Iymery EG050953jhp 
 Iymery Steward serdab figure man carved statue stone alcove Giza Egypt Western cemetery mastaba carvings painted wall reliefs left in this colourful mortuary chapel situated in the Western cemetery between the Great Pyramid and that of Khafre and open to the public and a welcome diversion from the crowds that surround the nearby Pyramid of Khufu. These photographs are a mixture of natural light time-exposures and some using the rare opportunity to light with flash, given the go-ahead by the custodian. They were taken in JPEG’s whereas today I would always use RAW files and having the advantage of a tripod I would always use natural or even mixed light where possible thus avoiding flash hot spots; flash incidentally does not cause damage to the paintings despite many such claims and restrictions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, ancient, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Mastaba, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, steward, scribe, archives, Iymery, serdab, statue, stone, carving, figure, man, paintings, painted, paint, colours, red, white, green, fruit, offerings, animals, herd, cattle, goats, antelope, boats, marshes, hunting, carvings, painted, reliefs, daily, life, burial, tombs, Egyptology, archaeology, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate, eerie, death, erosion, soft, limestone
Sphinx Temple Walls EG02029jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Temple walls entrance Valley Pyramid erosion limestone frames this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, upright, lion, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, entrance, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, limestone, blocks, weathered, erosion
Sphinx Temple Walls EG020030jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx face Head Temple Khafre Chephren Pyramid wall framed this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on the entrance walk to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, walls, blocks, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx Pyramids Giza EG02014jhp 
 Giza Egypt Cairo Sphinx Cheops Khufu Khafre Chephren Pyramids Causeway this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, blue, sky, sunshine, clear
Sphinx Khafre Giza EG02028jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid Temple walls limestone blocks frame this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, upright, lion, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, limestone, walls, blocks, eroded
Sphinx Giza Vista EG02003jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx Cheops Khufu Khafre Chephren Menkaure Pyramids Vista show the context of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway approaching his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, vista, panorama, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx Giza Vista EG02001jhp 
 Giza Egyptian panorama approach Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid entrance Temple offers the first real look at this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on the entrance to Giza and the approach to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, panorama, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx Giza EG02020jhp 
 Giza Cairo Egyptian Sphinx Cheops Khafre Pyramid Enclosure Paws Stele this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, panorama, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx Giza EG02019jhp 
 Giza Egypt Cairo Sphinx Khufu Khafre Chephren Pyramid Paws Stele limestone this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx Giza EG02018jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Head Cheops Chephren Great Pyramid Paws Stele this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx & Great Pyramid Giza EG02012jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Lion Head Khufu Khafre Great Pyramid Solar Museum this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple and just visible is the roof of the Solar Barque Museum at the base of the Great Pyramid. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, Solar, Barque, Museum, blue, sky
Sphinx & Great Pyramid Giza EG02011jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Cheops Khufu Khafre Chephren Pyramid blue sky sets off this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple and just visible is the roof of the Solar Barque Museum at the base of the Great Pyramid. 
 Keywords: keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, Solar, Barque, Museum
Sphinx Enclosure Causeway EG02016JHP 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Cheops Khufu Khafre Chephren Pyramid Paws Stele this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx Pyramid EG02023JHP 
 Egyptian Egypt Giza Sphinx Cheops Khufu Pyramid Photograph Enclosure where this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Giza Sphinx Enclosure EG02022JHP 
 Egyptian Giza Sphinx Enclosure Cheops Khufu Pyramid Paws Stele Police by this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, police, camels, lion, paws, haunch, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
The Great Pyramid EG076629JHP 
 Khufu Pharaoh Great Pyramid Giza Sky Scale Side Construction Photo, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, clouds, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history
The Great Pyramid EG076628JHP 
 Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu Cheops Great Pyramid Giza Side Sky Angle, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, clouds, digital
Sphinx Great Pyramid EG02633JHP 
 Egyptian Sphinx Giza Cairo Egypt Limestone Ancient Iconic Mystery Pharaoh, somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is off to the left, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid which is behind the head in this view. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khafre, Chephren, Great, Khufu, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, upright, lion, stele, paws, stele, haunch, flank, profile, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, conservation, repairs, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, slide, scanned
Sphinx Great Pyramid EG02631JHP 
 Egyptian Sphinx Giza Great Pyramid Giza Ancient Royal Memorial Photograph, somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is off to the left, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid which is behind the head in this view. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khafre, Chephren, Great, Khufu, soft, erosion, limestone, causeway, upright, lion, stele, paws, haunch, flank, profile, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, conservation, repairs, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Sphinx Evening EG02611JHP 
 Egyptian Sphinx Giza Vista Tourists Visitors Pyramid Cheops Evening Photo, somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is off to the left, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid which is behind the head in this view. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khafre, Chephren, Great, Khufu, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, crowds, visitors, evening, lion, stele, paws, haunch, flank, profile, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, conservation, repairs, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient
Khafre Pyramid EG076605JHP 
 Khafre Egyptian Pyramid Tura Limestone Outer Casing Top Shining Remains the second largest structure on the Gizah plateau built by Pharaoh Chephren around 2500BC seen from past the Great Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, royalty, burial, tombs, Khafre, Chephren, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, framed
Khafre Pyramid EG076604JHP 
 Khafre Chephren Giza Pyramid Tura Limestone Outer Casing Shining White topping the second largest structure on the Gizah plateau built by Pharaoh Chephren around 2500BC seen from the Great Pyramid of Khufu. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, framed
Giza Vista EG02921JHP 
 Egyptian Sphinx Giza Panorama Khufu Great Khafre Pyramids Approach Valley Temple, somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, Great, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, vista, lion, paws, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, slide, scanned, morning
Giza Tourists EG076684JHP 
 Giza Pyramids Southern Aspect Cairo Visitors Tourists Desert Hazy in the far distance and a favourite coach stop and photo call from the hundred’s of thousands of tourists who came every year to see these wonders of the ancient world. Left to right there is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Turah limestone capped Khafre Pyramid and to the right the smaller of the three, that of Menkaure with its distinctive three small Queen's pyramids by its side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Queens, pyramids, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, capped, desert, sand, crowds, visitors, tourists, photocall, hazy
Giza Sphinx Vista EG02628JHP 
 Egyptian Sphinx Giza Great Pyramid Panorama Causeway Enclosure Morning Empty, somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is off to the left, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid which is behind the head in this view. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khafre, Chephren, Great, Khufu, soft, erosion, limestone, morning, causeway, landscape, lion, stele, paws, haunch, flank, profile, face, nemes, headdress, enclosure, conservation, repairs, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, slide, scanned
Giza Pyramids EG0263JHP 
 Khafre Pyramid Tura limestone outer casing Great Pyramid Gizah Plateau the former built by Pharaoh Chephren around 2500BC. To the right is the Great pyramid and viewed from the south near the modern Islamic cemetery. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramids, Islamic, Cemetery, south, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, Great, wall, bricks, sand, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, slide, scanned
Giza Eroded Pillars EG0267JHP 
 Ancient Egypt Great Pyramid View Extremely Eroded Limestone Columns Photo amongst the southern mastabas and temples near the Tomb of Queen Kentkawes and showing the power of Nature to undo even the greatest achievements of ancient man. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, Great, Pyramid, south, wall, sand, soft, geology, mastabas, temples, pillars, limestone, erosion, wind, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, slide, scanned
Giza Solar Boat EG076666JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Wooden Reconstructed Tied Ropes Hull Interior photo is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, hull, construction, detail, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076665JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Wooden Hull Reconstructed Tied Oars Cabin is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, oars, hut, hull, deck, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076664JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Barque Deck Cabin Wooden Oars Interior is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, upright, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, oars, hut, hull, deck, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076659JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Egyptian Pharaoh Burial Wood Oars Cabin Deck Hull is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, upright, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, oars, hut, hull, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076658JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Hull Oars Cabin Construction Visitors Inside is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, bow, wood, cedar, oars, hut, hull, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076650JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Ancient Egyptian Burial Barque Cabin Wood is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, upright, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, oars, hut, cabin, hull, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076649JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Wooden Cabin Roof Construction Carved Photo is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, hut, cabin, construction, detail, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076648JHP 
 Egyptian Solar Boat Museum Giza Roof Cabin Wood Bevels Tied Built is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, hut, cabin, construction, detail, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076643JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Gizah Barque Hull Cabin Hut Wooden Deck Photo is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, oars, hut, cabin, hull, boatpit, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied, sailing, funeral
Giza Solar Boat EG076639JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Hull Construction Tied Planks Wood Closeup Photo is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, hull, boatpit, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied, sailing
Giza Solar Boat EG076638JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Egypt Burial Wood Hull Wood Planks Shaped Jigsaw Fits is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, hull, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Solar Boat EG076637JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Hull Underneath Oars Wooden Construction Rebuilt is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, wood, cedar, oars, hut, hull, restored, rebuilt, reassembled, sections, kit, rope, tied
Giza Boat Pit EG076633JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Giza Boat Pit Stone Roof Slabs Burial Goods is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, landscape, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, pit, covers, lid, limestone, blocks, stone, wood, boatpit, funeral
Giza Boat Pit EG076631JHP 
 Solar Boat Museum Gizah Khufu Burial Boat Pit Roof Stone Slabs Discovery is housed in an air-conditioned custom built building on the south face of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu over the boatpit in which this reassembled kit sailing boat from around 2500BC was discovered in the 1950’s. During construction analysis of the mud found on the wood sections suggests it sailed on the River Nile; the sections are tied together and it measures 43 metres long. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, Great, Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, museum, upright, Solar, Barge, Barque, boat, pit, covers, limestone, blocks, boatpit
Khufu Sarcophagus EG951057JHP 
 Kings Chamber Great Pyramid Interior Pharaoh Sarcophagus Granite Stone Flash Photo, the possible final resting place of the Pharaoh Khufu who had the largest pyramid built around 2500BC. The lidless sarcophagus in this photo is made in red Aswan granite as are the blocks making the tomblike chamber. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, interior, royal, tomb, burial, chamber, sarcophagus, red, granite, lidless, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, upright, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Khufu Sarcophagus EG9510213JHP 
 Kings Chamber Sarcophagus Figure Scale Inside Great Pyramid Photo Flash, the possible final resting place of the Pharaoh Khufu who had the largest pyramid built around 2500BC. The lidless sarcophagus in this photo is made in red Aswan granite as are the blocks making the tomblike chamber. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera; no model release is required for this photo. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, interior, royal, tomb, burial, chamber, sarcophagus, red, lidless, granite, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, landscape, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Khufu Queens Chamber EG951054JHP 
 Queen Chamber Great Pyramid Khufu Giza Ventilation Shafts Ba Passage was constructed of limestone and there is no evidence that any burial took place in it. This photo shows one of the so-called ventilation shafts which in recent years have been the centre of exploration using small robotic cameras finding the shaft ended with a small gate. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera.

No model release is required for the use of this photo. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, interior, royal, tomb, burial, Queens, chamber, corbelling, limestone, ventilation, shafts, robot, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, upright, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Khufu Queens Chamber EG951029JHP 
 Queens Chamber Middle Corballed Roof Stone Granite Blocks inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza was constructed of limestone and there is no evidence that any burial took place in it. This photo shows corbelled wall and it also is known for the so-called ventilation shafts which in recent years have been the centre of exploration using small robotic cameras finding the shaft ended with a small gate. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, interior, royal, tomb, burial, Queens, chamber, corbelling, limestone, ventilation, shafts, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, upright, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Khufu Queens Chamber EG9510212JHP 
 Queens Chamber Inside Roof Ceiling Granite Blocks Great Pyramid Khufu Giza was constructed of limestone and there is no evidence that any burial took place in it. This photo shows the limestone roof blocks and corbelled side and it is also known for the so-called ventilation shafts which in recent years have been the centre of exploration using small robotic cameras finding the shaft ended with a small gate. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, interior, royal, tomb, burial, Queens, chamber, corbelling, limestone, roof, blocks, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, landscape, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Khufu Portcullis EG9510510JHP 
 Egypt Giza Great Pyramid Interior Gallery Portcullis Granite Grooving at top ofthe Horizontal passageway or antechamber inside the Great Pyramid denying access to the Kings Chamber, the possible final resting place of the Pharaoh Khufu who had the largest pyramid built around 2500BC. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, grand, gallery, interior, royal, tomb, burial, chamber, horizontal, antechamber, portcullis, granite, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, landscape, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Khufu Kings Chamber EG951058JHP 
 Khufu Kings Chamber Great Pyramid Gaiza Egypt Interior Construction Granite Blocks, the possible final resting place of the Pharaoh who had the largest pyramid built around 2500BC, the Great Pyramid at Giza. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera. The huge granite blocks that make up this tomb are reckoned to weigh around 200 tons each and each fit snuggly enough that not even a knife can be inserted between them. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, interior, royal, tomb, burial, chamber, sarcophagus, granite, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, landscape, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Grand Gallery Giza EG9510518JHP 
 Grand Gallery Passageway Great Pyramid Egypt Gizah Interior Steps People created out of corbelled granite blocks acts as a stress reliever from the huge weight pressure of the building above and an awesome access to the Kings Chamber, the possible final resting place of the Pharaoh Khufu who had the largest pyramid built around 2500BC. Photographed in 1995 when restrictions were less strict but oh for a digital camera. 
 Keywords: Egyptian, Giza, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, pharaoh, grand, gallery, interior, royal, tomb, granite, 1995, Fuji 645, Bronica, upright, ancient, Egyptology, archaeology, transparency, scanned, flash
Great Pyramid EG050988JHP 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Giza Egypt Limestone Building Blocks Foundations, largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World and seen here are some of the large foundation blocks some weighing over 10 tons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, mortar, gypsum
Great Pyramid EG050987JHP 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Gizah Egypt Base Blocks Eroded Weathering, the largest of the Giza site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World and seen here are some of the large foundation blocks some weighing over 10 tons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, mortar, gypsum
Great Pyramid EG050986JHP 
 Khufu Cheops Great Pyramid Giza Foundation Side Blocks Limestone, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World and seen here are some of the large foundation blocks some weighing over 10 tons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, mortar, gypsum
Great Pyramid EG050985JHP 
 Cheops Great Pyramid Giza Egypt Foundation Base Building Limestone Construction, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World and seen here are some of the large foundation blocks some weighing over 10 tons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, mortar, gypsum
Great Pyramid EG050981JHP 
 Khufu Cheops Great Pyramid Boat Museum Western Cemetery Giza Egypt, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World seen here from the eroded limestone mastaba blocks of the Western Cemetery for royal nobles and high officials. off to the extreme right is the air-conditioned museum housing the Solar Barque discovered in one of several boat pits by the pyramid in the 1950's and now reconstructed for the public to view. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, maze, warren, museum, boat, barque
Great Pyramid EG050979JHP 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Gizah Western Cemetery Limestone Blocks Erosion largest of the Giza site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World seen here from the eroded limestone mastaba blocks of the Western Cemetery for royal nobles and high officials. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, maze, warren, ruin, desolate
Great Pyramid EG050972JHP 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Eroded Limestone Block Foreground Closeup Photo, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World seen here from the eroded limestone mastaba blocks of the Western Cemetery for royal nobles and high officials. On the extreme right in the distance is the museum for the Solar Barque discovered at the base of the pyramid and reconstructed in the 1950's. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, boat, pit, museum, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, maze, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate
Great Pyramid EG050971JHP 
 Cheops Great Pyramid Limestone Stone Erosion Foreground Close Photograph Detail, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World seen here from the eroded limestone mastaba blocks of the Western Cemetery for royal nobles and high officials. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, casing, maze, warren, ruin, desolate
Great Pyramid EG050970JHP 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Gizah Egypt Western Cemetery Vista Limestone Stones Low Angle, the largest of the Giza site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World seen here from the eroded limestone mastaba blocks of the Western Cemetery for royal nobles and high officials. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, mastabas, Western, cemetery, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, maze, warren, ruin, erosion, desolate
Great Pyramid EG050898JHP 
 Cheops Giza Ancient Egyptian Great Pyramid Side Base Construction Stones, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World and seen here are some of the large foundation blocks some weighing over 10 tons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, upright, pyramid, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, mortar, gypsum
Great Pyramid EG050897JHP 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Limestone Construction Ancient Egyptian Builders Skills, the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World and seen here are some of the large foundation blocks some weighing over 10 tons. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, foundation, platform, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, mortar, gypsum
Giza Tourists 6707EG07JHP 
 Giza Ancient Egyptian Pyramids Sphinx Typical Tourists Entrance Crowds Photo near Cairo in Egypt with crowds of people of all over the world visiting this iconic site of the ancient world and one of the so-called Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Cheops sits to the right. The Sphinx and behind it is the Pyramid of Chephren with the distinct cap, the remains of its once gleaming Tura limestone outer casing. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, tourists, visitors, multi-national, crowds, busy, tours, package, travel, cameras, landscape, Wonder, World, Great Pyramid, Cheops, Khufu, Khafre, Chephren, Sphinx, Valley temple, causeway, management, numbers, lightshow, desert, bright, light
The Great Pyramid 6694EG07JHP 
 Great Pyramid Giza Khufu Cheops Large Millions Stones Photograph near Cairo showing the scale of its construction built around 2570BC by the Pharaoh Khufu or in Greek Cheops. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Pyramid, Wonder World, landscape, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, Great, Cheops, Khufu, erosion, replacement, reconstruction, repairs, details, construction, limestone, stones, sand, pharaoh, royal, tombs, blocks, pyramidion
The Great Pyramid 6611EG07JHP 
 Gizah Egypt Cheops Great Pyramid Base Foundation Complete High Sky with detail of its construction at the base built by Khufu at Giza near Cairo around 2570BC showing limestine bedrock and some recent repairs done to its facings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Pyramid, Wonder World, upright, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, Great, Cheops, Khufu, erosion, replacement, reconstruction, repairs, details, construction, limestone, stones, sand, pharaoh, royal, tombs, blocks, pyramidion
The Great Pyramid 6607EG07JHP 
 Great Pyramid Khufu Cheops Pharaoh Giza Cairo Egypt Huge Stones giving some idea of its huge construction built around 2570BC and one of the few remaining Wonder's of the World. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, upright, Pyramid, Wonder World, landscape, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, Great, Cheops, Khufu, erosion, replacement, reconstruction, repairs, details, construction, limestone, stones, sand, pharaoh, royal, tombs, blocks, pyramidion
Senegemib-inti Giza Tomb Relief EG050903JHP 
 Exterior Wall Relief Tomb Senegemib-inti Inty Western Cemetery Gizah Egypt near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. These fish are a common theme and can be seen in the causeway to the Valley Temple of Unas at Saqqara 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Senedjemib-inti, Inty, exterior, carved, fish, swimming, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Senegemib-inti Giza Tomb Relief EG050902JHP 
 Exterior Wall Carving Figure Door Jam Tomb Senegemib-inti Giza Egypt situated in the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, one of many tombs and mastabas in this area for lower royalty and government officials 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Senedjemib-inti, Inty, exterior, carved, figure, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Senegemib-inti Giza Carved Boat EG050904JHP 
 Exterior Wall Relief Carving Tomb Senegemib-inti Boat Fowling Gizah situated in the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Senedjemib-inti, Inty, exterior, carved, boat, oarsmen, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Senedjemib-Mehu Tomb Giza EG050906JHP 
 Giza Ancient Egyptian Nobles Tombs Western Cemetery Photograph Tomb G2378 of Senegemib-mehu from side of G2370 the tomb of Senegemib-inty close to side of the Great Pyramid in the Western Cemetery at Giza and one of several chapels and mastabas restored and open to the public 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Senegemib, Senegemib-mehu, Senedjemib-Inty, G2370, G2378
Senedjemib-Mehu Tomb Giza EG050905JHP 
 Ancient Egypt Giza Nobles Mastaba Tomb G2378 Senegemib-mehu from side of G2370 the tomb of Senegemib-inty close to side of the Great Pyramid in the Western Cemetery at Giza and one of several chapels and mastabas restored and open to the public 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, upright, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Senegemib, Senegemib-mehu, Senedjemib-Inty, G2370, G2378
Senedjemib-Mehu Tomb Giza Boat EG050909JHP 
 Ancient Egyptian Senegemib-mehu Tomb Wall Relief Large Boat Oarsmen Giza inside the tomb one of many Mastabas in the Western Cemetery adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Senegemib-mehu, wall, relief, carved, large' boat, oarsmen, sailing, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Senedjemib-Mehu Giza Tomb Carvings EG050907JHP 
 Carved Hieroglyphics Entrance Tomb No G2378 Senegemib-mehu Giza Egypt in the Western Cemetery by the Great Pyramid at Giza 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, G2378, Senegemib-mehu, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Neferbauptah Giza Tomb Painting EG050963JHP 
 Neferbauptah Tomb Giza Wall Painting Hieroglyphs Offering Scene Interior Photo, probably a government official, in the many mastabas that make up the Western Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza with an interior painted wall relief in the tomb. Interior photography is diificult as flash and tripods are not allowed and interior lighting can be poor and gives inaccurate colour balances 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, landscape, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Neferbauptah, interiors, painted, reliefs, fish, boats, sailing, rowing, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Neferbauptah Giza Tomb Carving EG050958JHP 
 Neferbauptah Giza Egyptian Tomb Inside Wall Stone Carving Mastaba Seated Staff in the Western Cemetery adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza near Cairo. Difficult to photograph as flash and tripods not alloed and interior lighting very poor. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, digital, interior, upright, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Neferbauptah, interiors, offering, seated, figure, carved, wall, relief, burial, chamber, funeral, ceremonial, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial
Khenementi Giza Tomb Door EG050915JHP 
 Khenementi Tomb Giza Egypt False Door Stone Carving Artificial Light in one of many chapels and mastabas in the West Cemetery near the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Giza, West, Western, Cemetery, upright, nobles, officials, tombs, mastabas, Khenementi, interiors, painted, reliefs, false, door, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, afterlife, religion, beliefs, death, burial

Egypt > Infra Red Photographs (69 files)

This is a collection of Infra Red Black & White film photographs taken of the main sites of mainly Ancient Egypt in the late 1990's and they give a very different feel to the sites with the particular ghostly effect of this specialised Kodak film. Sites covered include Abydos, Colossi of Memnon, Abydos temple, Osireion, Dendera Temple, Edfu Temple, Esna Temple, Esna Lock, Karnak Temple, Kom Ombo Temple, Luxor Temple, Philae Temple, Aswan Felucca; River Nile cruise, Pyramids of Giza and The Sphinx
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020836jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx Chephren Pyramid infra red Temple B&W film view on the public approach to this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020835jhp 
 Egypt Giza Sphinx face front infra red temple view pyramid Khafre taken from the walk towards the Valley Temple of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, faceon, front, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020833jhp 
 Egyptian Giza Sphinx Temple face front infra red pyramid Khafre taken from the walk towards the Valley Temple of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020832jhp 
 Egypt Cairo Giza Sphinx Temple face oblique infra red pyramid cropped view taken from the walk towards the Valley Temple of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020830jhp 
 Egypt Sphinx Temple face oblique infra red Jim Henderson Photograph view taken from the walk towards the Valley Temple of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020827jhp 
 Egypt Giza Sphinx face head profile closeup infra red low causeway view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020826jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx head face Khafre Pyramid infra red causeway view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, head, closeup, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020825jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx enclosure man scale figure Pyramid infra red causeway view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020824jhp 
 Egypt Sphinx enclosure worker scale figure Pyramid infra red causeway B&W view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020822jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx Khafre Khufu causeway Pyramids infra red low view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, pyramids, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, panorama, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020821jhp 
 Egyptian Sphinx Chephren Cheops Pyramids infra red low causeway enclosure view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, enclosure, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020820jhp 
 Egyptian Sphinx Cheops Pyramid enclosure infra red low causeway low view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020819jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx panorama Pyramid Great infra red causeway Cairo view this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, camel, mounted, policeman, lion, paws, stele, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020817jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Great Pyramid infra red view causeway camel police mounted to extreme right of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020816jhp 
 Egypt Sphinx Khufu Pyramid infra red camel police mounted causeway view to extreme right of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020815jhp 
 Egypt Sphinx Khufu Cheops Pyramid infra red B&W film causeway Giza view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020814jhp 
 Egyptian Sphinx Khufu Cheops Pyramid Cairo infra red causeway Giza view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020437jhp 
 Khufu Cheops Great Pyramid Egypt limestone blocks infra red B&W film photo of the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. This view from some remaining smooth limestone finishing of a nearby mastaba was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, finished, smooth, wall, mastaba, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020436jhp 
 Khafre Pyramid Egypt Seshemnefer tomb statue infra red sunburst film B&W photo just off the main road climbing up between the Sphinx to the Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops which is the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. This porticoed tomb of Seshem-Nefer, Overseer of the House of Life and Keep of the King’s Secrets, one of the largest of the private tombs at Giza, has been restored in recent years and is now open to the public although when this photo was taken in 2002 it was closed. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, south, east, corner, Seshemnefer, Seshemnufer, overseer, house, life, keeper, king’s, secrets, 5th Dynasty, portico, seated, statues, public, open, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020435jhp 
 Khufu Great Pyramid Egyptian Seshem-Nefer statue seated infra red film B&W photo just off the main road climbing up between the Sphinx to the Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops which is the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. This porticoed tomb of Seshem-Nefer, Overseer of the House of Life and Keep of the King’s Secrets, one of the largest of the private tombs at Giza, has been restored in recent years and is now open to the public although when this photo was taken in 2002 it was closed. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, south, east, corner, Seshemnefer, Seshemnufer, overseer, house, life, keeper, king’s, secrets, 5th Dynasty, portico, seated, statues, public, open, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020434jhp 
 Cheops Great Pyramid Egypt Seshemnufer portico seated infra red film B&W photo just off the main road climbing up between the Sphinx to the Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops which is the largest of the Gizah site monuments and the first of the really truly huge constructions dating around 2500BC and still now one of the Wonders of the World. Standing 137m high, was 140m originally, was 230m on each size and probably was built using over 2 million blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons although today it looks smaller than nearby Khafre Pyramid which higher on the Giza plateau. This porticoed tomb of Seshem-Nefer, Overseer of the House of Life and Keep of the King’s Secrets, one of the largest of the private tombs at Giza, has been restored in recent years and is now open to the public although when this photo was taken in 2002 it was closed. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, Great, pyramid, royalty, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Cheops, blocks, erosion, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, gigantic, history, scale, huge, sky, blue, south, east, corner, Seshemnefer, Seshemnufer, overseer, house, life, keeper, king’s, secrets, 5th Dynasty, portico, seated, statues, public, open, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020433jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Khufu Pyramids infra red people tourists view causeway this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, panorama, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020432jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx |Great Khufu Cheops Pyramid infra red B&W film causeway view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, cropped, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020431jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx side face Great Khufu Cheops Pyramid infra red B&W film causeway view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020430jhp 
 Giza Egypt Sphinx sideon body Khufu Cheops Pyramid infra red B&W film causeway view of this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, sideon, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020429jhp 
 Giza Egyptian pyramids modern Muslim infra red Khafre tombstones Great pyramid B&W film, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it captured in this photo. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Great, pyramid, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, modern, cemetery, Muslim, Arabic, graves, trees, plants, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020428jhp 
 Giza Cairo Egypt modern Muslim Arabic cemetery infra red Pyramid Khufu film, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it captured in this photo. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Great, pyramid, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, modern, cemetery, Muslim, Arabic, graves, trees, plants, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020427jhp 
 Giza Egyptian modern Muslim Arabic graves infra red Pyramid Khufu film, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it captured in this photo. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Great, pyramid, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, modern, cemetery, Muslim, Arabic, graves, trees, plants, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020426jhp 
 Giza Egyptian modern Muslim infra red Pyramid Khafre tombstones B&W film, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it captured in this photo. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, Great, pyramid, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, modern, cemetery, Muslim, Arabic, graves, trees, plants, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020424jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Great Pyramid limestone pillars erosion infra red film, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020421jhp 
 Giza Egypt Khafre Great Pyramids tomb blocks infra red B&W film, an area that lies roughly between the causeway of Menkaure and that of Khafre in which there are many old mastabas and rock cut tombs, some open to the public such as Debhen or Iwn-min and the most prominent of which is the Mastaba of Queen Khentkawes the last major Royal construction in the Giza complex. It is an area left to the individual to explore and has an eerie feel wandering amongst some grotesque eroded faces of limestone showing the natural damage that centuries of wind and blown sand can do to unprotected soft limestone. To the western boundary of this area is a large bluff with the modern Muslim cemetery beneath it. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, royalty, burial, necropolis, Menkaure, Mycerinus, Khafre, Chephren, causeway, causeways, Central, Field, tombs, mastabas, rock-cut, Queen, pyramids, Khentkawes, Debhen, Iwn-min, Yun-min, Lunmin, Qar, Idu, Meres-ankh, Senezemib, Seshemnufer, limestone, erosion, shapes, weird, grotesque, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, desert, sand, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020420jhp 
 Khafre Pyramids Cheops Egyptian tombs clouds infra red film photo of the second largest of the Gizah site monuments and constructed between 2558-2532BC during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre [Greek name Chephren], one of Khufu’s sons and is responsible during a reign of around 25 years for the magnificent Funerary complex which is held to include The Sphinx. Although his Mortuary Temple is almost nothing but a foundation, his Valley Temple is a fantastic example of the skills of the early Egyptian craftsman with huge accurately cut pillars of granite which was the house after his death for numerous statues including the famous diorite one now in the Cairo Museum. This view is of the south face with Khufu's Great pyramid to the righy right taken near the main road through the Giza complex showing the mainly uncovered structure although remains of the outer casing of Tura Limestone can still be seen near the top. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, upright, pyramid, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, great, largest, Cheops, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, south, face, blue, sky, white, clouds, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020419jhp 
 Chephren Pyramids Khufu Egypt Giza Great largest infra red B&W film photo of the second largest of the Giza site monuments and constructed between 2558-2532BC during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre [Greek name Chephren], one of Khufu’s sons and is responsible during a reign of around 25 years for the magnificent Funerary complex which is held to include The Sphinx. Although his Mortuary Temple is almost nothing but a foundation, his Valley Temple is a fantastic example of the skills of the early Egyptian craftsman with huge accurately cut pillars of granite which was the house after his death for numerous statues including the famous diorite one now in the Cairo Museum. This view is of the south face with Khufu's Great pyramid to the righy right taken near the main road through the Giza complex showing the mainly uncovered structure although remains of the outer casing of Tura Limestone can still be seen near the top. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramids, pyramid, burial, tomb, Khafre, Chephren, Khufu, great, largest, Cheops, blocks, erosion, soft, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, shining, south, face, blue, sky, white, clouds, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020413jhp 
 Egyptian Cairo Giza Pyramid Khafre Great Khufu infra red film with Cairo in the far distance and by the road to the favourite coach stop and photo call from the hundred’s of thousands of tourists who came every year to see these wonders of the ancient world. Left to right from this viewpoint there is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Turah limestone capped Khafre Pyramid and to the right the smaller of the three, that of Menkaure. These are taken from the roadside of the metalled road that runs through the Giza site from Giza up to the high ground to the south. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, Mycerinus, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, capped, desert, sand, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020412jhp 
 Egypt Cairo Giza Pyramid Khafre Great Southern aspect road infra red film with Cairo in the far distance and a favourite coach stop and photo call from the hundred’s of thousands of tourists who came every year to see these wonders of the ancient world. Left to right from this viewpoint there is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Turah limestone capped Khafre Pyramid and to the right the smaller of the three, that of Menkaure. These are taken from the roadside of the metalled road that runs through the Giza site from Giza up to the high ground to the south. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, Mycerinus, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, capped, desert, sand, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG020411jhp 
 Egypt Cairo Giza Pyramid Menkaure South road infra red film Queens with Cairo in the far distance and a favourite coach stop and photo call from the hundred’s of thousands of tourists who came every year to see these wonders of the ancient world. Left to right there is the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Turah limestone capped Khafre Pyramid and to the right the smaller of the three, that of Menkaure which is featured in this photograph along with the three Queen’s satellite pyramids. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Gizah, landscape, pyramid, royalty, nobles, officials, burial, tombs, Khufu, Cheops, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, Mycerinus, limestone, ancient, Egyptian, Egyptology, archaeology, history, casing, Tura, Turah, white, capped, desert, sand, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG02085jhp 
 Giza Egypt Cairo Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid infra red B&W first view approach this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, upright, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Giza InfR EG02083jhp 
 Giza Egyptian Sphinx Khafre Chephren Pyramid infra red first view approach this giant carved limestone lion statue with human head is somewhat of an enigma, but most likely carved out of an outcrop as an inspirational homage to the Pharaoh Khafre some 2500BC whose pyramid is directly behind it, although some attribute it to the previous Khufu who built the first and Greatest Pyramid. This huge prone lion figure with a human face faces the east to the rising sun and the modern day Cairo and is a very popular destination for the thousands that visit the Giza plateau and here viewed from the most accessible point on causeway from Khafre Pyramid to his Valley Temple. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Egyptian, Giza, Sphinx, pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Great, Khafre, Chephren, soft, erosion, limestone, Valley, Temple, causeway, landscape, lion, paws, haunch, face, eyes, nose, broken, mouth, damaged, nemes, headdress, enclosure, excavation, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, paint, colour, painted, red, forehead, ears, cement, concrete, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02049jhp 
 Egypt holiday hotel Movenpick Giza cactus plants infra red film grounds taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02048jhp 
 Egyptian Cairo hotel Movenpick jolie Ville cactus succulents infra red film grounds taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02047jhp 
 Egyptian Cairo hotel Jolie Ville Giza cactus tree B&W infra red film grounds taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02046jhp 
 Egypt hotel Jolie Ville Giza cactus leaves infra red film ghostly photo taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02045jhp 
 Egypt hotel Jolie Ville mango tree cow sculpture infra red film ghostly photo taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02044jhp 
 Egypt hotel Movenpick Giza mango tree cow ornament infra red film ghostly photo taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02043jhp 
 Egypt hotel Movenpick Giza mangifera tree cow black infra red film ghostly photo taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG02042jhp 
 Egypt hotel Cairo Giza mangifera tree shrubs topiary infra red film ghostly photo taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Egyptian Plants InfR EG020410jhp 
 Egypt hotel Cairo Giza Jolie Ville tree paths rooms infra red film ghostly photo taken at this very pleasant hotel Jolie Ville near Giza and the Pyramids to the north of Cairo. It used to be a long run through the centre of Cairo after landing usually around midnight and no great fun to eventually get to bed around 2am to rise again for the first day’s excursion usually starting at 8am. Today a circular road around Cairo means much shorter transfer times but if you can manage to go out a day earlier and have a first day with sleep in time and a relaxing start to what can be a very hectic schedule. It is easy to take a taxi from the hotel to the Pyramids and have a leisurely look by oneself prior to doing the more concentrated guided package trips.

The hotel is on one level and set in well established gardens and with a cool feel to the atmosphere surrounding the secluded rooms. These photographs show the type of arrangement there is of paths all leading to the swimming pool, some pool side restaurants and the main reception dining room area. There is some limited shop facilities and a bank. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, pyramids, hotel, Movenpick, Jolie, Ville, landscape, upright, garden, gardens, cool, shade, grounds, paths, walkways, rooms, buildings, trees, plants, grass, sculpture, cow, cattle, pottery, pots, mango, tree, mangifera, indicia, baum, cactus, succulents, branches, leaves, shapes, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna by Nile InfR EG021218jhp 
 Egypt Esna Nile town waterfront cruise berth houses infra red is a well known berthing area on the River Nile waiting for access to the locks and if time allows there is a beautiful Ptolemaic temple deep in a hollow under the modern town building line worth visiting. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, promenade, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021227jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple smiting enemies infra red Khnum Isis outer carvings north wall on a small gem of a building deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, battle, scene, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021226jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple north wall infra red Khnum Isis outer carvings on a small gem of a building deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021225jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Nile town modern houses exterior B&W infra red film is a small gem of a building deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, north, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021224jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple town modern appartment flats B&W infra red film is a small gem of a building deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, north, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021223jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Nile town hypostyle hall infra red exterior walls west north of this small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021222jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple hypostyle hall north west walls infra red B&W is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, outside, walls, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021221jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple outer wall infra red film hypostyle hall side is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021220jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Ptolemaic hypostyle hall infra red film floral capitals curtain screens is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Esna Temple InfR EG021219jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple hypostyle hall curtain screens infra red Gods offering scene is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm f2.8 Nikkor or Tokina SD 28-70mm f3.5lens with a Red filter, rated at 200ASA and processed in Aculux for 14 mins. The ghostly effect is not as pronounced as using the R72 filter which I used in 1998 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, Red, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 2002, October
Luxor Temple InfR EG981121jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian infra red B&W colonnade processional pylon rear photo is taken from the outside of the colonnade looking back to the rear of the pylon and peristyle court located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues on the far side of the pylon that greet the visitor arriving at the Temple. To the left are a few small columns from the Roman castrum, a military complex with stone paved avenues and the streets defined by pillars. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Luxor Temple InfR EG981120jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt obelisk side carvings cartouche infra red film in front of the main pylon greeting visitors to this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Luxor Temple InfR EG981119jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt seated statues Ramses carvings infra red B&W in front of the main pylon greeting visitors to this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Luxor Temple InfR EG981118jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt pylon obelisk statues carvings infra red B&W ghostly in front of the main pylon greeting visitors to this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Luxor Temple InfR EG981117jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian seated statues Ramesses carvings infra red B&W in front of the main pylon greeting visitors to this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983733jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Inner Sanctuary infra red B&W Jim Henderson photo near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983732jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egypt Obelisk Sanctuary central court B&W infra red ghost near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983731jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egypt pharoah Amun carving B&W infra red ghostly near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983730jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian statue headless inra red ghostlike B&W film Sanctuary central court festival hall Thutmose near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983729jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Obelisk festival hall Thutmose Infra Red eerie B&W near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983724jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian Temple doorway infra red sunlight dawn taken not long after dawn with bright sunlight streaming into the hall. A visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998
Karnak InfR EG983719jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egypt Temple columns roof infra red sunlight dawn taken not long after dawn with bright sunlight streaming into the hall. A visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. It was taken using a Nikon FM manual camera, 28mm Nikkor lens with a R72 filter and processed in ID11 for 11 mins. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light, B&W, Infra, red, film, negative, Kodak, Nikon, FM, manual, R72, filter, ghostly, ghostlike, black, white, 1998

Egypt > Karnak Temple (70 files)

Photos in this gallery include the whole of Karnak itself, the open air museum, temples of Khonsu and Ptah and the Sound and Light Show night images.
Karnak Temple SS984636jhp 
 Thutmosis Pillar Karnak carved Granite papyrus sunrise Lower unified Egypt is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily or lotus flower of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, Amun, precinct, lily, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouche, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984635jhp 
 Thutmosis Pillar Karnak Temple Painted Figure Granite Flower lotus dawn light is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily or lotus flower of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, Amun, precinct, lily, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouche, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984634jhp 
 Thutmose Pillar Karnak Painted Pharoah Granite carved lilly lotus early light is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily or lotus flower of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, Amun, precinct, lily, lotus, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouche, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984633jhp 
 Thutmose Pillar Karnak colours Pharoah Granite Hatshepsut Obelisk sunrise Egypt is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily or lotus flower of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, Amun, precinct, lily, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouche, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984631jhp 
 Thutmosis Pillar Karnak central court Granite Hatshepsut Obelisks sunrise Egypt is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily or lotus flower of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, Amun, precinct, lily, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouche, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984630jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egypt Sanctuary central court dawn hypostyle slab altar near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS98462jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Reliefs Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns Roof dawn light carving hieroglyphics taken no long after dawn with bright sunlight streaming into the hall. A visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984627jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Obelisk dawn sunrise central court pillared room towards processional way near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984626jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egypt Obelisk dawn sunrise central court towards processional way near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984625jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Obelisk dawn sunrise central court pillared room towards processional way near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. The distant view goes beyond the Processional Way of the Hypostyle hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. This particular photograph was taken using Kodak Infra Red film which gives this classic ghostly affect. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984617jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer carvings prisoners Karnak Temple South sunrise dawn light highlighting carving at this site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs.

These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS984614jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple South dawn sunrise carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Karnak Temple SS98460jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Window sunrise golden light Karnak Egypt Temple Columns Roof carving hieroglyphics taken not long after dawn with golden sunlight creeping into the hall. A visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. This particular photograph was taken in 1998 as part of a Stars and Signs cruise and we were able to access the temple at sunrise before it opened to the main package tour traffic. This allowed photos to be taken in beautiful golden early morning light which was particularly useful in highlighting some of the rich wall reliefs. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light, colour, slide, film, Velvia, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, manual, camera, scanned, scan, November, 1998, dawn, sunrise, early, morning, golden, light
Luxor Karnak Temple EG949519jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Reliefs Karnak Egypt Temple Columns windows carving hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light, 1994, slide, film, Fuji, RDP, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Karnak Temple EG94487jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egypt Luxor Temple Columns Light Show Moon sound taken during the first stage of the Light Show which invloves a walk through the main temple here loking through the Hypostyle Hall to the Obelisk of Tuthmosis 111. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East, Bank, River, Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, Thutmosis, obelisk, night, sound, son, Luminere, light, show, 1994, Bronica, ETRSi: slide, film, tungsten, transparency, 645, medium, format
Karnak Lightshow EG94488jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Reliefs Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns Light Show Obelisk taken during the first stage of the Light Show which invloves a walk through the main temple here loking through the Hypostyel Hall to the Obelisk of Tuthmosis 111. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, Thutmosis, obelisk, night, light, show, 1994, Bronica, ETRSi: slide, film, tungsten, transparency, 645, medium, format
Karnak South Wall EG0214070jhp 
 Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple South conquered cities cartouches Amun carvings a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Wall EG0214069jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Karnak battle scene South Ramses chariot carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Wall EG0214068jhp 
 Outer Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple South Ramesses Chariots bow arrow carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, bow, arrow, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Wall EG0214066jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Karnak Temple South carvings Ramasses chariots a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Wall EG0214065jhp 
 Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple South Ramesses Amun prisoners presenting carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Wall EG0214063jhp 
 Outer Wall Karnak Temple Ramesses gate Ptah Amun Battle scene carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple to thre east of the gate where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, battle, scene, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Gate EG0214064jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Wall Reliefs Karnak South gate carving Ramesses Amun door jam a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak South Gate EG0214062jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Karnak Temple South Gate gates carvings a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. Looking through the Hypostle Hall from the south gate of Ramesses 11 to the North gate where most of the outer wall reliefs are those of Seti 1. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, gates, vistors, tourists, people, photographing
Karnak South Gate EG0214061jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Karnak Temple South Ramesses Gate carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramesses 11 and his various military campaigns in Palestine, charging fortresses, cities, binding captives and the hall is viewed from his gate on this side. These photos are taken in dying evening light after a sandstorm so rather flat and golden subdued light but still gives sufficient shadow outline on the sunken carvings. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, sandstone, hypostyle, hall, columns, carvings, reliefs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, South, gate, military, campaigns, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, charging, cartouches, names, cities, defeated, captured, prisoners, captives, binding, Amun, Ramses, 11, Ramasses, Ramesses, tourists, visitors, people
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214051jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns Obelisks carving hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall looking towards the two standing obelisks of Tuthmosis and Hatshesput L&R and one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, Tuthmosis, Tuthmose, Hatshepsut, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214049jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Reliefs Karnak Egypt Temple Columns Roof beams hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, supports, beams, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214048jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns windows sun glow hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214047jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egypt Luxor Temple Columns Roof supports hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, cartouches, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, supports, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214046jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall sunshine backlit Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns carving hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214042jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Ramesses cartouche Karnak Egyptian Columns carving hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, cartouche, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214041jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns tourists scale huge size taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall to the south gate and the diminutive figures help one gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, tourists, visitors, people, small, scale, huge, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214040jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egypt Temple Columns south door windows hieroglyphs taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214038jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egypt Temple Columns Roof beams repairs patching taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, repairs, cemented, patching, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214037jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns Roof beams painted carving hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, cartouche, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, supports, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, beams, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG0214036jhp 
 Luxor Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian Temple columns dark silhouette hieroglyphics taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG02140053jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egypt Obelisks Columns sunlight golden carving hieroglyphs taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall towards the two remaining standing obelisks Tuthmose on the right and Hatshepsut to its left and one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional, way, clerestory, papyrus, bud, capitals, windows, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, south, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amun-Re, obelisks, Hatshepsut, Tuthmose, Tuthmosis, evening, late, afternoon, sandstorm, sunshine, golden, poor, light
Karnak Temple Wall Carving EG0214033jhp 
 Karnak Egyptian Temple offering details wine vase Bes holding carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine as well as making offerings to the God Amun and Isis as well as Sekhmet, Ma'at and Ptah and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. This detail shows the God Bes holding the vase possibly offering protection to the recipient or in his role as a merrymaking God. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East, Bank, River, Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, closeup, details, offerings, vases, Bes, face, holding, wine, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, outer, wall, north, exterior, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, outer, wall, North, Seti 1, Sethos, Sety, feast, food
Karnak Temple Wall Carving EG0214030jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple offering Amun Seti a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine as well as making offerings to the God Amun and Isis and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Amun, Isis, offering, Seti 1, Sethos, offering, scenes, wine, food
Karnak Temple Wall Carving EG0214024jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall North Wall Karnak Temple offering Amun Theban Triad Sety a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine as well as making offerings to the God Amun and Isis as well as Sekhmet, Ptah and Ma'at and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East, Bank, River, Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, outer, wall, north, exterior, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Sety, Theban, Triad, Gods, Amun, Khonsu, Mut, Ma’at, Sekhmet, Ptah, offering, wine, feast, food
Karnak Temple Wall Carving EG0214021jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall North Wall Karnak Temple offering Amun Theban Triad Sety a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine as well as making offerings to the God Amun and Isis as well as Sekhmet, Ma'at and Ptah and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East, Bank, River, Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, outer, wall, north, exterior, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Sety, Theban, Triad, Gods, Amun, Khonsu, Mut, Ma’at, Sekhmet, Ptah, offering, wine, feast, food
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214034jhp 
 Hypostyle Wall Egyptian Karnak Sety battle scene chariot prisoners damaged carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield, damaged, plumes
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214032jhp 
 Outer Wall Karnak Temple Seti Sethos hieroglyphics prisoners carvings faces on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214028jhp 
 North Outer Wall Karnak Temple Seti Battle scene chariots horses arrows javelins carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, javelins, spears, horses, dead, battlefield, bodies, vanquished
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214027jhp 
 North exterior Wall Karnak Temple Sethos Nekhbet battle chariots details hieroglyphics carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, Nekhbet, vulture, flying, protection, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214026jhp 
 North Outer Wall Karnak Temple Egypt Seti chariot Nekhbet vulture carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield, nekhbet, vulture, flying, protection
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214025jhp 
 North Wall Karnak Temple Luxor Sety Battle chariot prisoners bound carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, bound, walking, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield, Nekhbet, vulture, protection
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214020jhp 
 Hypostyle Karnak Sety Battle scene smiting prisoners Amun Theban Triad carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side; note the cartouches naming the towns captured along the left hand side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, smiting, Amun, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield, names, cartouches, Theban, Triad
Karnak Temple Battle Scene EG0214019jhp 
 North Outer Wall Karnak Temple Sety Battle scene prisoners Amun carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sety, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, Hittites, Lybia, Bedouin, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak Ramesses 11 Door EG075004jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer South Door Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple Ramses 11 carving on the exterior southern wall gate of this sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, southern, entrance, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, barque, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, vanquished, prisoners, massacre, battle, registers, reports, tableaux
Karnak Central Court EG074971jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Obelisks central court panorama Thutmose Statue Osiride near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great is visible over the truncated column in the immediate foreground. The obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, Thutmosis, Thutmose, statue, Osiride, view, panorama, framed, central, court, festival, hall, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall
Karnak Central Court EG074970jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Obelisk Granite Sanctuary Amun central court obelisks near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The back of the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great lies beneath the Hatshepsut obelisk on the right while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, Amun, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills
Karnak Central Court EG074969jhp 
 Karnak Temple Luxor Egyptian Obelisks Sanctuary central court Philip Arrhidaeus near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great is the dark door beneath the righthand obelisk is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills
Karnak Central Court EG074954jhp 
 Karnak Temple Egyptian Obelisk Sanctuary central court festival hall Thutmose near the most sacred part of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This photograph is looking back into the main area of the temple from the central court area, now a large open space in front of unusual Festival Hall of Thutmose 111. The figure is standing looking into the inner sanctum, the Granite Sanctuary of Philip Arrhidaeus who ruled briefly after the death of Alexander the Great. The obelisk on the right is that of Hatshepsut while the smaller one on the left is that of Thutmosis 1. Beyond the woman the view goes beyond the Processsional Way of the Hypostyle Hall, through the western Pylon, over the River Nile to the distant west bank Theban hills. In the foreground are the truncated columns and altar stone of an area which was one of the oldest areas of Karnak. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, Thutmosis, Thutmose, festival, hall, barque, sanctuary, Granite, Philip, Arrhidaeus, inner, sanctum, sixth, pylon, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, column, bases, obelisks, Hatshepsut, hypostyle, hall, Theban, hills
Karnak Carved Wall EG075003jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple Columns Roof carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the southern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Ramses 11 and his various military campaigns in Syria, Palestine and Kadesh against the Hittites and the hall is just visible above the wall. This section is between the gate and the wall of the First Court behind the seventh Pylon. It appears that owing to lack of space his later Palestine campaign reports were over written the earlier Battle of Kadesh one although the themes of vanquished prisoners, Pharaoh smiting his enemies are the same. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, southern, entrance, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Kadesh, chariots, horses, barque, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, vanquished, prisoners, massacre, battle, registers, reports, tableaux
Karnak Temple EG074940jhp 
 Thutmosis Pillar Karnak Temple Egypt vestibule Chapels black granite door is located near the inner snactum or snactuary of The Great Temple of Amun at Karnak not far from Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. This cluster of chapels originally by Amenhotep 1, later reused by Thutmosis 111 are in a poor state of repair. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, inner, snactum, Amun, precinct, lily, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouches, reused, Amenhotep, chapels, black, granite, door, vestibule, sixth, pylon
Karnak Temple Carving EG074946jhp 
 Sanctuary Philip Arrhidaeus outer wall carvings Karnak Temple painted granite is in the center of this huge sprawling site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and Karnak is the largest religious complex on the Nile. On the outer walls of this inner Sanctuary from the ruler of Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great in 323BC who ruled for about 6 years. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, Philip, Arrhidaeus, Alexander, Great, brother, barque, barques, carried, sanctuary, Amun, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, cartouche
Karnak Thutmose Column EG074947jhp 
 Thutmosis Pillar Karnak Temple Egypt Painted Figures Granite Flower is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. This colourful pillar is one of two erected by Thutmosis 111 in front of the barque sanctuary in the Great Temple of Amun painted and carved with the heraldic plants representing the lily of Upper Egypt and the papyrus of Lower. He also who made considerable contributions to the construction of the Karnak complex with pylons, obelisks, one of which still stands, and a Festival Hall. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, Thutmosis, Thutmose, 111, pillar, pillars, two, heraldic, barque, sanctuary, Amun, precinct, lily, Upper, flower, papyrus, Lower, plants, colours, painted, colors, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, carvings, blocks, cartouche, Menkheperre
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074934jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Egyptian columns undressed Window small court pylon third inside this famous site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the small court adjacent to the Third Pylon of Amenhotep 111 to the east of the Hypostyle Hall. Note the unfinished columns where the construction methods are clearly visible where the small building blocks have not been dressed smooth. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, unfinished, incomplete, undressed, rough, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, third, pylon, small, court, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amenhotep
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074933jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Temple Columns Roof Window small court pylon third inside this famous site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the small court adjacent to the Third Pylon of Amenhotep 111 to the east of the Hypostyle Hall. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, unfinished, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, third, pylon, small, court, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, Amenhotep
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074932jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Karnak Temple Egypt Columns Roof westwards third pylon view a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the Third Pylon looking westwards back towards the usual entrance in this monumental processional hall. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, tourists, visitors, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, gateway, third, pylon, small, court, entrance, view, westwards, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074931jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer Wall Reliefs Karnak Temple Seti Barque many oars carving on the north outer wall of the Hypostle Hall at Karnak a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, military, large, mulitple, rowers, barque, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074930jhp 
 Outer North Wall Karnak Egyptian Temple Sethos Barque Shrine Carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, barque, Amun, shrine, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074929jhp 
 North Outer Wall Karnak Temple Seti Battle scene chariot prisoners carving on the outer wall of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, military, campaigns, Syria, Palestine, Yenoam, chariots, barque, battle, scene, prisoners, begging, offering, Amun-Re, arrows, horses, dead, battlefield, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074928jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Outer North Wall Karnak Temple Barque Shrine Carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, barque, Amun, shrine, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Karnak Hypostyle Hall EG074926jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall North gate Karnak Seti Amun Temple Columns Roof Carving a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. The most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun is the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today greatly lacking in perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from the outside of the hall on the northern side of the Temple where most of the inscriptions are related to Seti 1 and his various military campaigns in Syria and Palestine and the hall is viewed from the gate on this side. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, Amun, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, hieroglyphs, deep, cut, windows, painted, roof, gateway, outer, wall, North, entrance, Seti 1, Sethos, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses
Luxor Karnak Excavations EG074831JHP 
 Karnak Temple Egypt Entrance West Excavations harbour quay canal walls are the early work in 2007 of the Ramaside construction which gave access to the River Nilke although these days it is main ticket office and coachpark entrance. Located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile Karnak, the Great Temple of Amun, is the largest religious complex on the Nile. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, entrance, excavations, harbour, quay, canal, walls, stonework, west, first, pylon, Amenhotep, Amenophis, Horemheb, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology
Karnak Temple Columns EG053565jhp 
 Hypostyle Hall Reliefs Karnak Egyptian Temple Columns base carving hieroglyphs taken in late afternoon light unfortunately during a sand storm so the general light was very poor. This early part of a visit to Karnak is on a huge sprawling a site located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it is the largest religious complex on the Nile. This is the most famous and awesome part of The Great Temple of Amun, the hypostyle hall with it huge columns, the central ones reaching 23m high. Originally erected by Seti 1 and was completed by his son Ramses 11 and although today despite lacking in overall perfection is still overwhelming in its scale. This photo is taken from inside the great columned hall and where diminutive figures appear one can gauge the huge scale and fantastic workmanship of the skilled builders who worked with basic tools and no modern mechanical equipment. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics, sandstone, blocks, approach, hypostyle, hall, columns, processional; way; clerestory; papyrus; bud; capitals; windows; hieroglyphs, deep; cut, windows, painted, roof, sanctuary, gateway, outer; wall, south; entrance, Seti 1; Sethos; Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses; Amun-Re; obelisks; evening; late; afternoon; sandstorm; sunshine; golden; poor; light
Karnak Sekhmet Statues 4869EG07JHP 
 Open Air Museum Egyptian Karnak Temple Sekhmet Lioness God Statues Seated is located near Luxor City centre on the East Bank of the River Nile and it the largest religious complex on the Nile. On the path to the Open Air Museum reached through the eastern gate of the first courtyard are many relics found in the huge sprawling site and these are statues of the Lioness Goddess Sekhmet or Sakhmet. Originally established as a Memphis deity along with the feline Goddess Bastet. She was the warrior deity giving the Pharaoh's great heroism in battle. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, upright, open-air, museum, Sekhmet, lioness, Goddess, hero, bavery, statues, carvings, granite, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, hieroglyphics
Karnak Light Show EG02AG113JHP 
 Ram-headed Sphinxes Colonnade Inside First Forecourt Nightime Light Show of Great Temple of Amun at Karnak during the daily evening sound and light show. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Karnak, Temple, East, Bank, River, Nile, Thebes, Waset, Ipetisut, landscape, sound, light, show, dark, nightime, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pylon, Ramses, huge, monumental, ram headed, crio-sphinxes, rams, colonnade, first, forecourt

Egypt > Lake Nasser (4 files)

This gallery will contain photos of the sites visited on cruises of Lake Nasser from Kasr Imbrim in the south, Amada, Derr Tomb, Pennuit, El Seboua, Dakka, Maharraka, Qertassi and Kalabsha near Aswan.
Leaving Abu Simbel EG961464jhp 
 Lake Nasser Cruise Abu Simbel temple leaving view cruiseboat Egyptian holiday is another way of visiting Abu Simbel after exhausting the Aswan and Nile cruise options. Lake Nasser is a great expanse of water although always within sight of distant rocky outlines it offers hotter temperatures, the chance to spend more time at Abu Simbel and see the Light and Sound Show and a range of additional smaller temples and tombs throughout the 3 day trip. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River Nile, Lake, Nasser, Nubia, Abu Simbel, temple, departure, arrival, landscape, upright, cruiseboat, sun, colourful, colorful, relaxing, water, flags, deck, buffet, cabin, service, food, cakes, dessert, 1996, 645, slide, film, transparency, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi
Abu Simbel from Lake EG051512JHP 
 Egyptian Temples Ramses 11 Abu Simbel Nefertari Nubian Sea Cruiseboat View Deck starting a Lake Nasser cruise on a particularly hazy morning - the previous day had been blue skies and scorching hot sun 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, daughters, Queen, Nefertari, power, empire, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, shattered, fallen, desert, rocks
Abu Simbel Aerial View EG02BE24JHP 
 Aerial Abu Simbel Temple Egypt Finals Approach Landing Lake Nasser offers a fleeting view of the relocated site from the port side windows with cruiseboats at anchor near this huge man made site constructed in the 1960's to rehouse and save Ramses 11 huge rock cut monuments from certain flooding following the building of the Great Dam near Aswan. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu Simbel, aerial, landing, portside, flying, aircraft, water, berthed, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, pharaoh, seated, history, sky, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, damage, desert, spectacular
Abu Simbel & Cruiseboat EG051514JHP 
 Great Temple Egypt Ramses Abu Simbel Cruiseboat Foreground Departing Cruise with another arriving from a Lake Nasser cruise on a particularly hazy morning - the previous day had been blue skies and scorching hot sun. Busy in th early morning with coach and aircraft tours arriving from Aswan and Luxor. For cruiseboat tours a quiet period is often around 10.30am and is the time for the best light on the facade - afternoon visits mean the front is in the shade. 
 Keywords: Egypt, ancient, Egyptian, Aswan, Lake, Nasser, River, Nile, Nubia, Nubian, Abu, Simbel, rock, carved, huge, magnificent, Great, Temple, landscape, Ramses, Ramasses, Ramesses, temples, pharaoh, seated, history, antiquity, archaeology, Egyptology, dam, flooding, UNESCO, rescue, artificial, mountain, holiday, travel, tourism, Kuoni, Sea, cruise, cruiseboat, sailing, cliff, shattered, fallen, desert, rocks

Egypt > Luxor City & Misc West Bank (5 files)

Images in this gallery cover modern Luxor, general agriculture and photos not specific to other groups such as the recent excavations of the Sphinx Avenue, the alabaster factory and workers and the residential houses bordering the various roads to the main sites. It also includes the balloon flights and views from the balloon.
Luxor Nile EG20367jhp 
 Egyptian Luxor Hotels St George River Winter Palace Nile ferry boat crossing and this was the manner of crossing to the West bank from the cruiseboats and hotels in Luxor proper. The road bridge over the Nile slightly to the south of the town was opened in 1998 and then all journeys to the West Bank sites was done by coach and much less romantic than crossing the Nile by ferry boat. It is still possible to use the public ferry and then get a taxi from the ticket office near Qurna al-Gaddah. In 1994 on my first trip I stayed in the Etap Hotel now the Mercure and it was a great location on the promenade, great views over the River with easy access by foot to the Luxor Museum, to public ferry points for crossing the Nile and to nearby shops or just enjoyed a leisurely walk along the tree lined waterfront by the berthed cruiseboats and feluccas. You could see the Temple of Hatshepsut tucked into the Theban hills, watch the balloons starting their early morning flights or see feluccas and cruiseboats sailing along the Nile. In my first few visits to Egypt but especially my first the Nile cruiseboat the RA 11 anchored adjacent to the main promenade and we were collected in the morning by ferryboats and taken over the river to the East Boat and brought back after our visits to the West Bank sites. Coaches were waiting on the West Bank to take us to the sites. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Thebes, Luxor, Waset, Ipetisut, East, Bank, River, Nile, Mercure, Etap, Hotel, hotels, riverside, riverbank, West, bank, ferry, public, crossing, boat, Hatshepsut, temple, balloons, landscape, upright, palm, trees, water, shimmering, morning, sunshine, blue, sky, hazy, Theban, hills, waterfront, promenade, esplanade, modern, architecture, style, stylish, balconies, tree-lined, papyrus, cruiseboats, berthed, 2000, slide, film, 35mm, format, transparency, Fuji, Velvia, Nikon, FM2, scanned, scan
Luxor Nile EG20366jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Hotels River Nile View East Bank ferry crossing downstream and this was the manner of crossing to the West bank from the cruiseboats and hotels in Luxor proper. The road bridge over the Nile slightly to the south of the town was opened in 1998 and then all journeys to the West Bank sites was done by coach and much less romantic than crossing the Nile by ferry boat. It is still possible to use the public ferry and then get a taxi from the ticket office near Qurna al-Gaddah. In 1994 on my first trip I stayed in the Etap Hotel now the Mercure and it was a great location on the promenade, great views over the River with easy access by foot to the Luxor Museum, to public ferry points for crossing the Nile and to nearby shops or just enjoyed a leisurely walk along the tree lined waterfront by the berthed cruiseboats and feluccas. You could see the Temple of Hatshepsut tucked into the Theban hills, watch the balloons starting their early morning flights or see feluccas and cruiseboats sailing along the Nile. In my first few visits to Egypt but especially my first the Nile cruiseboat the RA 11 anchored adjacent to the main promenade and we were collected in the morning by ferryboats and taken over the river to the East Boat and brought back after our visits to the West Bank sites. Coaches were waiting on the West Bank to take us to the sites. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Thebes, Luxor, Waset, Ipetisut, East, Bank, River, Nile, Mercure, Etap, Hotel, hotels, riverside, riverbank, West, bank, ferry, public, crossing, boat, Hatshepsut, temple, balloons, landscape, upright, palm, trees, water, shimmering, morning, sunshine, blue, sky, hazy, Theban, hills, waterfront, promenade, esplanade, modern, architecture, style, stylish, balconies, tree-lined, papyrus, cruiseboats, berthed, 2000, slide, film, 35mm, format, transparency, Fuji, Velvia, Nikon, FM2, scanned, scan
Luxor Nile EG20365jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Hotels River Nile eastbank boat tourists ferry crossing and this was the manner of crossing to the West bank from the cruiseboats and hotels in Luxor proper. The road bridge over the Nile slightly to the south of the town was opened in 1998 and then all journeys to the West Bank sites was done by coach and much less romantic than crossing the Nile by ferry boat. It is still possible to use the public ferry and then get a taxi from the ticket office near Qurna al-Gaddah. In 1994 on my first trip I stayed in the Etap Hotel now the Mercure and it was a great location on the promenade, great views over the River with easy access by foot to the Luxor Museum, to public ferry points for crossing the Nile and to nearby shops or just enjoyed a leisurely walk along the tree lined waterfront by the berthed cruiseboats and feluccas. You could see the Temple of Hatshepsut tucked into the Theban hills, watch the balloons starting their early morning flights or see feluccas and cruiseboats sailing along the Nile. In my first few visits to Egypt but especially my first the Nile cruiseboat the RA 11 anchored adjacent to the main promenade and we were collected in the morning by ferryboats and taken over the river to the East Boat and brought back after our visits to the West Bank sites. Coaches were waiting on the West Bank to take us to the sites. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Thebes, Luxor, Waset, Ipetisut, East, Bank, River, Nile, Mercure, Etap, Hotel, hotels, riverside, riverbank, West, bank, ferry, public, crossing, boat, Hatshepsut, temple, balloons, landscape, palm, trees, water, shimmering, morning, sunshine, blue, sky, hazy, Theban, hills, waterfront, promenade, esplanade, modern, architecture, style, stylish, balconies, tree-lined, papyrus, cruiseboats, berthed, 2000, slide, film, 35mm, format, transparency, Fuji, Velvia, Nikon, FM2, scanned, scan
Luxor View EG94538jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Hotel River Nile View balloons dawn West Bank Hatshepsut looking over the quiet River Nile on a sunny September dawn from one of the riverside balconies of this long standing central Luxor Hotel on the city waterfront. This was my first visit to Luxor and I was lucky to get changed to a room in the north wing which was considerably quieter than one in the centre of the hotel above the swimming pool, various restaurants and a dance floor. It also offered great views to the West Bank and in this case two hot air balloons starting their trips over the West Bank. In 1994 the Hotel was the Etap but is now the Mercure and has a great location on the promenade with easy access by foot to the Luxor Museum, to public ferry points for crossing the Nile and to nearby shops or just enjoyed a leisurely walk along the tree lined waterfront by the berthed cruiseboats and feluccas. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Thebes, Luxor, Waset, Ipetisut, East, Bank, River, Nile, Mercure, Etap, Hotel, riverside, riverbank, West, bank, Hatshepsut, temple, balloons, landscape, palm, trees, water, shimmering, September, morning, dawn, sunshine, blue, sky, hazy, Theban, hills, waterfront, promenade, esplanade, modern, architecture, style, stylish, balconies, balcony, tree-lined, papyrus, cruiseboats, berthed, 1994, slide, film, 645, medium, format, transparency, Bronica, ETRSi, scanned, scan
Luxor View EG945113jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Mercure Etap Hotel River Nile View West Bank Hatshepsut looking over the shimmering River Nile on a sunny September afternoon from one of the riverside balconies of this long standing central Luxor Hotel on the city waterfront. This was my first visit to Luxor and I was lucky to get changed to a room in the north wing which was considerably quieter than one in the centre of the hotel above the swimming pool, various restaurants and a dance floor. It also offered great views to the West Bank. In 1994 the Hotel was the Etap but is now the Mercure and has a great location on the promenade with easy access by foot to the Luxor Museum, to public ferry points for crossing the Nile and to nearby shops or just enjoyed a leisurely walk along the tree lined waterfront by the berthed cruiseboats and feluccas. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Thebes, Luxor, Waset, Ipetisut, East, Bank, River, Nile, Mercure, Etap, Hotel, riverside, riverbank, West, bank, Hatshepsut, temple, balloons, landscape, palm, trees, water, shimmering, September, morning, dawn, sunshine, blue, sky, hazy, Theban, hills, waterfront, promenade, esplanade, modern, architecture, style, stylish, balconies, balcony, tree-lined, papyrus, cruiseboats, berthed, 1994, slide, film, 645, medium, format, transparency, Bronica, ETRSi, scanned, scan

Egypt > Luxor Deir el Medinah (45 files)

The pictures in this gallery are of the worker's village on the west bank of the River Nile at Luxor and the Ptolemaic Temple, the Great Pit and small chapels of Hathor and Amun
Deir el Medina EG05099jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Ancient Egypt Ruins workers houses streets Qurnet Murai hill is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05098jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Ancient Egyptian Temple Hathor workers houses streets Qurnet Murai hill is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05097jhp 
 Deir al-Medinah Egypt Temple Hathor workers village houses streets Qurnet Murai hill is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050918jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt houses interiors stairs rooms streets walls is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050917jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Ancient Egypt Ruins workers house interior streets tombs is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050916jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor panorama Ancient Egyptian workers village houses streets tombs is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050915jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah West Bank Egypt workers village houses streets tombs is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050914jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor Egypt vistors centre workers village houses streets vista is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050913jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Temple mudbrick pan bedding walls is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050912jhp 
 Deir al-Medinah Egyptian Temple Hathor mudbrick walls workers village Theban hill is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, Velvia, 50asa, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05089jhp 
 Deir el-Medina West Bank Ancient Egypt pan bedding mudbrick walls Temple Hathor Ptolemaic is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05088jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Ruins Temple pan bedding Hathor Ptolemaic is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05087jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Thebes Ancient Egypt temple exterior carving Hathor Osiris offering is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05086jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor Ancient Egyptian temple exterior carving Hathor Amenhotpe is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05085jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Luxor Egypt Ptolemaic Temple Hathor face capital interior 6x6 format is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05084jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Ptolemaic Temple Hathor interior square format is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05083jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Luxor Ancient Egypt Ruins workers tombs streets hill stone wall is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05082jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Ruins workers houses streets 6x6 square is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses; streets; temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets; houses; interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, oblong, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG05081jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Ruins workers houses interior 6x6 square is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses; streets; temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets; houses; interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, oblong, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050811jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Ancient Egyptian Ruins workers houses interiors stairs walls is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG050810jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt panorama workers village houses streets is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraca, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, house, workers, houses, tombs, pyramid, streets, walls, doorways, stairs, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, pan, bedding, sloping, panning, wall, enclosure, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy, Temple, Amun, Hathor, Osiris, West, Ma’at, Imhotep, Amenhotpe, Ptolemy, Arsinoe, wife, face, capital, carvings, hieroglyphs, columns, ceiling, roof, interior, exterior, offering, scene, 2005, slide, film, 6x6, 120, medium, square, format, Yashicamat 125, scanned, scan
Deir el Medina EG94507jhp 
 Deir al-Medina Luxor Ancient Egyptian Ruins workers houses streets querns pots is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick, 1994, slide, 645, film, transparency, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, scanned, scan
Deir el-Medina EG075177jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Egypt Great pit pile shards broken pots ostraka hut is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075176jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt heaps pile broken pottery shards pit hole is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075174jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Ancient Egypt great Ostrakon pit bottom empty deep is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, bottom, sand, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075173jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Egypt Ruin house Roman Great pit mudbrick is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, hut, house, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075172jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Egypt Great Pit Ostrakon hole paths steps deep walls is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075171jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Ancient Egypt pile broken bowls earthenware shards patterns is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075170jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Great Pit shards broken pottery heaps is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075169jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Luxor Ancient Egyptian broken pile pottery Great Pit hole is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075168jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Ancient Egypt discarded huge heap shards pottery broken is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075166jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt hills Great Pit hole dug Graeco-Roman is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075165jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Luxor Ancient Egyptian hole Great pit Theban Hills is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075164jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egyptian Great Pit well hole ostraka waste is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075163jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Great pit hole well Ostraka garbage is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075162jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Luxor Ancient Egypt pit hole well shadows west bank east is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075159jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Pit view Ramasseum hypostyle hall Luxor Karnak pylons Egypt near Ruins workers houses streets located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lying to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Ramasseum, Hypostyle, hall, Ramasses, Karnak, pylons, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Temple, Ptolemaic, colourful, limestone, great, pit, viewpoint
Deir el-Medina EG075158jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt West bank Ramasseum Great pit view is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075157jhp 
 Deir al-Madinah Luxor Ancient Egyptian Great Pit Ostrakon Ramasseum view is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075156jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt Hathor Temple Pit West bank view is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, upright, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075155jhp 
 Deir el-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt great pit ostrakon west bank view is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket.

This photo includes the Great Pit, a 60 metre deep excavated hole to access ground water, possibly dug during Graeco-Roman times to save the burdensome carrying of water from sources nearer the Nile. There is the remain of a small building, mudbrick and mud lined, attributed to Roman origin and huge piles of broken shards from drinking pots, urns and other earthenware pottery vessels used for the possible carrying and retention of water, some designs are plain while others have patterns. However there is a suggestion that water was never found either in the Ramasseid period when first attempts are thought to have started and even in the later Ptolemaic times. It did however serve in latter years as a huge tip from which large quantities of ostraka where recovered giving detailed insights to the daily life and skills of the workmen in the nearby village. From the Great Pit are open views eastwards past the Ramasseum, across the fertile agricultural area of the West Bank to the distant pylons of Karnak Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, Great, Pit, ostrakon, ostraka, Ramasseid, Graeco-Roman, Roman, well, hole, huge, deep, dry, house, building, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hills, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, view, farming, fertile, green, colourful, pottery, pots, bowls, urns, plain, patterns, earthenware, fired, piles, thousands, shards, broken, mudbrick
Deir el-Medina EG075133jhp 
 Deir ae-Medina Luxor Ancient Egypt great pit northwards Sheikh Abd'el-Qurna hill is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill where this photo was taken by the Temple to Amun looking northwards to the Skeikh Abd'el-Qurna hill with the Great Pit in the foreground. The whole of this site is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets, temples and chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. Most photographs show the streets, houses, interior with domestic bowls and grinding querns and others a general overview of the village with its tombs and rock tombs to the North West corner. There are also some exquisitely decorated underground tombs of which a couple are included in the entrance ticket. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, West, Bank, landscape, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, Deir, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet, Murai, Hill, Qurnat, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hill, Great, Pit, Temple, Amun, Ptolemaic, colourful, limestone, walls, rooms, roofless, rock, tombs, chapels, pottery, shards, broken, temples, Hathor, Ptolemaic, Amun, chapel, mudbrick, enclosure
Luxor Deir al-Madinah Hathor Chapel 5151EG07JHP 
 Chapel Hathor Deir al-Madinah Egyptian Temple Great Pit Luxor West Bank of the River Nile lying to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets and a Ptolemaic Temple and other chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. The photograph is of the Hathor Chapel to the north of the Ptolemaic temple of Hathor and is accessed by the track to the Great Pit and is ticked up behind the main temple mudbrick walls. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, landscape, West Bank, River Nile, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet Murai Hill, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, Temple, Chapel, Hathor, Ptolemaic, Ptolemy 1V, portico, stone, walls, sanctuaries
Luxor Deir al-Madinah Great Pit 5175EG07JHP 
 Great Pit Well Deir el-Medina Workers Village Roman Water Supply Temple Wall is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets and a Ptolemaic Temple and other chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. The photograph looks into the bottom of the Great Pit or well to the north of the village and attributed to Graeco-Roman period over a Roman nut and looking towards the Ptolemaic Temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, landscape, West Bank, River Nile, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet Murai, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hill, Great pit, Graeco-Roman, water, well, deep, hole, Strabo, Temple, Hathor, Ptolemaic, colourful, rock, tombs, sandstone
Luxor Deir al-Madinah Great Pit 5167EG07JHP 
 Ancient Egyptian Deir al-Madinah Great Pit Roman Water Well Custodian is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets and a Ptolemaic Temple and other chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. The photograph looks into the bottom of the Great Pit or well to the north of the village and attributed to Graeco-Roman period and a short walk past the Ptolemaic temple. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, Theban, landscape, West Bank, River Nile, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, al-Madinah, el-Medina, Qurnet Murai, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hill, Great pit, Graeco-Roman, water, well, deep, hole, Strabo, Temple, Hathor, Ptolemaic, colourful, rock, tombs, sandstone

Egypt > Luxor Museum (1 file)

Luxor Yamu-Nedjeh EG962096JHP 
 Egypt Museum Luxor Egyptian Library Photos Yamu Nedjeh Herald Granite was taken inside this modern building on the waterfront of the River Nile with its fascinating collection covering the extensive history of ancient Egypt including items from the Tomb of Tutankahum. This particular exhibit is of Tuthmosis 111 First Herald an official of great status and trust who was allowed to have this carved block in his own tomb at Qurna and it is now in the museum proper and was taken in 1996 when you could pay to take photographs but not use a tripod, now not allowed at all, and I used Kodak 5042 Tungsten Slide film which still meant hand holding was at the extremes of useful photography in low light conditions. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, East, Bank, River, Nile, Museum, Interior, upright, granite, block, statue, Herald, Yamu-Nedjeh, Tuthmosis, Qurna, tomb, 84, history, archaeology, Egyptology, exhibit

Egypt > Luxor Nobles Tombs (37 files)

Photographs in this gallery are of the various Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank if the Nile at Luxor in the area called Qurnet Murai
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00679jhp 
 Egyptian Luxor Tombs Nobles Nakht grapes fish ducks food preparing Tomb Relief is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00678jhp 
 Egypt ancient food Nakht grapes figs fish ducks baskets food feast pile Tomb Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, upright, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00677jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Astronomer Nakht honey wine food feast colours wall painting Tomb Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, upright, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00676jhp 
 Egyptian Luxor Tombs Nobles Nakht female harp player Tomb painted Relief is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, musicians, women, flute, lute, harp, naked, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00675jhp 
 Egyptian Luxor Tomb Noble Nakht food feast Tomb Colour Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, upright, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00674jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Nakht Tomb women servant lotus flower Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00673jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Nakht women musicians naked Tomb Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, musicians, women, flute, lute, harp, naked, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG00672jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Nakht grapes food feast pile Tomb Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG006714jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Nakht Tomb tree Goddess Hathor food feast papyrus Colours Relief is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG006713jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Nakht grapes wine making workmen Tomb Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, upright, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Nakht Tomb EG006712jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tomb Noble Nakht grapes treading wine fowls workers Colourful Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Nakht Tomb-Chapel is located in the Village area [Tomb 52] was the Astronomer of Amun during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs but difficult to photograph as the lighting was extremely limited and only properly lit small areas of a scene. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. In this case I remember using a 80B Blue filter to try to counteract the very low grade tungsten lighting and because of the speed loss was using my 50mm f1.8 Nikkor lens wide open so had absolutely no Depth of Field to play with and a shutter speed of 30th second or less-really impossible to produce technically good images. 
The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot so nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, and not a problem from memory in Nakht’s Tomb, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, village, landscape, upright, Nakht, wife, Tawi, Taui, God, Amun, deceased, Observer, Hours, astronomer, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, Tree, Goddess, Hathor, fruit-tree, headdress, sycamore, grapes, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, RHP, 80a, tungsten, filter, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006730jhp 
 Egyptian Thebes Tombs Nobles Menna Marshland scene boat fishing fish water is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG9410023jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Menna Wife Banquet eye damage food details Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 as this photo records and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji RDP 100asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 1994, Fuji, RDP, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006733jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Menna colourful wine lotus flowers Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006732jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tomb Noble Menna marshland ducks ibis food hunting Relief is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006731jhp 
 Egyptian Luxor Noble Menna marshland fishing nets fish colours details Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006729jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tomb Mena herding Isis Horus mother unusual Anubis cattle Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. This depiction of the Goddess which I believe is Isis is very unusual with Horus on her head and I have not been able to find it elsewhere shown in my reference books or on the Internet. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006728jhp 
 Egypt Thebes Noble Menna Scribe cattle Isis Horus ankh Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006727jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Menna Banquet Wall covering colourful Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006726jhp 
 Egyptian Luxor Tomb Noble Menna Scribe Royal Tomb Reliefs walls room is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006725jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tomb Noble Menna Wife Banquet scene Scribe Royal Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006724jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Menna Scribe harvest farming scenes painted is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006723jhp 
 Egypt Thebes Tomb Noble Mena Osiris seated colourful Relief God offering is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006722jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Noble Menna Wife offering Osiris God food Scribe Royal Tomb Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006721jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Menna Tomb Osiris Offering scenes Room ceiling walls is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006720jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Menna Scribe Royal banquet eyes missing colors is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Luxor Menna Tomb EG006719jhp 
 Egypt Luxor Tombs Nobles Menna Mena Scribe offering table colours details Reliefs is one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. The Menna Tomb-Chapel is cruciform in design located in the Upper Enclosure [Tomb 69] was a Scribe of the Royal Fields during the reign of Thutmosis 1V around 1400BC. This was one of the first Tombs of the Nobles I visited in 1994 and I was taken immediately by the colourful painted reliefs, difficult to photograph as protected by Perspex sheeting and only lit by reflected light done by the custodians. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. Visits to these tombs tend to be privately organised rather than being part of a package tour but it is easily organised with a taxi from the East Bank hotels, payment for selected tombs is made at the ticket office beforehand near the Colossi of Memnon with the area being very close to the ticket office.

Photography certainly the last time I was in Egypt in 2007 had been banned in all the tombs so these photos although not very good technically are useful as a record of the nature of the tombs and especially their paintings. These images have not been sharpened during post production but will benefit from some USM sharpening prior to use. Hand held as no tripods were allowed and using slide film, Fuji 400asa, did not give great leeway to get decent photos, oh for my Nikon DSLR with 6400ISO. The hand reflected lighting used in some tombs causes a hot spot and nothing by way of a balanced light but it is daylight balanced. However being direct sunlight reflected off tin foil would probably being doing more damage to the paintings than a suitable wide angle flash with UV filter. Given that most of the paints used in these tombs is mineral based then actually either method would do no measurable damage. The Perspex sheeting, however inconvenient, is to stop the physical touching of the paintings accidentally or otherwise, by inquisitive hands or swinging backpacks, and is absolutely vital protection to preserve these invaluable unique irreplaceable paintings. Some of the obvious damage to the paintings is not all modern, as his eyes have been gouged out possibly by an enemy in ancient times. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Menna, Mena, wife, God, Osiris, deceased, scribe, fields, recording, taxes, wheat, tomb, banquet, scene, painting, offering, fish, ducks, food, flowers, lotus, bread, loaves, wine, fishing, marshland, boats, agriculture, cattle, farming, girls, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, natural, light, 2000, Fuji, slide, film, scanned, scan, daylight, balanced, Nikon, FM2, 35mm
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075706JHP 
 Ancient Egypt Nobles Rekhmire Tomb Painting Tusks Ivory Baboon Exotic Expedition, one of many beautiful tomb decorations only lit by reflected sunlight amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, foreign, gifts, ivory, tusk, baboon, monkey, cheetah, giraffe, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075704JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Painting Luxor West Bank Interior Bear Elephant Photo, one of many beautiful tomb decorations but only lit by reflected sunlight amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd'el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, foreign, animals, elephant, bear, painting, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075703JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Painting Luxor West Bank Animals Giraffe Expedition Colours, one of many beautiful tomb decorations lit only by reflected sunlight amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, foreign, animals, cattle, giraffe, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, sunlight, reflected, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075699JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Luxor Painting Workmen Carving Statue Ancient Egyptian Craftsman, one of many beautiful tomb decorations only lit by reflected sunlight amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, granite, statue, carving, masons, stone, workers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075698JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Painting Afterlife Colours Interior Photograph Luxor Egypt, one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, symbol, lake, trees, Afterlife, painting, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075692JHP 
 Egyptian Rekhmire Tomb Painting Musicians Harp Women Interior Photo Luxor, one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, dancers, musicians, harp, hieroglyphs, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075690JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Painting Luxor Egyptian Workers Tradesmen Carpenters Daily Life Scenes, one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, workers, tradesmen, wood carving, metal, wood, working, shrine, gold, covering, craftsman, carrying, stones, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075689JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Painting Luxor Nobles Egypt Workers Carpenters Daily Life Scene , one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, wood carving, carving, stone, masons, workers, craftsmen, shaping, finishing, weighing, scales, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Painting EG075688JHP 
 Rekhmire Tomb Painting Vizier Wife Offering Interior Photo Luxor Egypt, one of many beautiful tomb decorations amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, landscape, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, painting, relatives, exchanging, food, gifts, lotus, flowers, hieroglyphs, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital
Rekhmire Tomb Corridor EG075701JHP 
 Ancient Egyptian Rekhmire Tomb Luxor Rock Cut Construction Skills Engineering and one of the most impressive amongst the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor. Rekhmire Tomb-Chapel [Tomb 100] was a Vizier during the reigns of Tuthmosis 11 and Amenhotep 11, part of a family with long service as administrators at Thebes. This highly decorated cruciform tomb is full images giving great understanding of Egyptian foreign policy, taxation and the justice system. The area around the Tombs has now been greatly improved with removal of many of the old modern houses and entry to these fascinating burial sites made more accessible. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, ancient, Luxor, Tombs, Nobles, Thebes, River Nile, West Bank, Old Qurna, Sheikh Abd’el-Qurna, upright, Rekhmire, Vizier, administrator, tomb, corridor, height, alignment, lines, quality, constrcution, painting, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, painted, artificial, light, digital

Egypt > Luxor Ramasseum (1 file)

Photographs in this gallery relate to the mortuary Temple of Ramasses 11 on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor the so called Ramasseum
Ramasseum fm Deir al-Madinah 5159EG07JHP 
 Ramasseum Mortuary Temple Deir al-Madinah View West Bank Luxor Egypt is located on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor lies to the west of Qurnet Murai hill and is the location of a workman's village with the remains of houses, streets and a Ptolemaic Temple and other chapels. The workers are known for their work in the Valley tombs which they reached walking over the Theban plateau. The photograph shows the view from the Great Pit looking towards the immediate ruin of the Ramasseum and in the distance over the River Nile the pylons of Karnak. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Thebes, landscape, telephoto, West Bank, River Nile, history, antiquity, ancient, archaeology, Egyptology, al-Madinah, el-Medina, great pit, Graeco-Roman, water, well, Ramasseum, Karnak, pylons, Qurnet Murai, Sheikh-Abd’el-Qurna, hill

Egypt > Luxor Temple (70 files)

Images in this gallery relate to the east bank of the Nile temple called Luxor Temple including night photos and the Avenue of Sphinxes
Luxor Temple EG947236jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt outer wall carvings battle scene Ramasses in evening light on the outer wall of this beautiful temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, outer, east, facing, wall, carvings, war, battle, scene, hypostyle, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 1994, film, slide, Fuji, RDP, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG00618jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon colonnade Exterior Roman castrum columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days as well as the many contributions from various rulers right up to Roman, Christian and Muslim times.

This photo is taken from the outside of the colonnade looking back to the rear of the pylon and peristyle court. To the left are a few small columns from the Roman castrum, a military complex with stone paved avenues and the streets defined by pillars. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG00614jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt granite statue seated Ramasses evening light columns cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG00613jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian granite statue seated bearded Ramesses columns cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG00612jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt pylon granite statues Ramasses obelisk entrance stairs located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, entrance, ticket, office, stairs, evening, light, afternoon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG006116jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt granite statues Ramesses columns evening light golden glow guarding the north wall of the large peristyle court of Ramesses 11 and facing the River Nile. It is located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This photo is taken on the interior wall showing how the pylon first looked including large flagged poles, the two obelisks and the seated statues of Ramasses including standing figures of the Pharaoh as well. One of the obelisks and some of standing figures have all been given away, mainly to France.

This photo is taken from the outside of the colonnade looking back to the rear of the pylon and peristyle court. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, standing, statues, damaged, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG006115jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian pylon flags obelisks history recordedl carvings picture located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This photo is taken on the interior wall showing how the pylon first looked including large flagged poles, the two obelisks and the seated statues of Ramasses including standing figures of the Pharaoh as well. One of the obelisks and some of standing figures have all been given away, mainly to France. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, interior, carving, relief, historical, record, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG006113jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian granite statue standing Ramesses rear cartouche carvings which faces the peristyle court inside the pylon in this beautiful temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This photo is taken on the interior wall showing how the pylon first looked including large flagged poles, the two obelisks and the seated statues of Ramasses including standing figures of the Pharaoh as well. One of the obelisks and some of standing figures have all been given away, mainly to France. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, statue, standing, granite, carved, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual
Luxor Temple EG006112jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian granite statue seated side Ramasses carvings joined upper lower Egypt which sit outside the pylon in this beautiful temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. This photo is taken on the interior wall showing how the pylon first looked including large flagged poles, the two obelisks and the seated statues of Ramasses including standing figures of the Pharaoh as well. One of the obelisks and some of standing figures have all been given away, mainly to France. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Tutankhamun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, Roman, castrum, military, complex, pharaoh, ruler, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, 2000, film, slides, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM2, manual, monumental, statues, seated, side panels, scenes, bas, reliefs, upper, lower, joined.
Luxor Temple fm Coachpark EG074825jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian pylon seated statues coachpark ticket office obelisk view located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon although this view is often when leaving the site as the ticket office and main entrance is on the opposite side by the River Nile promenade. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River, Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, coachpark, exit, view, ticket, office, opposite, pylon, obelisk, seated, statues, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple fm Coachpark EG074823jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt pylon granite statues Ramses coachpark Mosque obelisk view located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon although this view is often when leaving the site as the ticket office and main entrance is off to the right on the opposite side. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, coachpark, exit, view, pylon, obelisk, seated, statues, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Ramses Statues EG074817jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite statues Ramses seated crowns front of this beautiful monument located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, statues, seated, granite, crowns, double, pschent, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Obelisk Baboons EG074818jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian obelisk granite baboons base carved ian sun located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, obelisk, base, pedestal, granite, cartouches, baboon, ian, sun, worship, sun, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Tourists EG074798jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt tourists visitors colonnade Court papyrus bud capitals columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, tourists, visitors, people, men, women, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, Tutankhamun, seated, face, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Roman Castrum EG074792jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt Roman castrum complex columns military streets an illustration of the chnaging fortunes of ancient Egypt over the Centuries and the Legions set up their own religious Chapel in part of the Amenhotep's Beautiful Sun Court in this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, military, castrum, complex, streets, paved, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Roman Castrum EG074791jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian Roman castrum pylon colonnade court columns streets an illustration of the changing fortunes of ancient Egypt over the Centuries and the Legions set up their own religious Chapel in part of the Amenhotep's Beautiful Sun Court in this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, military, castrum, complex, streets, paved, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Kadesh Relief EG074797jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian panorama Kadesh battle scene carving relief located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, panorama, outer, north, Kadesh, battle, scene, chariot, horses, bodies, news, report, propaganda, wall, reliefs, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Kadesh Relief EG074796jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt outer wall Kadesh battle scene carving relief located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, outer, north, Kadesh, battle, scene, chariot, bodies, news, report, propaganda, wall, reliefs, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Kadesh Relief EG074795jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian outer wall Kadesh battle scene chariot horses carving relief located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, outer, north, Kadesh, battle, scene, chariot, horses, bodies, news, report, propaganda, wall, reliefs, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Kadesh Relief EG074794jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian Kadesh battle scene dead bodies fighting carving relief located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, outer, north, Kadesh, battle, scene, chariot, horses, bodies, dead, fighting, news, report, propaganda, wall, reliefs, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Colonnade EG074800jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian colonnade Amenhotep granite Ramses Tutankhamun features located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. In this photo is one of his supposed seated figures but with the feature of Tutankhamun and the open papyrus columns were the work of Amenhotep. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Colonnade EG074799jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt colonnade granite statue Ramses Tutankhamun columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. In this photo is one of his supposed seated figures but with the feature of Tutankhamun and the open papyrus columns were the work of Amenhotep. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Colonnade EG074783jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon colonnade Amenhotep columns open papyrus located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus, open, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Colonnade EG074781jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian pylon colonnade Amenhotep columns open papyrus view from the Sun Court back to the main entrance and pylon located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, view, back, papyrus, open, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Amenhotep Court EG074790jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt Amenhotep Court Roman castrum north side columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, pylon, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Amenhotep Court EG074788jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt Amenhotep Court papyrus bud capitals columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Amenhotep Court EG074787jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian Amenhotep Court papyrus bud capitals columns located on north side of this central court at this temple on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, double, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Amenhotep Court EG074780jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt Amenophis Sun Court papyrus bud capitals columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep 111, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Amenhotep Court EG074779jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt Amenhotep Sun Court Peristyle papyrus bud capitals columns located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Amenhotep Court EG074778jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt Amenhotep Court columns damaged bases sun closeup located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Howver the Court of Amenhotep is considered to one of the marvels of the Temple because of its scale, preservation and style and played a major part in the annual Opet Festival or Feast visited by Amun-Re of Karnak. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, Amenophis, columned, columns, bases, damaged, broken, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, castrum, complex, wall, reliefs, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Statues EG074777jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt seated white statues Amun Mut offering Peristyle Wall located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, peristyle, seated, statues, white, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amun, Mut, Gods, columned, hypostyle, hall, court, Legions, wall, reliefs, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Statues EG074776jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt seated statues Amun Mut limestone hypostyle cartouche carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, peristyle, seated, statues, white, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Aumn, Mut, Gods, columned, hypostyle, hall, court, Legions, wall, reliefs, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Statues EG074775jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian statues Amun Mut God Goddess seated white hypostyle hall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, peristyle, seated, statues, white, limestone, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amun, Mut, God, Goddess, consort, columned, hypostyle, hall, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074769jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian pylon right side granite statues Ramses carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, statue, granite, Queen, Nefertari, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074767jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite statue Ramses entrance huge seated located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, statue, granite, Queen, Nefertari, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Pylon Relief EG074774jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon wall carving flags ceremonial seated Ramses located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, obelisk, carving, wall, relief, flags, hieroglyphs, pylon, seated, peristyle, court, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Obelisk EG074766jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian baboon obelisk pylon granite statue Ramses cartouche carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, obelisk, base, plinth, granite, baboon, carved, animal, hieroglyphs, pylon, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Obelisk EG074765jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt obelisk granite Ramses base baboons carved located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, obelisk, granite, baboons, carved, animals, base, skywards, straight, up, side, hieroglyphs, pylon, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Obelisk EG074763jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt obelisk granite Ramses cartouche carvings skywards blue located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, obelisk, granite, skywards, straight, up, side, hieroglyphs, pylon, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Obelisk EG074762jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite obelisk Ramses cartouches hieroglyphs carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, obelisk, granite, skywards, straight, up, side, hieroglyphs, pylon, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Obelisk EG074761jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian pylon obelisk granite statue Ramses hieroglyphs carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, obelisk, granite, skywards, straight, up, side, hieroglyphs, pylon, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Kadesh EG074740jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon Battle scenes Kadesh Ramses chariots carvings located on the facepf this beautiful monument on east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, pylon, left, side, face, battle, scne, Kadesh, chariots, dead, bodies, prisoners, fighting, arrows, Ramses 11, Ramesses, Ramasses, wall, reliefs, history, propoganda, news, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074759jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt obelisk pylon granite Ramesses head closel carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, pylon, obelisk, complete, towering, skywards, low, angle, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, wall, reliefs, hieroglyphs, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, head, face, ears, eyes, uraeus, nemes, haeddress, black, granite, closeup, huge, monumental
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074758jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt granite statues Ramses head obelisk large close cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, wall, reliefs, hieroglyphs, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, head, face, ears, eyes, uraeus, nemes, haeddress, black, granite, closeup, huge, monumental
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074755jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian pylon obelisk black granite Ramses head cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, wall, reliefs, hieroglyphs, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, head, face, ears, eyes, uraeus, nemes, haeddress, black, granite, closeup, huge, monumental
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074749jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian granite statue seated Ramses Nefertari closeup located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, black, granite, closeup, feet, toenails, Queen, Nefertari, standing, holding, husband, exaggerated, scale, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074748jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt granite statue black Queen Nefertari Ramses feet close located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, black, granite, closeup, feet, toenails, Queen, Nefertari, standing, holding, husband, exaggerated, scale, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074738jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite statues Ramses columns cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, obelisk, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, statues, seated, granite, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, cartouches, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, riverbank
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074707jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian statue Ramses seated columned court carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, statue, seated, granite, Amenhotep, columned, court, cartouches, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, riverbank
Luxor Temple Ramses EG074705jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite statue Ramses wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, granite, seated, figure, crown, pschent, double, Amenhotep, wall, reliefs, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental
Luxor Temple Pylon EG074706jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite statues Ramses Mosque cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Legions, wall, reliefs, battle, scenes, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Pylon EG074702jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egyptian pylon granite statues Ramses Mosque entrance gate located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, statues, granite, Queen, Nefertari, wall, reliefs, cartouche, deep-cut, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Obelisk EG074709jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt obelisk pylon battle scene granite Ramses builder located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, obelisk, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, stayue, builder, Queen, Nefertari, wall, reliefs, cartouche, deep-cut, granite, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Triple Shrine EG053562jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon Triple Shrine Thutmosis cartouche carvings located behind the Ramsesses Pylon and a relic of the earlier temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Thutmosis, Thutmose, Shrine, Triple, way, station, barque, earlier, original, peristyle, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Ramses 11 EG053563jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt pylon granite statues Ramses columns cartouche wall carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, granite, seated, statue, damaged, defaced, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, cartouche, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Painting EG053572jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt niche wall painting Roman Emperors faces Legion Chapel created in the columned Hall of Amenhotep in praise of Roman Emperors and plastered over earlier Egyptian reliefs in this temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, colonnade, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, plaster, painted, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Painting EG053569jhp 
 Luxor Temple Egypt Augusti Caesars Roman Legion Chapel Emperors painted created in the columned Hall of Amenhotep in praise of Roman Emperors and plastered over earlier Egyptian reliefs in this temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, colonnade, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, plaster, painted, faces, Emperors, Caesars, Augusti, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Niche EG053571jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt niche wall painting Roman Legion Chapel created in the columned Hall of Amenhotep in prasie of Roman Emperors and plastred over earlier Egyptian reliefs in this temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, colonnade, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, plaster, painted, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Interior EG053579jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian offering scene feast food bovines wall carvings inside the antechambers of this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, interior, antechamber, wall, reliefs, hieroglyphs, offerings, calves, trussed, slaughtered, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Interior EG053575jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt interior offering Gods Pharoah wall carvings located inside the Antechamber of this Temple on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, interior, antechamber, wall, reliefs, offerings, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank, artificial, light
Luxor Temple Carving EG053585jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt black granite statues Ramses cartouche carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, seated, statues, black, granite, workmanship, skills, carving, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053584jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian cartouche Usermaarte Ramses painted shenu column located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Cartouche, Usermaarte, throne, name, shenu, columned, court, deep-cut, painted, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053583jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypian Gods Horus Amum ithyphallic wall carvings unfinished located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, columned, court, wall, reliefs, interiors, ithyphallic, Amun, Horus, Gods, unfinished, sketches, work in progress, offerings, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053582jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt wall carvings defaced ithyphallic Amun incomplete an interior wall carving in this Temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, sun, peristyle, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Amenhotep, columned, court, wall, reliefs, carving, incomplete, outline, ithyphallic, Amun, God, offerings, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053581jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian Ramsesses Queen Nefertari holding hands carving inside this temple located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, wall, relief, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053570jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt Roman Legion painting wall carvings hieroglyphs located in the columned hall of Amenhotep used by the Roman Legions stationed in Thebes as a Chapel and their painted plaster covered previous Egyptian wall releifs. The temple is located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, colonnade, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, plaster, painted, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053568jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian granite statues Ramsesses seated Union Upper Lower cartouche carvings located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Union, Upper, Lower, seated, statues, black, granite, workmanship, skills, carving, cartouche, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Carving EG053564jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egyptian pylon statues Ramses carving flags interior wall located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon and this south wall carving inside The Peristyle Court shows how the Temple was at its construction.. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Peristyle, court, wall, reliefs, flags, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Cartouches EG053567jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt granite cartouches Ramessses birth name shenu located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. On the side of the huge black granite seats are carvings in excellent state of repair illustrating early the mythology of ancient Egypt, the Union of the Two Lands; Upper and Lower Egypt. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, landscape, court, pylon, obelisk, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, birth, name, shenu, cartouches, deep-cut, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, Mosque, Abu 'l-Haggag, conservation, water-table, riverbank
Luxor Temple Cartouche EG053566jhp 
 Luxor Temple ancient Egypt granite Ramses cartouche carvings deep cut located on the east bank of the River Nile at Luxor, Egypt is credited to Ramses 11 as the main builder and these are his massive granite statues that greet the visitor at the entrance to the first pylon. Throughout this elegant structure, so much more understandable than the sprawling complex at Karnak, there are examples of the great skills of workmanship such as this clean granite carved cartouche that give ancient Egyptian monuments their huge appeal and impact even in these modern days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Luxor, Temple, East Bank, River Nile, Thebes, Waset, upright, court, sun, peristyle, papyrus-bud, capitals, colonnade, pylon, Ramses, Ramesses, Ramasses, Queen, Nefertari, Amenhotep, columned, court, Chapel, Roman, Legions, wall, reliefs, flags, cartouche, deep-cut, painted, offerings, food, feasts, avenue, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptology, pharaoh, ruler, huge, monumental, promenade, corniche, conservation, water-table, riverbank

Egypt > Medinet Habu (open collection)

Pictures from the great Mortuary temple of Ramasses 111 called the Medinet Habu on the West Bank of the River Nile at Luxor

Egypt > Minya, Amarna & Ashmunayn (6 files)

Photographs in this gallery cover the main sites of Amarna, its North Palace, Aten and Small Temple, Bani Hasan Rock cut chapels, Tuna el-Gebel with the Catacombs with baboon and ibis mummies, Stela of Akhenaten on the north boundary, Petosiris Tomb-Chapel, Chapels of Ptoemais and Isadora, Roman Water Wheel Well and Temple of Thoth and el Ashmunein with an Open Air Museum with huge granite statues of Baboons and nearby a Temple to Thoth with a later Christian Basilica all located along the River Nile between Cairo and Luxor accessed from the nearby university city of Minya
Amarna Temple of Aten 5908EG07JHP 
 Amarna Great Temple Aten Egypt Pharaoh Akhenaten Desert Barren Archaeology in praise of his worship to the Sun God and after extensive dismantling after his fall from power the desert has claimed much more and this area is not accessible to the public. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Amarnah, Amarna, city, Akhetaten, Pharaoh, Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Aten, Aton, landscape, Egyptology, history, archaeology, ancient, Great, Temple, sand, desert, covered, destruction,
Amarna Temple of Aten 5907EG07JHP 
 Amarna Desert Great Temple Aten Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten Barren Buried Archaeology in praise of his worship to the Sun God and after extensive dismantling after his fall from power the desert has claimed much more and this area is not accessible to the public. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Amarnah, Amarna, city, Akhetaten, Pharaoh, Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Aten, upright, Egyptology, history, archaeology, ancient, Great, Temple, mudbrick, sand, desert, covered,
Amarna Temple of Aten 5906EG07JHP 
 Ancient Buried Archaeology Amarna Great Desert Temple Aten Egypt Pharaoh Akhenaten in praise of his worship to the Sun God and after extensive dismantling after his fall from power the desert has claimed much more and this area is not accessible to the public. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Amarnah, Amarna, city, Akhetaten, Pharaoh, Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Aten, Aton, landscape, Egyptology, history, archaeology, ancient, Great, Temple, sand, desert, covered,
Amarna Temple of Aten 5905EG07JHP 
 Amarna Great Desert Buried Temple Aten Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten Photo in praise of his worship to the Sun God and after extensive dismantling after his fall from power the desert has claimed much more and this area is not accessible to the public. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Amarnah, Amarna, city, Akhetaten, Pharaoh, Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Queen, Nefertiti, Aten, landscape, Egyptology, history, archaeology, ancient, Great, Temple, sand, desert, covered,
Amarna Temple of Aten 5904EG07JHP 
 Amarna Great Temple Aten Pharaoh Akhenaten Barren Egyptian Desert Buried in praise of his worship to the Sun God and after extensive dismantling after his fall from power the desert has claimed much more and this area is not accessible to the public. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Amarnah, Amarna, city, Akhetaten, Pharaoh, Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Aten, landscape, Egyptology, history, archaeology, ancient, Great, Temple, mudbrick, sand, desert, covered, 11, years, occupied,
Amarna Small AtenTemple 5909EG07JHP 
 Great Temple Aten Central City Ruins Buried Archaeology Amarna Egypt Minya of which little is left of this capital city built by the Pharaoh Akhenaten in praise of his worship to the Sun God here looking across to a partial column of the Small Aten Temple and after extensive dismantling after his fall from power the desert has claimed much more and this area is not accessible to the public. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Amarnah, Amarna, central, city, Akhetaten, Akhenaten, Aten, landscape, Egyptology, history, archaeology, ancient, small, column, reconstructed, temple, sand, desert

Egypt > Outlying Pyramids (37 files)

Pictures of pyramids and scenery related to them outwith the main sites of Giza and Saqqara such as Abusir, Dashur, El Lisht, Meydum and Hawara
Abu Rawash Pyramid eg961339jhp 
 Egyptian Rawash pyramids site view Cairo Giza Great Khafre Menkaure plateau this site is situated north west of Giza this site on high ground near the village of Abu Rawash and has the remains of a pyramid ascribed to the Pharaoh Djedefre, the successor to Khufu both of the 4th Dynasty around 2500BC. The pyramid was faced with granite and the burial chambers were set deep in the rock, in mastaba style, with evidence of a secondary pyramid, a nearby cult complex and a causeway over 1500m long leading to a valley temple in the Wadi Qarun. Heavily damaged by quarrying activities since Roman times to maybe modern Cairo buildings recent excavations are ongoing and some restoration of the site is underway. When I visited in 1996 it was difficult to get to and I was not allowed time to really explore the site. However I did get back in 2007 and was able to explore much more of the site, noticing considerable restoration especially around the Mortuary Temple and the Boat Pit. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, view, pyramids, Great, Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, River, Nile, Abu, Roash, village, Ruwash, Rawash, pharaoh, royal, Djedefre, Ra’djedef, Pyramid, 4th Dynasty, mastaba, massif, hillock, landscape, isolated, desert, electricity, pylons, rocky, ancient, limestone, blocks, inclining, granite, casing, old, style, deep, access, corridor, chamber, boat, pit, quartzite, head, sphinx, statue, remains, Step, Pyramid, Djoser, tomb, Cheops, Khufu, Khafre, Egyptology, history, archaeology, construction, architecture, mortuary, valley, temple, causeway, Wadi, Qarun, cult, worship, basalt, French, excavation, September, 1996, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4, upright
Abu Rawash Pyramid eg961338jhp 
 Egypt Abu Roash pyramids site view Cairo Giza Great Khafre plateau this site is situated north west of Giza this site on high ground near the village of Abu Rawash and has the remains of a pyramid ascribed to the Pharaoh Djedefre, the successor to Khufu both of the 4th Dynasty around 2500BC. The pyramid was faced with granite and the burial chambers were set deep in the rock, in mastaba style, with evidence of a secondary pyramid, a nearby cult complex and a causeway over 1500m long leading to a valley temple in the Wadi Qarun. Heavily damaged by quarrying activities since Roman times to maybe modern Cairo buildings recent excavations are ongoing and some restoration of the site is underway. When I visited in 1996 it was difficult to get to and I was not allowed time to really explore the site. However I did get back in 2007 and was able to explore much more of the site, noticing considerable restoration especially around the Mortuary Temple and the Boat Pit. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Cairo, Giza, River, Nile, Great, Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, view, distance, Abu, Roash, village, Ruwash, Rawash, pharaoh, royal, Djedefre, Ra’djedef, Pyramid, 4th Dynasty, mastaba, massif, hillock, landscape, isolated, desert, electricity, pylons, rocky, ancient, limestone, blocks, inclining, granite, casing, old, style, deep, access, corridor, chamber, boat, pit, quartzite, head, sphinx, statue, remains, Step, Pyramid, Djoser, tomb, Cheops, Khufu, Khafre, Egyptology, history, archaeology, construction, architecture, mortuary, valley, temple, causeway, Wadi, Qarun, cult, worship, basalt, French, excavation, September, 1996, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4
Meidum Pyramid eg94692jhp 
 Meydum Fayyum pyramid desert causeway sand Egyptians scale collapsed rubble ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg946923jhp 
 Meidum mastaba pyramid road view fallen abandoned sand Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg946920jhp 
 Maydum Fayoum Snefru pyramid roadside approach dominanting Egypt collapsed ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg94691jhp 
 Meidum pyramid desert causeway sand Egyptians scale collapsed ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg012936jhp 
 Meydum pyramid collapsed core construction fault Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg012936Ejhp 
 Meydum pyramid collapsed core construction fault Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom, upright, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental
Meidum Pyramid eg012935jhp 
 Meydum pyramid collapsed core construction flawed design closeup Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg012934jhp 
 Maidum pyramid desert causeway sand escarpment plantations Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg012933jhp 
 Meydum pyramid collapsed core construction fault Sneferu mastaba mudbricks ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom, upright
Meidum Pyramid eg012932jhp 
 Meidum Huni pyramid collapsed core construction design flaw mudbricks mastaba ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Pyramid eg012915jhp 
 Maydum pyramid collapsed farmland horizon standing dominant Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, roadside, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom, upright
Meidum Pyramid eg012914jhp 
 Maidum pyramid farmland fields Fayyum horizon standing dominant Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Mastaba eg012931jhp 
 Meidum pyramid mastaba mudbricks bricks construction layers Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Mastaba eg012930jhp 
 Meidum pyramid mastaba mudbricks base limestone bricks Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom, upright, flagstones, base, platform
Meidum Mastaba eg012929jhp 
 Meidum pyramid mastaba No 17 interior passage crawling board Sneferu ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Mastaba eg012922jhp 
 Meidum pyramid mastaba No 17 interior granite blocks sharp sarcophagus lid ancient early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom, upright
Meidum Mastaba eg012921jhp 
 Meydum pyramid mastaba No 17 interior limestone block chiselled quarried ancient Egyptian inside and adjacent to early example at Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Mastaba eg012920jhp 
 Meidum Egypt mastaba No 17 inside limestone block chiselled mason stonework ancient Egyptian inside and adjacent to early example at Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Mastaba eg012919jhp 
 Meidum pyramid mastaba No 17 interior granite sarcophagus lid open Egyptian ancient adjacent to this pyramid which is an early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Mastaba eg012918jhp 
 Meidum pyramid mastaba No 17 interior granite sarcophagus lid open Egyptian unknown Prince found in this tomb adjacent to this pyramid which is an early example Faiyum of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, looking up, construction, architecture, design, flaws, experimental, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, June, 2001, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, 50asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom
Meidum Chamber eg94696jhp 
 Meydum Maidum pyramid burial chamber corbelled roof limestone blocks inside Egypt ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, Tokina SD, 28-70mm zoom, upright
El Lisht Camel Train eg00727jhp 
 Lisht village Egyptian life camels transporting palm fronds street scene was spotted driving through the village enroute to the two Lisht pyramids of Amenemhet and Senwsoret on the desert escarpment south of a trip from visiting the Dashur necropolis. Definitely need a great taxi driver who can navigate his way to these outlying sites, finding the local custodian and also managing not to get bogged down in the sand once away from the plantations. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, River, Nile, al-Lisht, el-Lisht, village, street, scene, camel, camels, train, historic, animals, beasts, carrying, transporting, palm, fronds, el-Fayoum, Faiyum, Fayyum, daily, life, natural, native, fuel, tanker, houses, flats, balcony, Libayni, canal, al-Mataniyyah, desert, escarpment, ancient, history, antiquity, holiday, travel, June, 2000, 35mm, Nikon, FM2, Fuji, RVP, Velvia, slide, film, scanned, format, landscape
Meidum Pyramid eg946914jhp 
 Maidum pyramid side damage construction collapse Egypt ancient limestone casing early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, 35mm, slide
Meidum Pyramid eg946912jhp 
 Meydum pyramid entrance high view approach desert Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 35mm, slide, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, camera
Meidum Pyramid eg94138jhp 
 Meidum pyramid desert causeway sand buried covered Egyptian ancient chapel early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4
Meidum Pyramid eg94137jhp 
 Meydum Maidum pyramid desert causeway sand Egypt Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, chapel, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4, upright, covered, windblown
Meidum Pyramid eg94135jhp 
 Meydum pyramid desert causeway chapel sand buried Egypt ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt; Cairo; Memphis; Saqqara; River; Nile; Lower; Egyptian; Fayoum; Meydum; Pyramid; Mastaba; landscape; agricultural; fields; desert; Egyptology; archaeology; ancient; pharaoh; Snofru; Snefru; Sneferu; Huni; Maidum; Meidum; Maydum; necropolis; royal; tombs; death; burial; chamber; corbelled; roof; limestone; blocks; afterlife; el-Fayum; al-Fayyum; el-Faiyum; 3rd; Dynasty; collapse; masonry; robbed; step; layers; stone; mudbrick; mastaba; No 17; sarcophagus; passageway; crawl; anonymous; false; history; holiday; cruise; escarpment; floods; inundation; annual; high; ground; causeway; sand; buried; collapsed; October; 1994; 645; transparency; film; Fuji; RDP2; 100asa; colour; scanned; scan; Bronica; ETRSi; medium; wide angle; 40mm f4; upright
Meidum Pyramid eg94131jhp 
 Meydum pyramid desert causeway chapel sand buried Egypt ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4
Meidum Passage eg94697jhp 
 Maidum pyramid descending corridor passgeway 35mm slide steps cramped Egypt ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Nikon, FM, 35mm, slide, film, wide, angle, low light
Meidum Passage eg94144jhp 
 Meidum pyramid descending corridor passgeway tunnel transparency steps cramped Egypt ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4, upright, cramped, claustrophobic, tunnel
Meidum Mastaba eg946911jhp 
 Maidum pyramid panorama entrance high view mastaba no 17 Egypt Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt; Cairo; Memphis; Saqqara; River; Nile; Lower; Egyptian; Fayoum; Meydum; Pyramid; Mastaba; landscape; agricultural; fields; desert; Egyptology; archaeology; ancient; pharaoh; Snofru; Snefru; Sneferu; Huni; Maidum; Meidum; Maydum; necropolis; royal; tombs; death; burial; chamber; corbelled; roof; limestone; blocks; afterlife; el-Fayum; al-Fayyum; el-Faiyum; 3rd; Dynasty; collapse; masonry; robbed; step; layers; stone; mudbrick; mastaba; No 17; sarcophagus; passageway; crawl; anonymous; false; history; holiday; cruise; escarpment; floods; inundation; annual; high; ground; causeway; sand; buried; collapsed; October; 1994; 645; transparency; film; Fuji; RDP2; 100asa; colour; scanned; scan; Bronica; ETRSi; medium; wide angle; 40mm f4
Meidum Mastaba eg94148jhp 
 Meydum Maidum Mastaba No17 sand Egypt ancient burial tomb Snefru neat to the collapsed pyramid is an early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4
Meidum Mastaba eg94145jhp 
 Meydum Maidum pyramid desert entrance view mastaba no 17 Egypt Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4, upright
Meidum Chamber eg94142jhp 
 Meydum Sneferu pyramid burial interior chamber corbelled roof Egypt ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4, upright
Meidum Chamber eg94141jhp 
 Meidum Sneferu pyramid burial chamber corbelled roof Egypt Egyptian ancient early example of the final structure of the Egyptian pyramids that finally dominated the Giza skyline. It is thought at Maidum pyramid was the first smooth sided success evolving the Step Pyramid design from Saqqara. Now held to be started by Huni, last King of the 3rd Dynasty and completed by his son Sneferu so dating from around 2600BC. Latest theories suggest it collapsed possibly before it was completed evidenced by human remains found under the rubble. This view is looking up the causeway now covered in sand. You can also enter the interior of the pyramid down a long descending corridor of 57m into the natural rock under the pyramid where a short shaft allows access into the burial chamber with its impressive limestone lined corbelled roof. Near by is Mastaba No 17 into which you also access, torch advised, in which is a sarcophagus larger than the one in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at Giza. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Cairo, Memphis, Saqqara, River, Nile, Lower, Egyptian, Fayoum, Meydum, Pyramid, Mastaba, landscape, agricultural, fields, desert, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, pharaoh, Snofru, Snefru, Sneferu, Huni, Maidum, Meidum, Maydum, necropolis, royal, tombs, death, burial, chamber, corbelled, roof, limestone, blocks, afterlife, el-Fayum, al-Fayyum, el-Faiyum, 3rd, Dynasty, collapse, masonry, robbed, step, layers, stone, mudbrick, mastaba, No 17, sarcophagus, passageway, crawl, anonymous, false, history, holiday, cruise, escarpment, floods, inundation, annual, high, ground, causeway, sand, buried, collapsed, October, 1994, 645, transparency, film, Fuji, RDP2, 100asa, colour, scanned, scan, Bronica, ETRSi, medium, wide angle, 40mm f4, metz, flash

Egypt > River Nile Cruise & Sites (17 files)

Photographs in this gallery show daily life along the River Nile mainly from the cruises I have undertaken over the past 10 years or so. Sites that border the Nile are included although the major temples visted have their own dedicated sites such as Edfu and Kom Ombo. One of the enjoyments of the Nile cruise is the tranquility of watching 'life go by' usually characterised by the friendliness of those you pass whether boatmen or farm workers as well as seeing wild birds close at hand. The other aspect is the service on the cruiseboats from friendly crews and the chance to relax after hectic and often crowded temple visits.
Esna Temple EG949421jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Nile Ptolemaic Roman hypostyle hall ceiling capitals composite lotus papyrus is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, ceiling, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, lotus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, 1994, slide, film, 35mm, Fuji, RDP, Nikon, FM2, manual, scanned, scan
Esna Temple EG02518jhp 
 Egypt Esna Town Temple Roman exterior hypostyle hall capitals street level view is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, north, side, street, level, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02517jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Roman hypostyle hall south wall inside hieroglyphics detailed is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, south, wall, east, light, left, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02516jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Roman hypostyle hall columns hieroglyphs colours detailed is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02515jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Roman hypostyle columns hieroglyphs colours floral capitals roof details is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02514jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Roman hypostyle hall huge columned hieroglyphics capitals is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02513jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Roman hypostyle columns hieroglyphs colours capitals ceiling is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02512jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Roman hypostyle hall wall reliefs hieroglyphics detailed is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, north, wall, east, light, right, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02511jhp 
 Egypt ancient Isna Temple Roman hypostyle north wall hieroglyphs carvings details is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, interior, north, wall, east, light, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02510jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Ptolemaic hypostyle hall columns capitals floral ceiling is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, scaffolding, cleaning, repairs, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02509jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Roman Emperor smites enemies hieroglyphics Khnum north wall is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, wall, north, exterior, smiting, enemies, Emperor, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02507jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Nile Ptolemaic back west wall hypostyle hall is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table, back, west, exterior, wall, texts, Marcus, Aurelius, Emperor
Esna Temple EG02506jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Nile Roman hall rear west south corner is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, west, rear, back, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02504jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple hypostyle hall exterior south side Roman Emperors Khum Shu is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, wall, south, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02503jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Nile Roman screen curtains hypostyle hall Khum Shu is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02502jhp 
 Egypt Esna Temple Nile Roman hypostyle hall curtain screens colours corniche is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, landscape, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table
Esna Temple EG02501jhp 
 Egyptian Esna Temple Nile Roman hypostyle hall painted screens Khum Shu is a small gem deep in a hollow under the modern town building line. The hypostyle hall is all that remains of one of the latest temples to be built in Egypt by Ptolemy V1 and V111 and Roman additions with recordings of most Roman Emperors mentioned to the last recorded being Decius c AD240. For me it has some of the loveliest intact columns, with great attention of the detail and still a hint of colour from the bottom to the top of these huge floral capitals where the craftsmanship leaps off every surface. Standing in its centre it is easy to imagine being in the symbolic creation of the original papyrus marsh. It is a temple not usually visited on the standard River Nile cruise tour package but used to be accessible if berthed alongside the town with a long delay to get through old single lock system expected as it is only a short walk from the waterfront; probably not so realistic these days. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Esna, Isna, Temple, West, Bank, River, Nile, history, archaeology, ancient, Egyptian, upright, Roman, Ptolemaic, Egyptology, Latopolis, City, Shu, rams, Neith, Heka, Geta, Ptolemy, Euergetes, 11, Septimius, Severus, Pronaos, exterior, curtain, wall, east, Pharaoh, praising, Gods, deities, Isis, Horus, Khnum, hypostyle, astronomical, ceiling, columns, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphics, carvings, reliefs, bas, colours, painted, papyrus, flowers, floral, elaborate, detailed, intact, composite, capitals, inner, sanctuary, Fuji, S2, DSLR, town, centre, buried, flooding, water, table

Egypt > Saqqara & Memphis (6 files)

This gallery contains pictures of the two main sites usually visited together on a day trip south of Cairo - Saqqara with the famous Step Pyramid, a huge necropolis with many tombs and other pyramids and Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt now will an open air museum with the alabaster sphinx and the huge partial statue of Ramasses 11.
Saqqara Buried Archaeology EG02AA68jhp 
 Saqqara Unas Pyramid south west desert Sekhemket Great Enclosure archaeology looking southwest from the southwest corner by the Pyramid of Unas near the Step Pyramid and which was the smallest of the pyramids built for the last King of the 5th Dynasty around 2345BC. The small structure on the left of centre in the distance are the pyramid enclosure for the 3rd Dynasty uncompleted tomb of Horus Sekhemket and towards the right is the area known as the Great Enclosure. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Saqqarah, Saqqara, Memphis, Bedrashein, necropolis, Unas, Unis, Wenis, pyramid, Skehemket, Horus, tombs, Great, enclosure, southwards, west, burial, landscape, limestone, rubble, digital, recent, history, antiquity, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, history, desert, sand
Giza fm Saqqara EG051108jhp 
 Saqqarah Egyptian Necropolis desert pyramids Giza Khafre Great Menkaure views distance photographed from the oldest stone built monument in the world, built for King Djoser around 2500BC, and looking northwards towards the Giza Pyramids with the distinctive Abusir ruins foreshortened in the foreground. Amongst the extensive desert topography we have evidence of some of the Archaic Mastabas with much covered archaeology. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Saqqarah, Saqqara, Bedrashein, necropolis, history, antiquity, Egyptology, archaeology, ancient, history, Giza, landscape, telephoto, royal, tombs, pyramids, Great, Pyramid, Khufu, Cheops, Khafre, Chephren, Menkaure, Mycerinus, monument, stone, first, funerary, 1st Dynasty, Archaic, Mastabas, desert, sand, limestone
Memphis Open Air Museum 6977EG07JHP 
 Memphis Exhibit Ancient Egypt Capital Lower Egypt Statue Ramses Pharaoh part of this site near this ancient and probably original capital city of early Egypt is now an enclosed open air museum with a few famous relicts such as the huge limestone statue of the great Ramesses 11 lying in its covered hut or the Alabaster Sphinx weighing in at 80 tons and thought to be Amenhotep 11. Apart from a few statues and other items little remains of Memphis, possibly founded in 3100BC by the First Dynasty King Menes on land reclaimed from the River Nile. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Memphis, Menufer, Menes, Mena, 3100BC, capital, city, Mit Rahinah, ancient, Ptah, exhibits, royal, statue, standing, seated, broken, enclosure, open air museum, landscape, history, antiquity, Egyptology, archaeology, palm, trees, hedges
Memphis Great Ramses Statute 6981EG07JHP 
 Ramses 11 Statue Memphis Egypt Museum Covered Granite Lying Interior at this ancient and probably original capital city site of early Egypt is now an enclosed open air museum with a few famous relicts such as this huge limestone statue lying in its covered hut or the Alabaster Sphinx weighing in at 80 tons and thought to be Amenhotep 11. Apart from a few statues and other items little remains of Memphis, possibly founded in 3100BC by the First Dynasty King Menes on land reclaimed from the River Nile. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Memphis, Menufer, Menes, Mena, 3100BC, capital, city, Mit Rahinah, ancient, Ramses, Ramasses, limestone, statue, colossal, enclosure, open air museum, upright, history, antiquity, Egyptology, archaeology, history
Memphis Alabaster Sphinx 6973EG07JHP 
 Alabaster Sphinx Amenhotep Memphis Exhibit Egyptian Open Air Museum Photo at this ancient and probably original capital city of early Egypt is now an enclosed open air museum with a few famous relicts such as the huge limestone statue of the great Ramesses 11 lying in its covered hut or this carved human headed lion block weighing in at 80 tons and thought to be Amenhotep 11. Apart from a few statues and other items little remains of Memphis, possibly founded in 3100BC by the First Dynasty King Menes on land reclaimed from the River Nile. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Memphis, Menufer, Menes, Mena, 3100BC, capital, city, Mit Rahinah, ancient, Ptah, alabaster, sphinx, nemes, headdress, haunch, beard, excavated, Petrie, Amenhotep 11, enclosure, open air museum, upright, history, antiquity, Egyptology, archaeology
Memphis Alabaster Sphinx 6970EG07JHP 
 Alabaster Sphinx Pharaoh Amenhotep Museum Ancient Egyptian Memphis Exhibit at this ancient and probably original capital city of early Egypt is now an enclosed open air museum with a few famous relicts such as the huge limestone statue of the great Ramesses 11 lying in its covered hut or this carved human headed lion block weighing in at 80 tons and thought to be Amenhotep 11. Apart from a few statues and other items little remains of Memphis, possibly founded in 3100BC by the First Dynasty King Menes on land reclaimed from the River Nile. 
 Keywords: Egypt, Egyptian, Memphis, Menufer, Menes, Mena, 3100BC, capital, city, Mit Rahinah, ancient, Ptah, alabaster, sphinx, nemes, headdress, haunch, beard, excavated, Petrie, Amenhotep 11, enclosure, open air museum, landscape, history, antiquity, Egyptology, archaeology

Scotland > Aberdeen City (35 files)

This gallery includes all photographs connected with Aberdeen city from buildings, churches, streets, public parks, gardens, the University, Harbour and the beach. Places covered included Union Terrace Gardens, Cowdray Hall, Rosemount, HM Theatre, William Wallace Statue, Union Street, Castlegate, Citadel, Town House, Provost Skene House, Marsicahl College, Woolmanhill, Denburn Carpark, Johnston Gardens, Victoria Park, Duthie Park, Hazlehead Park, Piper Alpha Memorial, Seaton Park, Kings College, Elphinstone, Old Aberdeen, Fittie, Bridge of Don, AECC, Garthdee, Torry, Nigg, Pocra Quay
Aberdeen New Kings 197226jhp 
 New Kings College Aberdeen University High Street creeper summer Scottish City part of an ambitious plan which was never completed can be seen along the High Street of Old Aberdeen now very much the centre of the University area as you walk between Kings College to St Machar's Drive and cross to the Chanonry. The University complex is located to the northern area of the modern City lying south of the River Don. These 18th century houses were sympathetically restored in 1965 and add great character to this iconic part of Old Aberdeen. This photograph was taken in 2002 the last year I used slide film, either 35mm or 645 as my main medium for landscape photography. They are still representative of the City despite their age and is chosen because of the lovely light and colours as it can still be on the right day. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, River, Don, university, Kings College, crown, tower, Elphinstone, New Kings, 1912, ashlar, stones, construction, architecture, design, tracery, windows, corbie, stepped, gables, gable, ends, crocket, topped, buttresses, lecture, rooms, incomplete, quadrangle, tombstone, Chapel, memorial, old, town, house, bounds, lane, Wrights, Cooper, Place, pavement, park, trees, colourful, green, creeper, Virginia, summer, seasonal, colorful, colourful, colours, colors, July, 2002, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, 50asa, slide, film, Nikon, FM2, 28mm f2.8
Aberdeen New Kings 19110jhp 
 New Kings College Aberdeen University High Street Scottish City park spring part of an ambitious plan which was never completed can be seen along the High Street of Old Aberdeen now very much the centre of the University area as you walk between Kings College to St Machar's Drive and cross to the Chanonry. The University complex is located to the northern area of the modern City lying south of the River Don. These 18th century houses were sympathetically restored in 1965 and add great character to this iconic part of Old Aberdeen. This photograph was taken in 2002 the last year I used slide film, either 35mm or 645 as my main medium for landscape photography. They are still representative of the City despite their age and is chosen because of the lovely light and colours as it can still be on the right day. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, River, Don, university, Kings College, crown, tower, Elphinstone, New Kings, 1912, ashlar, stones, construction, architecture, design, tracery, windows, corbie, stepped, gables, gable, ends, crocket, topped, buttresses, lecture, rooms, incomplete, quadrangle, tombstone, Chapel, memorial, old, town, house, bounds, lane, Wrights, Cooper, Place, setts, road, park, trees, colourful, green, grass, spring, seasonal, colorful, colourful, colours, colors, April, 2002, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, 50asa, slide, film, Nikon, FM2, 28mm f2.8
Aberdeen New Kings 191036jhp 
 New Kings Aberdeen University park new tree trees High Street Scottish City part of an ambitious plan which was never completed can be seen along the High Street of Old Aberdeen now very much the centre of the University area as you walk between Kings College to St Machar's Drive and cross to the Chanonry. The University complex is located to the northern area of the modern City lying south of the River Don. These 18th century houses were sympathetically restored in 1965 and add great character to this iconic part of Old Aberdeen. This photograph was taken in 2002 the last year I used slide film, either 35mm or 645 as my main medium for landscape photography. They are still representative of the City despite their age and is chosen because of the lovely light and colours as it can still be on the right day. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, River, Don, university, Kings College, crown, tower, Elphinstone, New Kings, 1912, ashlar, stones, construction, architecture, design, tracery, windows, corbie, stepped, gables, gable, ends, crocket, topped, buttresses, lecture, rooms, incomplete, quadrangle, tombstone, Chapel, memorial, old, town, house, bounds, lane, Wrights, Cooper, Place, setts, road, park, trees, colourful, green, grass, spring, seasonal, colorful, colourful, colours, colors, April, 2002, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, 50asa, slide, film, Nikon, FM2, 28mm f2.8
Aberdeen New Kings 191034jhp 
 New Kings College building spring park Aberdeen University Scotland City part of an ambitious plan which was never completed can be seen along the High Street of Old Aberdeen now very much the centre of the University area as you walk between Kings College to St Machar's Drive and cross to the Chanonry. The University complex is located to the northern area of the modern City lying south of the River Don. These 18th century houses were sympathetically restored in 1965 and add great character to this iconic part of Old Aberdeen. This photograph was taken in 2002 the last year I used slide film, either 35mm or 645 as my main medium for landscape photography. They are still representative of the City despite their age and is chosen because of the lovely light and colours as it can still be on the right day. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, River, Don, university, Kings College, crown, tower, Elphinstone, New Kings, 1912, ashlar, stones, construction, architecture, design, tracery, windows, corbie, stepped, gables, gable, ends, crocket, topped, buttresses, lecture, rooms, incomplete, quadrangle, tombstone, Chapel, memorial, old, town, house, bounds, lane, Wrights, Cooper, Place, setts, road, park, trees, colourful, green, grass, spring, seasonal, colorful, colourful, colours, colors, April, 2002, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, 50asa, slide, film, Nikon, FM2, 28mm f2.8
Aberdeen Coopers Place 197227jhp 
 Wrights Cooper Place lane houses summer Aberdeen University High Street Scottish City that can be seen along the High Street of Old Aberdeen now very much the centre of the University area as you walk between Kings College to St Machar's Drive and cross to the Chanonry. The University complex is located to the northern area of the modern City lying south of the River Don. These 18th century houses were sympathetically restored in 1965 and add great character to this iconic part of Old Aberdeen. This photograph was taken in 2002 the last year I used slide film, either 35mm or 645 as my main medium for landscape photography. They are still representative of the City despite their age and is chosen because of the lovely light and colours as it can still be on the right day. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, River, Don, university, Kings College, crown, tower, Elphinstone, New Kings, tombstone, Chapel, memorial, old, town, house, bounds, lane, Wrights, Cooper, Place, St. Machar’s, Cathedral Kirk, spires, cemetery, gates, entrance, lamp, setts, road, Seaton, park, Cruickshank, botanical, gardens, Mitchell, hospital, tourism, tourists, visitors, parks, streets, trees, colourful, green, grass, summer, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors, July, 2002, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, 50asa, slide, film, Nikon, FM2, 28mm f2.8
Aberdeen Coopers Place 19111jhp 
 Wrights Cooper Place lane Aberdeen University High Street Scottish City that can be seen along the High Street of Old Aberdeen now very much the centre of the University area as you walk between Kings College to St Machar's Drive and cross to the Chanonry. The University complex is located to the northern area of the modern City lying south of the River Don. These 18th century houses were sympathetically restored in 1965 and add great character to this iconic part of Old Aberdeen. This photograph was taken in 2002 the last year I used slide film, either 35mm or 645 as my main medium for landscape photography. They are still representative of the City despite their age and is chosen because of the lovely light and colours as it can still be on the right day. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, River, Don, university, Kings College, crown, tower, Elphinstone, New Kings, tombstone, Chapel, memorial, old, town, house, bounds, lane, Wrights, Cooper, Place, St. Machar’s, Cathedral Kirk, spires, cemetery, gates, entrance, lamp, setts, road, Seaton, park, Cruickshank, botanical, gardens, Mitchell, hospital, tourism, tourists, visitors, parks, streets, trees, colourful, green, grass, winter, colorful, colourful, colours, colors, February, 2002, Fuji, Velvia, 35mm, 50asa, slide, film, Nikon, FM2, 28mm f2.8
Aberdeen Spring jkl8489jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Great Southern dual carriageway spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display as you approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road after passing the Dee Bridge at the south west end of the City. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring jkl8487jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scottish Aberdeenshire colourful playing area spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display as you approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road after passing the Dee Bridge at the south west end of the City. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, pub, play, park, sports, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring jkl8485jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire colourful spring flower beds displays river Dee which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display as you approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road after passing the Dee Bridge at the south west end of the City. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, bed, upright, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring jkl8484jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire colours river Dee path spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display as you approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road after passing the Dee Bridge at the south west end of the City. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, pat, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring jkl8482jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scottish spring flowers riverside Aberdeenshire colourful flower trees displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display as you approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road after passing the Dee Bridge at the south west end of the City. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, riverside, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring jkl8479jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire colourful riverside spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display as you approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road after passing the Dee Bridge at the south west end of the City. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, Great, Southern, riverside, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8478jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Deevale paths steps crocuses spring flower displays tree lined path which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, paths, trees, upright, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8473jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire Deevale River Dee Lochnagar view spring taken above the major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, Leggart, Avenue, Lochnagar, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, River, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8471jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scottish spring Garthdee ski slopes dry Deevale Bank crocuses spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, Garthdee, ski, slope, dry, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8469jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Deevale Bank carpet crocuses spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, upright, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8468jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland cityscape skyline Deevale Bank crocuses spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, cityscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8465jhp 
 Aberdeen City skyline Scottish Aberdeenshire Deevale Bank road crocuses spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, skyline, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8464jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Stonehaven Road Deevale Bank crocuses spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, upright, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8462jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scottish Stonehaven dual carriageway crocuses spring flower displays Deevale which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8460jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scottish Deevale Bank crocuses spring flower displays green grass which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8459jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Deevale Road Bank crocuses purple white spring flowers displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8457jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire Deevale carpet crocuses spring flowers displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, upright, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Spring Crocuses jkl8456jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire Deevale Bank crocuses spring flower displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, spring, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Dee Vale Crocuses UP101643jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scottish Deevale Bank road grassy slope crocuses flower display which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, houses, estate, housing, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, winter, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Dee Vale Crocuses UP101637jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Aberdeenshire Deevale crocuses winter Stonehaven Road which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Kincorth, Stonehaven, road, dual, carriageway, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, Rivers, Dee, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, winter, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Dee Vale Crocuses UP101635jhp 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Stonehaven road cars Deevale Bank crocuses winter flowers displays which give this major arterial route entering or exiting the City for the south such a colourful display after you cross the River Dee by the Bridge of Dee or approach along the Great Southern Road and climb out of the City on the Stonehaven Road lying been Deevale Road in Kincorth and Leggart Avenue South. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Deevale, Kincorth, vale, bank, slopes, roadside, landscape, housing, estate, Stonehaven, Road, bridge, Dee, dual, carriageway, great, southern, entrance, exit, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, tourism, cars, parks, municipal, public, skyline, Britain in Bloom, flowers, display, crocuses, white, mauve, green, winter, vibrant, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Union Bridge Leopards xv0243jhp 
 Aberdeen Scotland Union Bridge Leopards 'Kelly's Cats' City Wrought Iron coat-of arms with its motto of 'Bon Accord' or good-luck are part of the decorations for the parapet of the Union Bridge, the reason for the great street of the City being called Union Street looking over the Union Terrace Gardens to the domes of St Marks Church and HM Theatre. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Grampian, landscape, Union Bridge, Union Street, leopard, Kelly's Cats, 'Bon Accord', Coat of Arms, parapet, granite, silver, architecture, style, classic, street furniture, centre
Aberdeen Cairncry Road UP300490JHP 
 Spring Daffodil Displays Roadside City Aberdeen Cairncry Road Scotland Street are not just for the wealthier areas or public parks but here stretch along Cairncry Road running off the Great Northern Road down to the coast through council estates in the Cornhill suburb 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, upright, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, northern, urban, residential, council estates, Cairncry Road, flowers, daffodils, Seaton, highrise, flats, visitors, colourful, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Cairncry Road UP300489JHP 
 Spring Daffodil Displays Aberdeen Scottish City Council Estate Roadside Photo are not just for the wealthier areas or public parks but here stretch along Cairncry Road running off the Great Northern Road down to the coast through council estates in the Cornhill suburb 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, landscape, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, northern, urban, residential, council estates, Cairncry Road, flowers, daffodils, Seaton, highrise, flats, visitors, colourful, colorful, colourful, colours, colors
Aberdeen Union Bridge SO284057JHP 
 Aberdeen Scottish Leopard 'Kelly's cats' Union Bridge City Cast Iron adorn the Aberdeen coat-of arms with its motto of 'Bon Accord' or good-luck are part of the decorations for the parapet of the Union Bridge, the reason for the great street of the City being called Union Street 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, Grampian, landscape, 'Union Bridge', 'Union Street', leopard, 'Kelly's Cast', 'Bon Accord', Coat of Arms, parapet, granite, silver, architecture, style, classic, street furniture, centre
Aberdeen Union Bridge SO284056JHP 
 Aberdeen City Scotland Wrought Iron Cast Leopards 'Kelly's cats' Union Bridge that adorn the City's coat-of arms with its motto of 'Bon Accord' or good-luck are part of the decorations for the parapet of the Union Bridge, the reason for the great street of the City being called Union Street 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, Grampian, upright, ' Union Bridge', 'Union Street', leopard, 'Kelly's Cast', 'Bon Accord', Coat of Arms, parapet, granite, silver, architecture, style, classic, street furniture, centre
Aberdeen Marischal College SO275067JHP 
 Marischal College Mitchell Tower Church Unique Granite Architecture Highview, part of Aberdeen University, viewed from an annex of St Nicolas House and looking over Broad Street with this great facade dating from the late 1800's with the Mitchell Tower on the right. Now under conversion for use as new Aberdeen City council offices. 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Grampian, 'Marischal College', 'Mitchell Tower', upright, St Nicholas House, council offices, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, Town House, unique, imposing, architecture, style, classic, Bon Accord, Broad Street, Schoolhill, shopping, centre, Trinity
Aberdeen Marischal College SO275065JHP 
 Marischal College Aberdeen City Scotland Unique Granite Building University Vista, viewed from an annex of St Nicolas House and looking over Broad Street with this great facade dating from the late 1800's with the Mitchell Tower on the right 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North East, Grampian, 'Marischal College', 'Mitchell Tower', landscape, St Nicholas House, council offices, sea, coast, oil, industry, granite, silver, Town House, unique, imposing, architecture, style, classic, Bon Accord, Broad Street, Schoolhill, shopping, centre, Trinity
Aberdeen Coat of Arms SM6201JHP 
 Bon Accord Coat Arms Aberdeen City Scotland Lampost Southern Way Road which is found on street furniture, official publications and street names. Rampant Leopards and three castles are the main elements of the symbol here on a light standard along the Great Southern Road 
 Keywords: Aberdeen, City, Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, North, East, Grampian, upright, summer, granite, silver, grey, architecture, style, classic, Bon Accord, rampant, Leopards, castles, forts, crescent, 'Great Southern Road', light, lamp-post, street furniture, flowers, roses, Britain in Bloom, pavement

Scotland > Aberdeenshire (31 files)

This gallery includes rural, scenic and landscape subjects of the Shire, including Kincardineshire, Mearns, Garioch, Buchan Strathbogie and Mar.
Carnie Summer Clouds xcv9196jhp 
 Aberdeenshire Cairnie Westhill summer clouds Scottish south cumulus photo taken from the roadside on the Westhill to Garlogie road heading west at the Carnie Roundabout and illustrating a very typical Aberdeenshire rural scene as summer barley fields ripen and are still subject to rain showers but offering up great cloud formations are fronts pass through. Here looking south westwards with distant outline of kerloch hill on the extreme right horizon. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Westhill, carnie, Roundabout, Garlogie, Kerloch, landscape, upright, barley, crop, ripening, summer, shower, clouds, stormy, gray, white, blue, yellow, sunny, countryside, rural, nature, sunshine, afternoon, farming, fields, agriculture, June, 2015, camera, Nikon, D700
Kildrummy Gardens up491754jhp 
 Kildrummy Gardens Den hotel bridge view quarry trees shrubs rocks summer colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481744jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den water plants feature bridge trees summer colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481742jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Garden water weir waterfall trees summer colourful Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481738jhp 
 Kildrummy Gardens Den trees bridge water flowers purple summer Scotland colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481736jhp 
 Kildrummy Garden Den water feature pool flowers trees summer Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481732jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Garden quarry summer water feature bridge arch Strathdon this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481729jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den quarry trees summer water pool arch Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, upright, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481728jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den bridge arch water beneath summer Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481727jhp 
 Kildrummy Gardens Bridge balgownie low water rhododendrons red summer colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481725jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den trees summer colourful waterfall flowers Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481722jhp 
 Kildrummy Gardens bridge Balgownie replica water trees summer colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481713jhp 
 Kildrummy Gardens Den rockery steps flowers flora trees summer colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481711jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den rhododendrums flowers ruin trees summer Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481706jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den quarry trees summer tower ruins Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481696jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den borders trees summer rockery azaleas colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481695jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens border Cypress azalea orange summer colours Scotland Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481694jhp 
 Kildrummy Gardens Den quarry rockery Scottish summer azaleas flowers colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481691jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens quarry trees summer high view maple purple colors Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481690jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Garden Den trees summer high view lawns Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Kildrummy Gardens up481689jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den quarry trees summer high view colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, Japanese, maple, purple, yellow, white, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, summer, June, sunshine, sunny, 2007, Fuji, S5, digital, camera, DSLR
Strathdon Autumn vbn1526jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle tower ruin garden beech pine trees Scotland autumn colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, winter, November, sunshine, sunny, 2015, November
Strathdon Autumn vbn1521jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den beech pine trees winter colours Strathdon Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, winter, November, sunshine, sunny, 2015, November
Strathdon Autumn vbn1519jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Garden lawn beech larch pine trees winter colors Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, winter, November, sunshine, sunny, 2015, November
Strathdon Autumn vbn1517jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Garden burn water beech larch pine trees autumn colors Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, upright, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, winter, November, sunshine, sunny, 2015, November
Strathdon Autumn vbn1516jhp 
 Kildrummy Castle Gardens Den quarry trees autumn winter colours Aberdeenshire this attractive park lies’ beneath the ruin of this 13th century castle in western Aberdeenshire. Located in an ancient quarry from which the stone blocks of the construction of Kildrummy Castle, the huge artificial gully known as the Black Den was initially developed as a feature by the Gordon’s where there was a fishing pond, with various trees and shrubs. Later after the building of a bridge to give access to the New Castle built around the 1900’s by Colonel James Ogston, known in Aberdeen as ‘Soapy Ogston’ of the Aberdeen Soap Manufacturing company and with its close connections to two large hotels of to-day in the area-Norwood and Ardoe House, the gardens were further developed with a Japanese Water Garden and the addition of many new shrubs, trees and flowers. Under James Pearson Smith the modern gardens came under a Charitable Trust in 1968, giving public access in exchange for public donations and entry fee to help pay for the continuing running of the gardens. Overlooking the gardens are the ruins of the Castle and the New Castle, now the Kildrummy Castle Hotel. A small carpark is at the entrance to the road that crosses the bridge and access to the Hotel.

The Castle is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Castle, Historic, Gardens, Ogston, Pearson, estate, landscape, Donside, Black, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, 13th Century, fortress, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved, garden, bridge, Brig, O’Balgownie, avenue, hotel, museum, pool, water, trees, shrubs, flowers, flora, autumn, colours, colors, colourful, winter, November, sunshine, sunny, 2015, November
Summer crop Carnie fgh2802jhp 
 Aberdeenshire Cairnie Westhill summer clouds Scotland field barley north crop photo taken from the roadside on the Westhill to Garlogie road heading west at the Carnie Roundabout and illustrating a very typical Aberdeenshire rural scene as summer barley fields ripen and are still subject to rain showers but offering up great cloud formations are fronts pass through. Here looking northwards adjacent to the Elrick road. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Westhill, carnie, Roundabout, Garlogie, Kerloch, landscape, barley, crop, ripening, summer, squall, rain, shower, clouds, stormy, gray, white, blue, yellow, sunny, countryside, rural, nature, sunshine, afternoon, farming, fields, agriculture
Summer crop Carnie fgh2801jhp 
 Aberdeenshire Cairnie Westhill summer clouds Scotland blue sky barley crop taken from the roadside on the Westhill to Garlogie road heading west at the Carnie Roundabout and illustrating a very typical Aberdeenshire rural scene as summer barley fields ripen and are still subject to rain showers but offering up great cloud formations are fronts pass through. Here looking northwards adjacent to the Elrick road. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Westhill, carnie, Roundabout, Garlogie, Elrick, Skene, upright, barley, crop, ripening, summer, squall, rain, shower, clouds, stormy, gray, white, blue, yellow, sunny, countryside, rural, nature, sunshine, afternoon, farming, fields, agriculture
Summer crop Carnie fgh2793jhp 
 Aberdeenshire Cairnie Westhill summer clouds Scottish field barley crop photo taken from the roadside on the Westhill to Garlogie road heading west at the Carnie Roundabout and illustrating a very typical Aberdeenshire rural scene as summer barley fields ripen and are still subject to rain showers but offering up great cloud formations are fronts pass through. Here looking south westwards with distant outline of kerloch hill on the extreme right horizon. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Westhill, carnie, Roundabout, Garlogie, Kerloch, landscape, barley, crop, ripening, summer, squall, rain, shower, clouds, stormy, gray, white, blue, yellow, sunny, countryside, rural, nature, sunshine, afternoon, farming, fields, agriculture
Summer Squall Carnie fgh2803jhp 
 Aberdeenshire Scottish summer clouds squally rain shower Cairnie fields plane taken from the roadside on the Westhill to Garlogie road heading west at the Carnie Roundabout and illustrating a very typical Aberdeenshire rural scene as summer barley fields ripen and are still subject to rain showers but offering up great cloud formations are fronts pass through. Here looking south with a very small single engine plane dead centre and a stormy threatening rain squalloff to the right horizon over Deeside. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Peterculter, Carnie, Roundabout, Garlogie, Kerloch, landscape, barley, crop, ripening, summer, squall, rain, shower, clouds, stormy, gray, white, blue, yellow, sunny, countryside, rural, nature, sunshine, afternoon, farming, fields, agriculture
Bankhead Great Clouds VS1307JHP 
 Bennachie Hill Mar Bankhead Summer Clouds Aberdeenshire Scotland view from Nether Bankhead road looking northwards to Bennachie across Knockfullertree Farm as you come down to the Comers Kebbaty Road. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Mar, Nather, Bankhead, Bennachie, hill, Knockfullertree, farm, landscape, summer, clouds, hills, farming, fields, fence, road, trees, forest

Scotland > Aberdeenshire Coast (26 files)

Pictures in this library relate to the sea and the coasts around Aberdeenshire from St Cyrus to the Moray Firth along to Cullen and include fishing villages of Gourdon, Johnshaven, the town of Stonehaven, beach at Balmedie, Cruden Bay, Forvie, Bodham Point near Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Rosehearty, Pennan, Macduff, Banff, Whitehills, Portsoy, Sandend, Portknockie, Bow Fiddle Rock.
Banff Wing Memorial vr0422jhp 
 Banff Strike Wing memorial Boyndie airfield Aberdeenshire Scotland granite sunny floral display WW2 RAF base situated in a special lay-by in view of the old Boyndie Airfield which is now a wind turbine farm to the south of Banff in Aberdeenshire. Situated on high ground above the Moray Firth the Mosquito and Beaufighter Squadrons attacked German shipping and submarines in the last year of the war to great effect and this memorial remembers their courage and sacrifice during 1944 and 1945. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Banff, Buchan, airfield, Boyndie, landscape, strike, wind, WW11, turbines, war, aeroplanes, RAF, Mosquitoes, Beaufighters, memorial, roadside, lay-by, granite, 2008, July, summer, sunshine, blue, sky, sunny, flowers, floral, display, wreaths, steps, Nikon, digital, camera, D300, upright
Banff Wing Memorial vr0421jhp 
 Banff Strike Wing memorial Boyndie steps flowers Scottish summer Aberdeenshire granite wreaths WW2 RAF base situated in a special lay-by in view of the old Boyndie Airfield which is now a wind turbine farm to the south of Banff in Aberdeenshire. Situated on high ground above the Moray Firth the Mosquito and Beaufighter Squadrons attacked German shipping and submarines in the last year of the war to great effect and this memorial remembers their courage and sacrifice during 1944 and 1945. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Banff, Buchan, airfield, Boyndie, landscape, strike, wind, WW11, turbines, war, aeroplanes, RAF, Mosquitoes, Beaufighters, memorial, roadside, lay-by, granite, 2008, July, summer, sunshine, blue, sky, sunny, flowers, floral, display, wreaths, steps, Nikon, digital, camera, D300
Banff Wing Memorial vr0420jhp 
 Banff Strike Wing memorial Boyndie roadside summer Aberdeenshire Scotland granite flowers WW2 RAF base situated in a special lay-by in view of the old Boyndie Airfield which is now a wind turbine farm to the south of Banff in Aberdeenshire. Situated on high ground above the Moray Firth the Mosquito and Beaufighter Squadrons attacked German shipping and submarines in the last year of the war to great effect and this memorial remembers their courage and sacrifice during 1944 and 1945. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Banff, Buchan, airfield, Boyndie, landscape, strike, wind, WW11, war, aeroplanes, RAF, Mosquitoes, Beaufighters, memorial, roadside, lay-by, granite, 2008, July, summer, sunshine, blue, sky, sunny, flowers, wreaths, floral, display, steps, Nikon, digital, camera, D300
Whitehills Marina vbn0483jhp 
 Whitehills harbour view coastal bay Aberdeenshire summer sea viewpoint Scottish above a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, masts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, apartments, flats, holiday, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, bench, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine, summer, 2015, August, digital, D700, Nikon, DSLR, photo, photograph
Whitehills Marina vbn0478jhp 
 Whitehills harbour marina coast vista Aberdeenshire summer sea houses Scotland a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, masts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, apartments, flats, holiday, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, bay, coast, coastline, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine, summer, 2015, August, digital, D700, Nikon, DSLR, photo, photograph
Whitehills Marina vbn0469jhp 
 Whitehills harbour marina boats yacht pier entrance Banffshire summer Scotland a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, masts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, apartments, flats, holiday, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, upright, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine, summer, 2015, August, digital, D700, Nikon, DSLR, photo, photograph
Whitehills Marina vbn0468jhp 
 Whitehills Scottish harbour marina boats sea walls exit mouth entrance Banffshire summer a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, masts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, apartments, flats, holiday, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, entrance, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine, summer, 2015, August, digital, D700, Nikon, DSLR, photo, photograph
Whitehills Marina vbn0467jhp 
 Whitehills Scottish harbour marina boats creels berth Banffshire summer appartments at this contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, masts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, apartments, flats, holiday, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, upright, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine, summer, 2015, August, digital, D700, Nikon, DSLR, photo, photograph
Whitehills Marina vbn0466jhp 
 Whitehills harbour marina boats yachts flats pier creels Aberdeenshire summer Scotland a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, masts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, apartments, flats, holiday, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine, summer, 2015, August, digital, D700, Nikon, DSLR, photo, photograph
Boddam Lighthouse up714480jhp 
 Boddam lighthouse rocks sea blue sky sunny Peterhead Scotland autumn Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with this large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities by a small harbour with many berthed wooden fishing boats being repaired. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, lighthouse, white, red, stripes, rocks, boatyard, landscape, autumn, paint, coast, painted, colours, colourful, berthed, land, 2007, digital, DSLR, Fuji, S5
Boddam Boats up714465jhp 
 Boddam Harbour boat wooden hull grain weathered Peterhead Scotland shaped Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, fishing, boatyard, repairing, landscape, autumn, creels, peeling, paint, corrosion, coast, power, station, electricity, painted, colours, colourful, berthed, land, 2007, digital, DSLR, Fuji, S5
Boddam Boats up714464jhp 
 Boddam Harbour boat hull wood grain shining curved Henderson Photograph North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, fishing, boatyard, repairing, landscape, upright, autumn, creels, peeling, paint, corrosion, coast, power, station, electricity, painted, colours, colourful, berthed, land, 2007, digital, DSLR, Fuji, S5
Boddam Boats up714459jhp 
 Boddam Harbour boats creels power station Peterhead Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, fishing, boatyard, repairing, landscape, upright, autumn, creels, peeling, paint, corrosion, coast, power, station, electricity, painted, colours, colourful, berthed, land, 2007, digital, DSLR, Fuji, S5
Boddam Boats up714458jhp 
 Boddam Harbour boats hulls creels power station Peterhead Scottish Buchan village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, fishing, boatyard, repairing, landscape, autumn, creels, peeling, paint, corrosion, coast, power, station, chimney, electricity, painted, colours, colourful, berthed, land, 2007, digital, DSLR, Fuji, S5
Boddam Boats up714453jhp 
 Boddam Harbour boats berthed colourful autumn sunshine Scottish seashore Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, fishing, boatyard, repairing, landscape, autumn, creels, peeling, paint, corrosion, coast, power, station, electricity, painted, colours, colourful, berthed, land, 2007, digital, DSLR, Fuji, S5
St Cyrus Beach zxc5226jhp 
 St Cyrus Cliffs northwards seats viewpoint Autumn North Sea Aberdeenshire Scotland is on the southern most boundary of Aberdeenshire just north of Montrose and at the estuary of the North Esk river. A SSSI it is a wonderful area for wildlife, has a long sandy beach stretching northwards from the river underneath huge cliffs and easy access ends at an area of huge rocks which delight children at low tide with rock pools full of fascinating marine life. This photo is of the cliff path from the village of St Cyrus nearest the Church with some late autumn colour and is one of two routes down to the beach. The cliffpath was started in 1882 by Mr George Ross, my great-grandfather. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, sea, East, coast, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Mearns, St Cyrus, Montrose, bay, village, clifftop, cliffs, fishing, viewpoint, seats, cliffpath, grass, beach, sand, Nature, Reserve, autumn, heights, river, Esk, estuary, cottages, landscape, northwards, Milton, Ness, point, Tangleha
Whitehills Marina jkl9047jhp 
 Whitehills berthed marina boats yachts harbour Aberdeenshire spring Scotland sunshine a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine
Whitehills Marina jkl9046jhp 
 Whitehills marina boats yachts masts harbour Aberdeenshire Scottish colourful spring a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, upright, spring, blue, sky, sunshine
Whitehills Marina jkl9044jhp 
 Whitehills marina boats yachts harbour berth colours Aberdeenshire spring Scotland a contemporary modern use of the harbour dating from 1900 in addition to its existing fishing industry. An extensive children’s play area is to the right of this harbour and the village offers a caravan site and walks along the coast with great views along the Moray Firth coastline. It is located to the west of Banff a town with a history dating back to the 12th century and which was granted a charter by Robert the Bruce in the 14th Century. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Whitehills, Banff, marina, boats, yachts, berth, berths, anchored, mooring, berthed, houses, waterfront, fishing, harbour, fish, market, sea, Moray, Firth, village, seaport, landscape, spring, blue, sky, sunshine
Boddam Wee Boats UP714470JHP 
 Boddam Harbour fishing boats reflections photo North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, small, wee, fishing, boats, harbour, repairing, landscape, autumn, anchored, reflections, water
Boddam Boatyard UP714460JHP 
 Boddam Harbour boats kreels power station Peterhead North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, boatyard, repairing, landscape, autumn, kreels, peeling, paint, corrosion, coast, power, station, electricity
Boddam Boats UP714454JHP 
 Boddam boats beached photograph Peterhead North East Scottish autumn Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, boats, beached, harbour, repairing, landscape, autumn, coast, colourful, colorful
Storm By BoddamTO180025JHP 
 Boddam Stormy clouds passing rain squall North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities here a nearby farm house hit by a rain squall on the costal road from Cruden Bay. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, rain, squall, clouds, dramatic, horizon, farm, landscape, summer, coast
Boddam Lighthouse Rocks TO180031JHP 
 Boddam Lighthouse rocks pools sea North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with its large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, lighthouse, rocks, pool, water, sand, landscape, summer, coast
Boddam Lighthouse Pool TO180030JHP 
 Boddam lighthouse rock pool North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with its large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, lighthouse, rocks, pool, water, sand, landscape, summer, coast
Boddam Harbour TO180028JHP 
 Boddam Harbour boats power station Peterhead North East Scotland Aberdeenshire village just south of Peterhead and with a large lighthouse set along a rocky foreshore giving some great photography opportunities. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Grampian, Scottish, North, sea, East, Aberdeenshire, Buchan, Boddam, Peterhead, boats, harbour, repairing, landscape, summer, coast, power, station, electricity

Scotland > Ancient Stones (11 files)

The gallery has photos of ancient Scottish sites such as recumbent stone circles, stone circles, long cairns, Pictish carvings and early fortifications including Tap ONoth, Bennachie, Kinord, and most of the following:
Aikey Brae RSC; Balquhain Stone Circle; Brandsbutt Stone; Broomend of Crichie Henge and Pictish Symbol Stone; Castle Fraser Stone Circle; Consumption Dykes, Kingswells; Corsedarder Memorial; Cothiemuir Wood RSC; Craigearn Standing Stone; Craw Stane, Rhynie; Cullerlie Stone Circle; Culsh earthhouse or souterrain; Easter Aquthorthies RSC; Eslie the Greater RSC; Eslie the Lessler RSC; Garrol Wood RSC; Glassel Stone Circle; Kinord Cross; Kirkton of Bourtie RSC; Loanhead of Daviot RSC; Long Cairn, Corsedarder; Maidenstone Symbol Stone; Mid Mar Stone Circle; Nine Staines RSC; Picardy Pictish Symbol Stone; Strichen RSC; Sueno Stone, Forres; Sunhoney RSC; Tomnaverie RSC;

Eslie Greater Stones VS3444JHP 
 Eslie Greater Bronze Age recumbent stone circle Feughside Scottish Aberdeenshire Kincardineshire Scotland looking to Scolty Hill near Banchory and the River Feugh Glen is one of such ancient monuments dotted around the North East and this one is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen near Mulloch Forest. Nearby is Esslie the Lessler a few fields away higher on the southern slope of Tilquhillie Hill while to the east are the Nine Staines in the Garrol Wood. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, landscape, autumn, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, neolithic, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, monolith
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0160JHP 
 Eslie Esslie Greater Bronze Age Recumbent Stone Circle Feughside Aberdeenshire is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed after entering the field from the nearby roadside. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, landscape, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer, brooding, mood, threatening, stormy
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0158JHP 
 Eslie Greater Bronze Age Recumbent Stone Circle Aberdeenshire Stormy Clouds is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed after entering the field from the nearby roadside. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, upright, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0155JHP 
 Eslie Greater Recumbent Stone Circle Feughside Deeside Dramatic Storm Clouds Photo is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed after entering the field from the nearby roadside. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, landscape, panorama, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer, stormy, brooding, dark, cloudy
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0153JHP 
 Eslie Greater Scotland Bronze Age Stone Circle Stormy Clouds Dramatic Photo is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed after entering the field from the nearby roadside. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, landscape, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer, stormy, dark, threatening, moody
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0150JHP 
 Eslie Greater Bronze Age Stone Circle Flanker Mulloch Forest Aberdeenshire Scotland is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with the western flanker in the foreground. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, upright, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0149JHP 
 Eslie Greater Recumbent Stone Circle Monoliths Tilquhillie Hill Deeside Scotland is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with some of the outer monoliths of which five still stand. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Camie, Feughside, forest, Recumbent Stone Circle, landscape, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, monoliths, sockets, uprights, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, territorial, ritual, astronomical, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, farming, agriculture, summer
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0140JHP 
 Eslie Greater Bronze Age Recumbent Stone Circle Monolith Scolty hill Feughside Scotland is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol Wood, forest, Nine Stanes, Recumbent Stone Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, landscape, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0137JHP 
 Eslie Greater Bronze Age Recumbent Altar Stone Circle Feughside Aberdeenshire Scotland is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen. Here are the flanker stones on either side of the 2.9m recumbent lying slightly east of south a common feature of Deeside recumbents. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, landscape, upright, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0126JHP 
 Esslie Greater Bronze Age Recumbent Altar Stone Circle Flankers Scotland Feughside is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen and here viewed over the recumbent altar stone and its end flankers. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent, Stone, Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, upright, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer
Eslie Greater Stone Circle Scotland VN0123JHP 
 Scottish Historical Eslie Greater Bronze Age Stone Circle Feughside Panorama Photo is located on a sloping valley looking south and westwards up Feughside and the distant Scolty Hill near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen and here viewed over the recumbent altar stone and its end flankers. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Eslie, Esslie, Greater, Lessler, Banchory, Scolty, Hill, Camie, Feughside, Mulloch, Garrol, Wood, forest, Nine, Stanes, Recumbent Stone Circle, Ring, Cairn, ellipse, elliptical, landscape, history, Bronze, Age, ancient, archaeology, ancestors, neolithic, excavation, bone, radiocarbon, dating, monument, stones, altar, flankers, monoliths, sockets, uprights, kerb, radials, monolith, hilltop, cemetery, sacrifice, cremation, burial, cult, quartz, granite, tribe, antiquity, burial, cremation, leader, generation, death, ceremony, construction, primitive, community, field, territorial, marker, clearances, ritual, rural, nature, astronomical, seasons, moon, sunset, sunrise, cyclical, cycles, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, sunshine, grass, green, blue, white, farming, agriculture, countryside, wild, summer

Scotland > Banff & Buchan (2 files)

Photographs of the Banff and Buchan area of Aberdeenshire in North East Scotland that do not fit into other specialist categories or particularly illustrate the nature of the area.
Banff Strike Wing Plaque TO4360683JHP 
 Banff Strike Wing memorial situated in a special lay-by in view of the old Boyndie Airfield which is now a wind turbine farm to the south of Banff in Aberdeenshire. Situated on high ground above the Moray Firth the Mosquito and Beaufighter Squadrons attacked German shipping and submarines in the last year of the war to great effect and this memorial remembers their courage and sacrifice during 1944 and 1945. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Banff, Buchan, airfield, Boyndie, upright, strike, wind, WW11, war, aeroplanes, RAF, Mosquitoes, Beaufighters, memorial, roadside, lay-by, granite
Banff Strike Wing Memorial TO4360682JHP 
 Banff Strike Wing memorial situated in a special lay-by in view of the old Boyndie Airfield which is now a wind turbine farm to the south of Banff in Aberdeenshire. Situated on high ground above the Moray Firth the Mosquito and Beaufighter Squadrons attacked German shipping and submarines in the last year of the war to great effect and this memorial remembers their courage and sacrifice during 1944 and 1945. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Banff, Buchan, airfield, Boyndie, landscape, strike, wind, turbines, gulls, WW11, war, aeroplanes, RAF, Mosquitoes, Beaufighters, memorial, roadside, lay-by, granite

Scotland > Clouds, Sunsets, Dawns and Weather (108 files)

The gallery has images of weather related subjects from clouds to dawns and sunrises, NLC or noctilucent clouds nights, moon to sun rings, rainbows, double rainbows, meteors, shooting stars, Perseids. The range of clouds includes cirrus, storm clouds, white puffy fair weather clouds, monster cloud formations, haar, sun beams, lenticular, mama, a wide range of different meteorological structures and types.
 Rainbow double colourful dramatic sky clouds field Torphins Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo autumn afternoon sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This summer double rainbow occurred on the late afternoon of 29th August, 2023 at 17.57BST from a rain shower passing over. Camera used was a Nikon D700 FX body with 16-35mm zoom lens at 16mm focal length, ISO 200 at f11 aperture with 1/320sec exposure. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside by Crooktree farm track north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, summer, afternoon, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2023, 29th, August, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, FX, 16-35 AF-S ED lens, zoom, photograph, photo
 Deeside double rainbow spring colourful dramatic clouds fields hills Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This spring rainbow occurred on the evening of the 1st May 2020 from a small rain shower in the distance. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. However on this occasion the rain shower was in the distance so no problems with rain on the camera lens in this instance. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, spring, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2020, 1st, May, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo
 Double rainbow Scottish strong light panorama colourful dramatic dark sky clouds field Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This spring rainbow occurred on the evening of the 1st May 2020 from a small rain shower in the distance. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. However on this occasion the rain shower was in the distance so no problems with rain on the camera lens in this instance. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, spring, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2020, 1st, May, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo
 Double rainbow colourful dramatic rich colours birch trees fields Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This spring rainbow occurred on the evening of the 1st May 2020 from a small rain shower in the distance. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. However on this occasion the rain shower was in the distance so no problems with rain on the camera lens in this instance. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, spring, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2020, 1st, May, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo
 Double rainbow colourful dramatic bright bands stone sky clouds field Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This spring rainbow occurred on the evening of the 1st May 2020 from a small rain shower in the distance. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. However on this occasion the rain shower was in the distance so no problems with rain on the camera lens in this instance. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, spring, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2020, 1st, May, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo, upright
 Double rainbow colours dramatic dark sky clouds field Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This spring rainbow occurred on the evening of the 1st May 2020 from a small rain shower in the distance. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. However on this occasion the rain shower was in the distance so no problems with rain on the camera lens in this instance. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, spring, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2020, 1st, May, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo
 Double rainbow colourful dramatic dark sky clouds field Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This spring rainbow occurred on the evening of the 1st May 2020 from a small rain shower in the distance. The shapes, size and colours make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a reflection of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. However on this occasion the rain shower was in the distance so no problems with rain on the camera lens in this instance. This was taken from Ord Fundlie hillside north of Kincardine O’Neil, looking across to the Hill of Fare and Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, hillside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, spring, evening, silver, birch, trees, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, shower, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2020, 1st, May, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo, upright
Rainbow Colours bnm5256jhp 
 Rainbow colourful partial band spectrum autumn clouds hills Deeside Scotland weather photo summer afternoon sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This rainbow occurred after an autumn rain shower storm. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often coupled with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, landscape, rainbow, band, partial, part, colours, colors, clouds, bands, spectrum, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, summer, autumn, afternoon, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, thunder, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2016, September, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo
Double Rainbow bnm4220jhp 
 Double rainbow colourful dramatic dark sky clouds field Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo summer afternoon sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This rainbow occurred after a thunder storm, a part of the very unsettled weather pattern during 2016 and July is often the month of severe summer cloudbursts. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often coupled with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, summer, afternoon, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, thunder, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2016, July, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo, upright
Double Rainbow Deeside qax2833jhp 
 Double rainbow colours dramatic dark sky clouds Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish weather photo summer afternoon sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This rainbow occurred after a thunder storm, a part of the very unsettled weather after the 2018 hot summer. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often coupled with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible as well as the photographer. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Glassel, Hill, Fare, Craigmyle, Ord Fundlie, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, fields, grass, summer, afternoon, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, thunder, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, 2018, August, Nikon, DSLR, digital, camera, D700, photograph, photo
Deeside Winter Clouds qaz0283jhp 
 Scottish winter clouds shapes orange colour impressionist Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking westwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, chimney, pot, roof, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, impressionist, brushed, downdraughts, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, Boxing Day, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Winter Clouds qaz0282jhp 
 Fascinating afternoon winter clouds streaks downdraughts colours Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking westwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, Boxing Day, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0047jhp 
 Evening winter clouds red pink colours westwards witch vane weather Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking westwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, vane, witch, flying, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0044jhp 
 Scotland December muted orange clouds fading eastwards Torphins Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking eastwards above Learney Hill and Torphins Village about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0041jhp 
 Strange winter clouds shapes puffy red orange colours westwards Deeside Scotland Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north westwards over forest near Kincardine O'Neil about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0039jhp 
 Scottish afternoon December vibrant orange clouds details structure Torphins Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking eastwards above Learney Hill and Torphins Village about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0037jhp 
 Late afternoon winter downdraughts clouds north east colourful Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0032jhp 
 Panorama Scottish afternoon winter glorious orange clouds Torphins Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking eastwards over Learney Hill, Torphins Village and Hill of Fare about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0029jhp 
 Panorama afternoon winter glorious orange clouds Torphins Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards over Learney Hill near Torphins about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, upright, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, mauve, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0027jhp 
 Interesting afternoon winter colourful orange clouds panorama Torphins Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards over Learney Hill, Torphins Village and Hill of Fare about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0026jhp 
 Spectacular afternoon winter colourful orange clouds shapes colours Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards over Learney Hill near Torphins about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0022jhp 
 Surreal winter clouds shapes puffy mama blubous details orange colours westwards Deeside Scotland Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north westwards over forest near Kincardine O'Neil about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, mama, bulging, bulbous, puffy, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0021jhp 
 Weird winter clouds shapes puffy mama orange colours westwards Deeside Scotland Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north westwards over forest near Kincardine O'Neil about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Kincardine O'Neil, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0020jhp 
 Unusual winter clouds shapes orange colours Learney Deeside Scotland Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards over Learney Hill near Torphins about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0017jhp 
 Unusual afternoon winter Scottish orange clouds colours Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards over Learney Hill near Torphins about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, upright, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0014jhp 
 Unusual afternoon winter clouds shapes colours Learney Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo from Ord Fundlie near Kincardine O’Neil looking north eastwards over Learney Hill near Torphins about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, Ord Fundlie, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Afternoon Clouds qaz0011jhp 
 Dramatic afternoon winter clouds shapes colours forest Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo over Ord Fundlie forest near Kincardine O’Neil looking westwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. The really colourful period seldom lasts long, maybe 15 mins, so it is very much being in the right place at the right time type of photography. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, winter, afternoon, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, December, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Cloud Shape bnm9349jhp 
 Cloud interesting shape white blue sky Deeside Dinnet Scotland broom summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes and size make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds were taken at the Dinnet Glider strip layby were a morning but they changed very quickly for when I first spotted them they were far more like a large question mark but when I got to the layby, the first safe pull off place in about 5 mins they had moved and compacted quite significantly. Part of the old adage, always have your camera handy, as capturing those unusual natural events can be a matter of minutes. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Aboyne, Dinnet, glider, landing, club, layby, Royal, Deeside, 2017, summer, August, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, landscape, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges, broom
Cloud Shape bnm9348jhp 
 Clouds interesting shapes white blue sky Deeside Dinnet Scottish summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes and size make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds were taken at the Dinnet Glider strip layby were a morning but they changed very quickly for when I first spotted them they were far more like a large question mark but when I got to the layby, the first safe pull off place in about 5 mins they had moved and compacted quite significantly. Part of the old adage, always have your camera handy, as capturing those unusual natural events can be a matter of minutes. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Aboyne, Dinnet, glider, landing, club, layby, Royal, Deeside, 2017, summer, August, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, landscape, upright, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges, broom
Storm Clouds bnm9457jhp 
 Dramatic evening storm cloud billowing Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish summer huge scale shapes taken towards Torphins and the Hill of Fare and Craigmyle looking north eastwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, summer, early, evening, landscape, upright, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, pink, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, September, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Storm Clouds bnm9456jhp 
 Dramatic evening storm cloud white grey sunlit Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer photo taken towards Torphins and the Learney Hill looking northwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, summer, early, evening, landscape, upright, contrast, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, white, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, September, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Storm Clouds bnm9455jhp 
 Dramatic huge tower evening storm cloud shapes Torphins Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer photo taken towards Torphins and the Hill of Fare looking north east wards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Craigmyle, Fare, summer, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, pink, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, September, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Storm Clouds bnm9454jhp 
 Towering evening storm clouds climbing above Hill Fare Torphins Aberdeenshire Scotland summer sunlight contrasting shade taken towards Torphins and the Hill of Frae and Craigmyle looking north east wards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, Fare, summer, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, pink, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, September, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Storm Clouds bnm9453jhp 
 Dramatic evening storm clouds towering Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer sunlight contrasting shade taken towards Torphins and the Learney Hill looking northwards about 25 miles west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland. Although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Torphins, Learney, hill, summer, early, evening, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, fibrous, filaments, cumulonimbus, countryside, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, pink, orange, brown, blue, sky, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, 2017, September, DSLR, Nikon, D700, digital, photo, photograph
Deeside Clouds bnm7483jhp 
 Clouds dramatic cumulus cumulonimbus rain squall summer Aberdeenshire shapes white blue sky Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins looking eastwards towards Glassel and Raemoir. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2017, June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm7482jhp 
 Clouds cumulonimbus bulge shape white blue sky Scotland summer Deeside weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Learney Hil near Torphins . 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2017, June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm7435jhp 
 June clouds cumulus complex shapes white blue sky Scottish Deeside summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2017, June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, upright, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm7434jhp 
 June clouds cumulus strong shapes white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scottish summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2017, June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Rainbow & Cloud bnm5565jhp 
 Cloud anvil Scotland Deeside September evening Jim Henderson Photo stone and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, September, digital, camera, D700
Rainbow & Cloud bnm5564jhp 
 Strong colours sky cloud formation anvil Scottish weather photo autumn evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, September, digital, camera, D700
Rainbow & Cloud bnm5563jhp 
 Double rainbow dramatic sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather autumn evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, September, digital, camera, D700
Rainbow & Cloud bnm5561jhp 
 Double rainbow dramatic sky panorama cloud shape Scottish autumn evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, September, digital, camera, D700
Rainbow & Cloud bnm5560jhp 
 Double rainbow strong light colours Scotland Deeside September evening Torphins sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, September, digital, camera, D700
Rainbow & Cloud bnm5558jhp 
 Double rainbow strong light Aberdeenshire Scotland Deeside autumn evening Torphins sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, September, digital, camera, D700
Deeside Clouds bnm4184jhp 
 Clouds dramatic shapes eastwards early storm Aberdeenshire Scotland summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm4182jhp 
 Clouds dramatic shapes jet trail white blue sky Deeside Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, upright, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm4181jhp 
 Clouds dramatic detailed shapes jet trail white blue sky Deeside Scotland weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm4180jhp 
 Clouds dramatic detailed shapes towering cumulus white blue sky Deeside Scotland weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, upright, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Deeside Clouds bnm4179jhp 
 Clouds detailed interesting shapes towering cumulus white blue sky summer Scotland weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Double Rainbow bnm4218jhp 
 Double rainbow colourful dark clouds Deeside Scotland weather summer afternoon sunlight field Torphins Hill of Fare and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, summer, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow bnm4215jhp 
 Double rainbow colours dark clouds Aberdeenshire Scottish weather summer afternoon sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, summer, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, July, digital, camera, D700
Spring Clouds bnm3105jhp 
 Clouds Cumulonimbus anvil white blue sky Deeside Scotland spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, May, spring, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, upright, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Spring Clouds bnm3104jhp 
 Clouds magestic shapes white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, May, Spring, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Spring Clouds bnm3103jhp 
 Clouds huge complex shapes white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scotland spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2016, May, spring, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Spring Rainbow bnm3125jhp 
 Double rainbow blue clouds cicley Hill fare Scottish May weather evening bright sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. This light evening light is particularly beautiful especially setting off the dark clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, May, digital, camera, D700
Spring Rainbow bnm3124jhp 
 Double rainbow colours sky Deeside Scottish weather evening sunlight cicely May and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. This light evening light is particularly beautiful especially setting off the dark clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, cicely, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, May, digital, camera, D700
Spring Rainbow bnm3115jhp 
 Double rainbow colours sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather spring evening sunlight gorse and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. This light evening light is particularly beautiful especially setting off the dark clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, hill, Fare, landscape, gorse, larch forest, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, May, digital, camera, D700
Spring Rainbow bnm3108jhp 
 Double rainbow colourful sky Aberdeenshire Scotland weather evening bright sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. This light evening light is particularly beautiful especially setting off the dark clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, May, digital, camera, D700
Spring Rainbow bnm3107jhp 
 Double rainbow spring clouds Torphins Hill fare Scotland weather evening bright sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. This light evening light is particularly beautiful especially setting off the dark clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2016, May, digital, camera, D700
Summer Haar Creep xcv8832jhp 
 Clouds haar morning summer sunshine Torphins white broom Aberdeenshire Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This is something that often plagues the North East Coast a sea mist locally called haar and which can ruin a lovely summer day especially very close to the coast. In this case it is appearing early on a June morning and is creeping over the Learney and Hill of Fare rather like a mist in some horror movie. 
 Keywords: June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, morning, clouds, haar, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, countryside, cicely, flowers, dykes, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges, broom, yellow
Summer Haar Creep xcv8831jhp 
 Clouds haar June Morning Torphins white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scottish summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This is something that often plagues the North East Coast a sea mist locally called haar and which can ruin a lovely summer day especially very close to the coast. In this case it is appearing early on a June morning and is creeping over the Learney and Hill of Fare rather like a mist in some horror movie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2015, June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, morning, clouds, haar, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges, broom, yellow
Summer Haar Creep xcv8829jhp 
 Clouds haar June early Torphins white blue sky cicely Scotland summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. This is something that often plagues the North East Coast a sea mist locally called haar and which can ruin a lovely summer day especially very close to the coast. In this case it is appearing early on a June morning and is creeping over the Learney and Hill of Fare rather like a mist in some horror movie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2015, June, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, morning, clouds, haar, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, countryside, cicely, flowers, dykes, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges, broom, yellow
Summer Clouds xcv9638jhp 
 Cumulus clouds Deeside rural summer fields hills sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2015, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Summer Clouds xcv9634jhp 
 Clouds white large shapes white blue sky treetops Aberdeenshire Scottish summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2015, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Summer Clouds xcv9631jhp 
 Clouds cumulonimbus fibrous shapes white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scotland summer weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2015, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, upright, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Summer Clouds xcv9630jhp 
 Clouds summer shapes white blue sky cumulonimbus cumulus Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. These clouds taken over the Hill of Fare near Torphins were a morning display which eventually developed into rain clouds which gave a beautiful double rainbow in the late afternoon examples of which precede these photos. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, River, Dee, Royal, Deeside, 2015, July, summer, Nikon, D700, DSLR, landscape, Craigmyle, hill, Fare, Torphins, Ord, Fundlie, morning, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, classification, groups, low, medium, high, altitude, Cl, Cm, Ch, optical, phenomena, cumulus, vertical, extent, cumulonimbus, fibrous, striated, thundercap, anvil, altocumulus, altostratus, nimbostratus, countryside, rural, forest, fields, farmland, nature, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, quiet, sun, rain, showers, storms, haze, dust, ice, water, droplets, blue, white, grey, brown, beautiful, shapes, scale, size, height, highlights, sunshine, edges
Double Rainbow xcv9670jhp 
 Summer bright rainbow colours double rural scene Deeside Scotland weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects here looking across to the Hill of Fare near Torphins. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, bright, rainbow, double, rich, strong, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2015, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow xcv9664jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow colours double honeysuckle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, honeysuckle, flowers, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2015, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow xcv9661jhp 
 Summer July clouds rainbow colours double honeysuckle sun Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, honeysuckle, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2015, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow xcv9647jhp 
 Clouds rainbow colours double bands arc Scotland weather Jim Henderson photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, Torphins, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2015, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow xcv9646jhp 
 Rainbow colours double sky field grass sunshine Aberdeenshire Scotland weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2015, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow xcv9652jhp 
 Clouds rainbow colour strong double bands sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, Glassel, Torphins, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2015, July, digital, camera, D700
Double Rainbow Deeside TO2420003jhp 
 Storm Clouds Double rainbow colours gray sky Deeside Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland, this one looking towards Torphins and the Hill of Fare not visible behind the storm clouds. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, brown, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd6994jhp 
 Storm Clouds cumulonimbus dramatic spring field crops sky Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, landscape, broom, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7014jhp 
 Storm Cloud cumulonimbus dramatic Montgarrie road trees sky Aberdeenshire Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken just as you are about to enter Montgarrie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, upright, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7013jhp 
 Storm Cloud cumulonimbus dramatic shape Montgarrie Gordon Donside Scotland spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken just as you are about to enter Montgarrie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Gordon, District, Srathdon, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, landscape, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7011jhp 
 Storm Cloud cumulonimbus dramatic road panorama sky Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, landscape, panorama, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7010jhp 
 Storm Cloud cumulonimbus dramatic spring clouds sun white striated Strathdon Aberdeenshire Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, upright, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7008jhp 
 Stormy Clouds cumulonimbus dramatic shape Montgarrie road Aberdeenshire Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge this photo was taken just as you are about to enter Montgarrie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, upright, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7007jhp 
 Storm Cloud pass sign layby mamma cumulonimbus dramatic shape white grey sky Aberdeenshire Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge this photo was taken just as you are about to enter Montgarrie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, landscape, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7005jhp 
 Storm Clouds cumulonimbus Whitehouse trees fields dramatic shape white blue spring sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, landscape, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd7003jhp 
 Storm Clouds Scotland spring cumulonimbus dramatic shape spectacular sky Aberdeenshire weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, upright, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd6995jhp 
 Storm Cloud fibrous anvil dramatic shape rape seed field sky Strathdon Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge this photo was taken just as you are about to enter Montgarrie. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, upright, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Clouds near Montgarrie asd6992jhp 
 Storm Cloud cumulonimbus dramatic shape white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scottish spring weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. This formation is taken over Aberdeenshire near Montgarrie just north of Alford. The road in the foreground runs northwards from Montgarrie to Whitehaugh Forest and this photo was taken near the entrance to Whiteside Farm and Black Bridge. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Montgarrie, Donside, Alford, Whitehouse, Black, bridge, Whitehaugh, landscape, spring, clouds, cumulonimbus, anvil, stratocumulus, fibrous, striated, cauliflower, pannus, dark, mamma, downdraughts, dramatic, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, farmland, rape, seed, fields, trees, burn, ditch, yellow, flowers, roadside, pass, layby, track, farm, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, storm, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Cabrach Rainbow qwe4152jhp 
 Clouds rainbow colours moody Cabrach moorland Aberdeenshire Scottish weather panorama and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland especially here on the barren open moorland of the Cabrach between Strathdon and Dufftown. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Cabrach, Strathdon, landscape, rainbow, colours, colors, clouds, arc, shape, weather, countryside, nature, rain, showers, dramatic, moody, barren, lonely, moorland, grass, forest, summer
Cabrach Rainbow qwe4149jhp 
 Clouds rainbow colours moody Cabrach moorland Scotland summer weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland especially here on the barren open moorland of the Cabrach between Strathdon and Dufftown. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Cabrach, Strathdon, landscape, rainbow, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, countryside, nature, rain, showers, shapes, dramatic, moody, barren, lonely, road, gorse, summer
Cabrach Rainbow qwe4144jhp 
 Scottish summer rainbow colours moody Cabrach moorland Strathdon road weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland especially here on the barren open moorland of the Cabrach between Strathdon and Dufftown. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Cabrach, Strathdon, landscape, upright, rainbow, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, countryside, nature, rain, showers, shapes, dramatic, moody, barren, lonely, road, gorse, summer
Cabrach Rainbow qwe4142jhp 
 Clouds rainbow colours moody Cabrach moorland Aberdeenshire Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland especially here on the barren open moorland of the Cabrach between Strathdon and Dufftown. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Cabrach, Strathdon, landscape, rainbow, colours, colors, clouds, arc, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, countryside, nature, rain, showers, shapes, dramatic, moody, barren, lonely, road, gorse, summer
Storm Front qwe3619jhp 
 Stormy Clouds dramatic angry shapes hill sky Aberdeenshire Scotland weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, Craigmyle, Hill, Fare, landscape, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Storm Front qwe3616jhp 
 Storm Clouds dramatic shapes white blue sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, upright, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Rainbow qwe3630jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow colours double sky Aberdeenshire Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, telephoto, section, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, brown, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3648jhp 
 Scottish weather clouds rainbow double Aberdeenshire hill trees evening light and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, hill, trees, larch, sunlight, evening, telephoto, weather, countryside, natural, storms, white, brown, arc, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3646jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow colours double sky larch trees sunlight Scottish weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, larch, trees, sunlight, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3641jhp 
 Stormr rain rainbow colours double sky Aberdeenshire hill weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, larch, trees, sunlit, evening, weather, countryside, nature, rain, showers, stormy, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3636jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow colours double panorama North east Scotland weather and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, wide, angle, panorama, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, fields, sunlight, evening, sunshine, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, brown, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3627jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow colours double fields Aberdeenshire Scottish weather farming and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, brown, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3625jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow colours double clouds dyke Torphins Scotland weather photo and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, Torphins, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, stone, wall, dyke, fields, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, brown, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Double Rainbow qwe3623jhp 
 Storm Clouds rainbow double ploughed fields Aberdeenshire Scottish weather hill and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, Torphins, landscape, rainbow, double, ploughed, fields, patchwork, colours, colors, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, brown, shapes, height, dramatic, moody
Sunbeams Storm Clouds TO4342191JHP 
 Dramatic Storm Clouds Dark Moody Sun Rays Beams Aberdeenshire Scotland Photograph landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, clouds, evening, autumn, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Sunbeams Storm Clouds TO4342190JHP 
 Dramatic Scottish Autumn Storm Clouds Buzzard Moody Sun Rays Beams Aberdeenshire landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, upright, clouds, sunbeams, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Sunbeams Storm Clouds TO4342189JHP 
 Stormy Autumn Clouds Sun Rays Buzzard Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, buzzard, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Sunbeams Storm Clouds TO4342188JHP 
 Dramatic Dark Moody Storm Clouds Sun Beams Aberdeenshire Scotland Photo landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, evening, autumn, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Storm Clouds Sunlight TO4471004JHP 
 Dramatic Storm Clouds Hill Fare Sunlight Patch Bright Dark Shadows in this Aberdeenshire landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, white, grey, brown, shapes, dramatic, moody, sunlight, patch
Storm Clouds Sunlight TO4471002JHP 
 Dramatic Storm Clouds Torphins Hill Lit Up Patch Sunlight Dark Moody in this Aberdeenshire landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, clouds, shapes, weather, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, white, grey, brown, shapes, dramatic, moody, sunlight
Storm Clouds Scotland UP380962JHP 
 Dramatic Storm Clouds Squall Rain Shower Forest Hills Aberdeenshire Scottish landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, squall, drenched, raining, rain, showers, storms, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Storm Clouds Scotland UP380961JHP 
 Dramatic Storm Clouds Dark Broody Rain Shower Curtains Sheets Aberdeenshire hill outline and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, upright, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, rain, showers, storms, white, grey, brown, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Rain Squall Scotland UP380963JHP 
 Dramatic Scottish Storm Clouds Sweeping Rain Sheet Falling Grey Hill Outline over the Aberdeenshire landscape and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, squall, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, grey, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic, moody
Passing Storm Front TO3307029JHP 
 Dramatic Storm Clouds Moving Front Hills Outline Blue Sky Aberdeenshire Rural scene and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Their shapes, size and often awesome sense of power make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, landscape, passing, front, clouds, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, rural, nature, storms, white, grey, blue, sky, shapes, scale, size, height, dramatic

Scotland > Flora and Fauna (9 files)

Gallery of Scottish photographs of plants, flowers, such as bluebells, harebells, Dames Rocket, broom, gorse, fox gloves, poppies; trees such as gean, silver birch, pines, Scots Pines, larch, and a few wild animals such as birds, hare, pheasants, roe deer, red squirrels, insects, butterflies such as peacocls, red admirals, tortoiseshell, although I am not a wildlife photographer as such.
Gean Tree Spring Blossom wyy4743jhp 
 Gean Blossom Spring Tree Sky Scottish Royal Deeside Wild Cherry and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, upright, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Spring Blossom wyy4744jhp 
 Gean Blossom Scottish Springtime Royal Deeside White Petals Wild Cherry and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, landscape, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom wyy4754jhp 
 Gean Blossom Spring Library Photos Royal Deeside Wild Cherry Scotland and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, landscape, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom Leaves wyy4756jhp 
 Gean Blossom Spring Morning Royal Deeside Wild Cherry Aberdeenshire Photo and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, upright, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom Bumble Bee wyy4749jhp 
 Gean Blossom Springtime Royal Deeside Bumble Bee Pollination Wild Cherry and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, landscape, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, bumble, bee, pollination, flying, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom UP340737JHP 
 Gean Blossom Wild Cherry Flowers White Blue Sky Scottisg Spring Deeside Aberdeenshire heralds springtime on Royal Deeside and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, upright, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom UP340736JHP 
 Gean Blossom Flowers Flowering Spring Blue Sky Sunshine Colours Wild Flora heralds springtime on Royal Deeside and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, landscape, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom UP340731JHP 
 Gean Blossom Wild Cherry White Flowers Closeup Photo Bright Sunlight Green Leaves heralds springtime on Royal Deeside and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, landscape, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.
Gean Blossom Butterfly UP340729JHP 
 Gean Blossom Flowers Wild Cherry Butterfly Spring Sunshine Royal Deeside Scotland heralds springtime on Royal Deeside and adds a great splash of colour just as the vibrant greens begin to spread across the countryside. The gean or wild cherry also offer a very colourful finale in the autumn with russet reds and where you are lucky before that a very tasty roadside cherry for the taking. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, landscape, countryside, rural, Nature, tree, Gean, wild, cherry, Prunus, avium, white, blossom, leaves, peacock, butterfly, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, sun, sunshine, blue, sky, flora, spring.

Scotland > Historic Properties (534 files)

This gallery has photographs of Scottish Castles and Fortresses, Stately Homes and Gardens, old churches or kirks and includes most of the following:
Auchindoir Church; Auchindoun Castle; Balmoral Castle; Balvenie Castle; Bass of Inverurie; Bellabeg Motte; Braemar Castle; Brodie Castle; Castle Fraser; Corgarff Castle; Corrichie Monument; Corse O’Neil Castle; Craigellachie Bridge; Crathes Castle; Crathie Kirk; Dalgetie Castle; Deer Abbey; Drum Castle; Duff House; Duffus Castle; Dunnideer; Dunnottar Castle; Elgin Cathedral; Esslemont Castle; Fasque House; Fetternear House; Findlater; Fordyce; Fyvie Castle; Gairnshiel Bridge; Glenbuchat Castle; Haddo House; Hallforest Castle; Huntly Castle; Inchdrewer Castle; Invercauld Bridge O’Dee; Kildrummy Castle; Kincardine O’Neil Kirk; Kindrochit Castle; Kinloss Abbey; Kinneff Church; Knock Castle; Leith Hall; Mar Lodge; Marnoch Kirkyard; Mid Mar Kirk; Monymusk Kirk; Peel of Lumphanan; Pitmedden Gardens; Pluscarden Priory or Abbey; Ruthven Barracks; Slains Castle; Tolquhon Castle; Tullich Kirk; Fort George;
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, blocks, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, blocks, brick, arch, rings, rubble, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph, topside, top, hardcore
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, rough, granite, blocks, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph, road, roadside, Beltie, Burn
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, blocks, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph, road, roadside
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, topside, hardcore, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, road, Beltie, Burn, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, Beltie, Burn, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 8th April 1989.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, westwards, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph, overgrown, roadside, view, dogrose
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph, overgrown, ivy, creepers, eastwards
 Balnacraig Viaduct 1087 Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, number, 1087, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, block, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, overgrown, ivy, top, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
 Balnacraig Viaduct Deeside Railway Line Torphins Lumphanan Aberdeenshire Scotland demolished in 1989 by British Rail on safety grounds and was the last of old relics of the Deeside Line that ran between Aberdeen and Ballater. It was built in 1857-9 by engineer John Willet on the Aboyne Extension from Banchory and was later part of the Ballater branch line, the Royal Deeside Line of the Great North Scotland Railway.

Known also as the Sundayswells, Torphins and Lumphanan Viaducts it crossed the Beltie Burn at the Tornaveen junction off the A980 and remnants of the railway line embankments can still be seen. National Grid reference is 60690332. This photo was taken 22 June 1988.

Structural details are noted in the keywords. An attempt was made to save the viaduct but sufficient funds could not be raised to maintain it and it was eventually demolished in June of 1989. Many of these photos were taken while I covered the story for the local newspaper the Deeside Piper and are taken from 35mm and 645 transparency film of varying quality so the quality is not always of the best. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Deeside, Royal, Torphins, village, Lumphanan, Pitmurchie, Tornaveen, Sundayswells, junction, Balnacraig, Viaduct, Old Deeside, railway, line, embankment, cutting, demolished, construction, five, spans, segmental, arches, granite, blocks, brick, arch, rings, spandrels, piers, hills, trees, clouds, cattle, landscape, upright, farming, agriculture, countryside, rural, autumn, spring, summer, sun, sunshine, flora, yellow, broom, grass, green, colour, transparency, film, slide, 35mm, Nikon, 645, medium format, Bronica, ETRSi, camera, photograph
Crathes Castle June Border 15765jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer red poppies blue sky white clouds Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still
Crathes Castle June Border 15761jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer large red poppy closeup Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still, upright
Crathes Castle June Border 15751jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer sunny colours riot Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still
Crathes Castle June Border 157512jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border Scottish summer sunny poppies pink red Deeside Aberdeenshire summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still
Crathes Castle June Border 15749jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer morning lupins path shadows sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still
Crathes Castle June Border 15747jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer pink red poppies sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still
Crathes Castle June Border 157412jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer lupins border path sunshine Aberdeenshire Scotland Deeside summer view taken before the borders were relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round.
On a technical note this photo was taken in the years prior to digital photography, when all high end publishing quality photographs were taken using transparency film, in this case Fuji Astia 100asa 120 stock and were scanned in by the publishing house. Submissions of work were made with mounted transparencies being sent to the customer; damage loss could be high.
Photographing the June Border with all its flowers required stillness as a polarising filter was used dropping the ASA to 50 or lower which required the camera mounted on a tripod for a cable release exposure often as low as ¼ second. Early morning was best before the heat caused the breeze to start but too early, prior to 9am meant the sun was not on the full face of the Castle. By mid morning visitors had started to arrive, especially the coach tours and the June Border was no longer free of people. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 1998, Fuji, Astia, RAP, transparency, slide, film, chrome, colour, Bronica, 645, medium, format, 40mm, wide, polarised, filter, tripod, cable, release, slow, exposure, still, upright
Crathes Castle Snowscene 171619jhp 
 Crathes Castle lawn topiary Scottish winter snow sundial carved face Deeside Aberdeenshire which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Velvia, RVP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 2000
Crathes Castle Snowscene 171614jhp 
 Crathes Castle croquet lawn topiary Scottish winter sunny snow Deeside Aberdeenshire which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Velvia, RVP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 2000
Crathes Castle Snowscene 171603jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Camel birdbath December snow Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, camel, birdbath, shrubs, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Velvia, RVP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 2000
Crathes Castle Snowscene 1716014jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland lawn topiary shapes winter snow sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Velvia, RVP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 2000
Crathes Castle Snowscene 1716012jhp 
 Crathes Castle croquet lawn topiary winter white snow December Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Velvia, RVP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 2000
Crathes Castle Snowscene 151411jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Camel birdbath December snow Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, camel, birdbath, shrubs, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Astia, RAP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 1998
Crathes Castle Snowscene 151399jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens croquet lawn topiary white winter snow Banchory Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Astia, RAP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 1998
Crathes Castle Snowscene 151392jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens croquet lawn topiary winter snow Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Astia, RAP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 1998
Crathes Castle Snowscene 1513914jhp 
 Crathes Castle Upper Pool Garden topiary winter snow Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which offers a side view of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Astia, RAP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 1998
Crathes Castle Snowscene 1513912jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens croquet lawn topiary Scottish winter snow sundial Deeside Aberdeenshire which offers a wonderful vista of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Topiary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

This photo was taken in the days of transparency film before digital was even a serious contender for recording these properties for the publishing market. Little has changed since this photo was taken except the distant rhododendrons which used to border the path coming down to the castle. Also it seems with climate change the days of deep snow are far less at the castle and Aberdeenshire generally.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, sundial, Burnett, upper, pool, blue, fountain, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, snow, white, sunny, sunshine, crisp, hanging, branches, ice, frozen, water, cold, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, gardens, herbaceous, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, Fuji, film, slide, transparency, 120, Astia, RAP, 645, medium, format, Bronica, ETRSi, manual, December, 1998
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0128jhp 
 Crathes Castle four squares garden summer purple geranium stone toadstool Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with Four Squares linking the steps up to the Croquet Lawn and the Glasshouse entrance, one of many secluded peaceful paths and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, Golden, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0127jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland four squares summer purple flowers geranium colourful sunny Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with Four Squares linking the steps up to the Croquet Lawn and the Glasshouse entrance, one of many secluded peaceful paths and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, Golden, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle fgh0208jhp 
 Crathes Castle July Deeside front clouds sunny blue skies Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the top visited NTS properties in Scotland offering this first view of the castle and on this beautiful sunny July day. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle fgh0185jhp 
 Crathes Castle July croquet lawn spectacular cirrus clouds formation Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the croquet lawn offering some of the best views of the castle and on this July day blessed with a unusual cirrus cloud formation. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle fgh0181jhp 
 Crathes Castle July Deeside croquet lawn cirrus clouds Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the croquet lawn offering some of the best views of the castle and on this July day blessed with a unusual cirrus cloud formation. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0207jhp 
 Crathes Castle garden golden flowers peaceful colourful Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with The Golden Garden to the right of the main entrance and ticket office which continues southwards to the woodland walk. Past the Red Garden and down to the Doocot and the bottom of the June Border and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, Golden, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0206jhp 
 Crathes Castle yellow garden golden peaceful summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with The Golden Garden to the right of the main entrance and ticket office which continues southwards to the woodland walk. Past the Red Garden and down to the Doocot and the bottom of the June Border and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0204jhp 
 Crathes Castle herbaceous border purple geranium Scottish summer sunshine path Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this path from the main entrance and ticket office past the West Herbaceous Border by the wall and which goes to the steps to the higher level with the Croquet Lawn and Upper Pool Garden and to one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0201jhp 
 Crathes Castle herbaceous border lavender Scotland summer sunshine path Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this path coming from the main entrance and ticket office past the West Herbaceous Border by the wall and which goes to the steps to the higher level with the Croquet Lawn and Upper Pool Garden and to one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0198jhp 
 Crathes Castle west herbaceous border lavender entrance July sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this path coming from the main entrance and ticket office past the West Herbaceous Border by the wall and which goes to the steps to the higher level with the Croquet Lawn and Upper Pool Garden and to one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0196jhp 
 Crathes Castle west herbaceous border lavender entrance summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this path coming from the main entrance and ticket office past the West Herbaceous Border by the wall and which goes to the steps to the higher level with the Croquet Lawn and Upper Pool Garden and to one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, west, steps, herbaceous, border, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0195jhp 
 Crathes Castle Four Squares Glasshouses entrance geranium iris path Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this path through flowers in the Four Squares to the entrance of the Glasshouses one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, east, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0192jhp 
 Crathes Castle Four Squares Glasshouse entrance geranium Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this path through flowers in the Four Squares to the entrance of the Glasshouses one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, east, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0165jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland summer east steps access lower level Deeside Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with lower levels accessed by the east steps from the croquet lawn to the Blue or Rose gardens through yew hedges to one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, east, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0164jhp 
 Crathes Castle east steps gardens access lower level Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with lower levels accessed by the east steps from the croquet lawn to the Blue or Rose gardens through yew hedges to one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, east, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0156jhp 
 Crathes Castle lavender garden Scottish summer boundary shaped trees shadows Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0155jhp 
 Crathes Castle fountain garden summer boundary shaped trees Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0154jhp 
 Crathes Castle blue fountain garden summer lower path view trees Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0153jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish garden lavender purple flowers Aberdeenshire Scotland July of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0152jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish summer blue fountain garden lavender parterre paths shaped Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0150jhp 
 Crathes Castle blue fountain garden lavender parterre path shaped Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright, parterre
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0148jhp 
 Crathes Castle blue fountain garden summer lavender colours Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Blue or Fountain Garden on the lower levels accessed by the east steps at the croquet lawn and one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0145jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland July rose upper pool garden flower borders colourful topiary Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Upper or Pool Garden towards the rear of the castle overlooking the croquet lawn one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0143jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland summer sunshine upper pool garden flower borders colours topiary Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Upper or Pool Garden towards the rear of the castle overlooking the croquet lawn one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0141jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland upper pool garden fountain paths colours topiary Aberdeenshire of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Upper or Pool Garden towards the rear of the castle overlooking the croquet lawn one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0140jhp 
 Crathes Castle upper pool garden summer flowers colours topiary Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Upper or Pool Garden towards the rear of the castle overlooking the croquet lawn one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0139jhp 
 Crathes Castle upper pool garden summer flowers colours topiary Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Upper or Pool Garden towards the rear of the castle overlooking the croquet lawn one of many secluded peaceful parts and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0130jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish four squares July purple flowers geranium stone toadstool colours Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with Four Squares linking the steps up to the Croquet Lawn and the Glasshouse entrance, one of many secluded peaceful paths and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, Glasshouse, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0129jhp 
 Crathes Castle four squares summer purple flowers geranium colours Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with Four Squares linking the steps up to the Croquet Lawn and the Glasshouse entrance, one of many secluded peaceful paths and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, Four, Squares, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0124jhp 
 Crathes Castle Walled Camel garden yellow flowers azaleas bright rich colours Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and some secluded peaceful paths and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0122jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel garden summer yellow flowers azaleas colours Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and some secluded peaceful paths and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, azaleas, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0121jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel seat garden Scottish July flowers colourful Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0120jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel seat garden summer flowers colours Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0119jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland Camel garden July sunny blue skies Aberdeenshire bird bath of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0118jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Camel garden Scottish summer panorama bird bath blue skies Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens fgh0116jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Camel garden summer sunny blue skies Aberdeenshire Scotland of which one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with the Camel Garden offering a most pleasant view of the castle and on this July day blessed with bright sunshine and blue skies. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Burnett, Upper Pool, Rose, garden, croquet, lawn, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2013, summer, July, cirrus, clouds, spectacular, dramatic, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2454jhp 
 Crathes Castle Rose Garden roses red white shrub topiary June Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this larger section towards the eastern sloping side called The Rose Garden. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2453jhp 
 Crathes Castle Rose Garden roses red white topiary yew summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this larger section towards the eastern sloping side called The Rose Garden. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2449jhp 
 Crathes Castle walled garden four squares purple geranium flowers yellow roses summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this floral display set in the Four Squares near the steps which bring you to a higher level with the Crocquet Lawn and the Upper Pool Garden. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2448jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens four squares purple perennials yellow roses June Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this floral display in the Four Squares near the steps which bring you to a higher level with the Crocquet Lawn and the Upper Pool Garden. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2447jhp 
 Crathes Castle four squares geranium purple flowers roses colourful summer garden Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this floral display set in the Four Squares near the steps which bring you to a higher level with the Crocquet Lawn and the Upper Pool Garden. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, roses, geranium, colours, white, purple, ibericum, geraniaceae, perennial, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2445jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden greenhouses roses flowers slate chips colourful summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property with this floral display set in slate chippings at the entrance to the large Victorian greenhouses. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, slate, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2444jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden birdbath June floral colours Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property in which this hidden gem can be found with its colourful and compositionally strong view of the Castle. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2443jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden birdbath herbaceous colours Scotland summer Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property in which this hidden gem can be found with its colourful and compositionally strong view of the Castle. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2442jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden birdbath flowers colourful Scottish summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property in which this hidden gem can be found with its colourful and compositionally strong view of the Castle. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2441jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Camel Garden birdbath flowers shrubs colourful summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property in which this hidden gem can be found with its colourful and compositionally strong view of the Castle. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2440jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland summer White Border flowers path grass gate colours Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property of which this is the White Border first facing the visitor entering the ticket gate. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2439jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish summer White Border flowers shrubs colour trees Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property of which this is the White Border first facing the visitor entering the ticket gate. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2438jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory White Border flowers shrubs colourful summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property of which this is the White Border first facing the visitor entering the ticket gate. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2437jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border lupins purple flowers colours summer garden path Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property of which this is the famous June Border past its best thanks to a combination of wind and lack of sunny days giving a late visit. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2436jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border lupins purple flowers colourful summer walled garden Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property of which this is the famous June Border past its best thanks to a combination of wind and lack of sunny days giving a late visit. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, irises, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Gardens qax2435jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory June Border lupins flowers colourful summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the centre pieces is the walled garden of this historic property of which this is the famous June Border past its best thanks to a combination of wind and lack of sunny days giving a late visit. The building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, Camel, White, Rose, garden, gardens, bird, bath, steps, herbaceous, front, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, lupins, colours, white, purple, pink, yellow, red, green, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, summer, June, Nikon, camera, D700, 16-35mm lens, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0800jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland spring daffodils colours flowers front farthest view Deeside Aberdeenshire of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0798jhp 
 Crathes Castle April daffodils flowers woodland walk thro gate Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Spring qax0797jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils flowers woodland walk secret glen Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0785jhp 
 Crathes Castle April daffodils flowers front blue sky sunny Scottish Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Spring qax0784jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils colourful flowers front flag flying view Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0783jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils side shadows trees view Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Spring qax0782jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils flowers side view shadows trees front view Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0781jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils lawn sunny blue sky front view Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0780jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring yellow daffodils blue sky front view Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Spring qax0777jhp 
 Crathes Castle April daffodils flowers front view Aberdeenshire Scotland near Banchory on Royal Deeside of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, upright
Crathes Castle Spring qax0776jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils flowers front view Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring qax0775jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory entrance visitor centre shop Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland spring daffodils flowers of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2018, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Drum Castle qax0831jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring tree burr huge closeup tower framed Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, burrs, burr, large, closeup, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0829jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils lime tree burr monster Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, burrs, burr, large, closeup, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, upright, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0826jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring tree burr grotesque eastern aspect Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, burrs, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0823jhp 
 Drum Castle April lime tree shadows framed Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, burrs, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, upright, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0822jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring lime trees shadows Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scottish medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, burrs, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0821jhp 
 Drum Castle medieval tower flag flying east aspect Spring Daffodils Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, upright, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0820jhp 
 Drum Castle April sunshine eastern face tower flag Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0819jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring east aspect tower flag flying blue sky sunny Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0818jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils old trees shadows Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0817jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils lime trees old Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, flag, flying, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, trees, lime, oaks, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, upright, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0816jhp 
 Drum Castle Scottish Spring Daffodils trees shadows Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0815jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring path tower flag flying Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0814jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils eastern aspect lawn tree Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0811jhp 
 Drum Castle April Daffodils foreground Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, upright, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0810jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils front panorama Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0807jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring yellow Daffodils lawn green grass Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0806jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scottish Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, upright, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle qax0805jhp 
 Drum Castle Spring Daffodils Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, green, grass, lawn, gardens, daffodils, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, spring, landscape, April, 2018, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Balvenie Castle bnm9698jhp 
 Balvenie Castle stone wall foreground fortress walls Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, upright, outhouse, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9697jhp 
 Balvenie Castle panorama ruin fortress walls autumn Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9696jhp 
 Balvenie Castle Scottish fort fortress outhouse ruined walls Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9695jhp 
 Balvenie Castle fortress walls gate entrance Dufftown Moray construction autumn Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9694jhp 
 Balvenie Castle entrance path door walls Dufftown Morayshire Scotland battlements property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9693jhp 
 Balvenie Castle defensive ditch mound fortress walls Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, moat, ditch, defensive, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9692jhp 
 Balvenie Castle fort grass entrance walls Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scottish property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, upright, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9691jhp 
 Balvenie Castle fort fortress walls Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Balvenie Castle bnm9690jhp 
 Balvenie Castle information board carpark fort fortress walls Dufftown Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. One of the several attractions of this Highland town founded in 1817, centre of the whisky distillery country with seven distilleries surrounding it of which Glenfiddich is the best known, which is busy with visitors from around the world following the Malt Whisky Trail. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, District, Morayshire, Highlands, Dufftown, town, Balvenie, Castle, fort, fortress, battlements, ruin, River, Fiddich, Mortlach, Parish, Church, landscape, built, 1200s, King James, defeated, Black Douglas, 1455, Stewart’s, Earl Atholl, Mary Queen Scots, guest, 1562, abandoned, 1720, Historic, history, violent, warring, clan, feuds, granite, stones, rocky, grass, rugged, roofless, whisky trail, distilleries, 2017, autumn, Nikon, D700, DSLR, digital, camera, photograph, colour, green, blue, sky, sunny
Crathes Castle bnm7851jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border poor quality grey clouds 2017 summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably not one of the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2017 summer with several days of heavy rain made it one of the scrappiest for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, poor, display, late, grey, clouds, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7850jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland camel garden bird bath clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Borders, garden, gardens, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, blossom, shrubs, trees, white, croquet, lawn, steps, Camel, bird, bath, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, topiary, 2017, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7849jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June camel garden bird bath white clouds sunny summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Borders, garden, gardens, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, blossom, shrubs, trees, white, croquet, lawn, steps, Camel, bird, bath, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, topiary, 2017, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7848jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens west herbaceous lavender purple path summer clouds Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the Exit or if you turn left you can walk down to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Aviary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, West, Burnett, croquet, lawn, Rose, Blue, Garden, gardens, access, passageway, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, lavender, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7846jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens roses garden June summer sunny borders bright Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, topiary, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7845jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens rose garden flowering trees aviary hedges sunshine summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, topiary, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7844jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens rose garden flowering roses pink white red Scottish summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, topiary, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7843jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens rose roses white red garden June Deeside flowering summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, topiary, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7842jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens rose garden red white sunny flowering trees summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, topiary, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7840jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Yew hedges Blue Rose passageway shaped access summer topiary Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Aviary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, croquet, lawn, Rose, Blue, Garden, gardens, access, passageway, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7839jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Yew hedges Blue Rose passageway summer topiary Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Aviary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, croquet, lawn, Rose, Blue, Garden, gardens, access, passageway, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7836jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens blue garden Cornaceae Cornus Kousa Chinensis flowering summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Garden, Cornaceae, Cornus, Kousa, variety, Chinensis, topiary, yew, hedges, shaped, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7835jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside blue garden lavender fountain Scotland summer sunshine Aberdeenshire one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, parterre, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Garden, urn, centrepiece, topiary, yew, hedges, shaped, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7834jhp 
 Crathes Castle blue garden lavender fountain June parterre topiary summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Garden, urn, centrepiece, topiary, yew, hedges, shaped, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7833jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens blue garden lavender fountain Scottish June summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Garden, urn, centrepiece, topiary, yew, hedges, shaped, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7832jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens blue garden lavender fountain summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Blue, Fountain, lavender, Garden, Cornaceae, path, centrepiece, topiary, yew, hedges, shaped, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, red, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sunshine, blue, sky, white, clouds
Crathes Castle bnm7831jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Upper Pool Burnett croquet lawn summer topiary Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland which then leads you either down between the yew topiary to the Blue and Rose Gardens, or back past the croquet lawn into the gardens proper and in June to the June Border one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Aviary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett or Upper Pool Garden.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upper, pool, Burnett, croquet, lawn, Rose, Blue, Garden, gardens, access, passageway, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7826jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish June summer croquet lawn players game progress action topiary clouds yew view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, croquet, lawn, grass, mower, lines, sundial, clouds, dramatic, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, croquet, playing, participants, me, women, game, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle bnm7825jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Scotland summer croquet lawn players game progress action topiary clouds yew view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, panorama, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, croquet, lawn, grass, mower, lines, sundial, clouds, dramatic, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, croquet, playing, participants, me, women, game, 2017, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5718jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside autumn Scotland colourful water trees reflections Banchory at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5717jhp 
 Crathes Scotland artificial lake reflection trees beech leaves water mirror like at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5716jhp 
 Crathes Scottish autumn colours artificial lake reflection trees water mirror image at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5715jhp 
 Crathes Castle entrance Scotland colours artificial lake reflection trees water still at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5714jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish reflection trees overhanging oak leaves water artificial lake at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5713jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland autumn colours lake reflections trees leaf water yellow green at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5711jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish colours lake reflections trees still mirror water yellow green at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5710jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish colors lake reflection trees ripple water yellow green at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5709jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Scottish October autumn bench lake colours peaceful scene at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5708jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland autumn seat lake colours at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes Castle Autumn bnm5707jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Deeside Scotland autumn bench lake colours peaceful scene at the entrance to the main drive of this historic property which building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. There are extensive gardens including a walled garden and croquet lawn, with many activities for children, woodland walks, shop and restaurant.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Banchory, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, National: Trust, gardens, lake, loch, pond, water, reflections, bench, wooden, seat, entrance, drive, tree, lined, trees, lime, larch, sycamore, beech, maples, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, colours, colors, yellow, brown, blue, sky, sunshine, sunny, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, woods, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, autumn, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital, October
Crathes June Border bnm3937jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border sunny flowers lupins irises shaped tree Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3935jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border summer lupins multi-colours Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, cropped, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3933jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders path flower displays sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3930jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Borders summer colourful poppies red Deeside Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3927jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border iris closeup purple summer sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3926jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border iris flowers colours summer Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3922jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border lupins mauve pink path Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3896jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens themed Border information board view aviry terrace summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3921jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Borders lupins colours purple pink irises summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3860jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border flowers colours multiple summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3854jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border cropped flowers zoom summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, telephoto, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3846jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border herbaceous colors summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3845jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border isolated telephoto crop summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, telephoto, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3843jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Doocot high view crop summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, high, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3842jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders tight crop colorful summer flowers Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, cropped, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3840jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Doocot viewpoint June Border sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3839jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border high view summer cloudy sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years here taken from the Doocot steps with a telephoto lens. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, zoom, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3835jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border path borders colours summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3829jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Doocot lupins summer pink white Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3825jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border low angle lupins close summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3823jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border lupins close framed sunshine Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3822jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer sunshine flowers colourful Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border bnm3813jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer lupins pink sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders from 2003-2004, probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years although the lateness of this 2016 summer helped to give a more comprehensive collection of flowering plants for some years.. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Woodland Garden bnm3881jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden woodland wild iron gate backlit Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland an area outside the walled garden at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden by the North facing border, not far from the Woodland Walk gate is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, North, facing, border, wild, woodland, walk, gate, walled, wall, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, borders, summer, flowers, flora, displays, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Woodland Garden bnm3880jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens woodland wild gate trees summer borders Aberdeenshire Scotland an area outside the walled garden at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden by the North facing border, not far from the Woodland Walk gate is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, North, facing, border, wild, woodland, walk, gate, walled, wall, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, borders, summer, flowers, flora, displays, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Woodland Garden bnm3879jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens woodland wild gate trees summer border Scotland Aberdeenshire Scotland an area outside the walled garden at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden by the North facing border, not far from the Woodland Walk gate is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, North, facing, border, wild, woodland, walk, gate, walled, wall, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, borders, summer, flowers, flora, displays, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes White Borders bnm3944jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens entrance white borders clouds lupins trees Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Instead of taking the June Border path, the White Borders continue towards the East Wall and face a delightful small fountain situated in the Doocot Borders.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes White Borders bnm3943jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens entrance white borders summer lupins sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Instead of taking the June Border path, the White Borders continue towards the East Wall and face a delightful small fountain situated in the Doocot Borders.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, lupins, Burnett, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Garden View bnm3897jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Aviary Terrace high view south summer Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Aviary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett Pool Garden.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, Aviary, Terrace, glasshouses, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Garden Seat bnm3895jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Aviary Terrace seat varigated leaves summer steps croquet lawn Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Turning left at the main entrance leads to the Aviary Borders and Terrace, past the Camel Garden and climbing the steps enters the upper level with the Croquet Lawn and Lady Burnett Pool Garden.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, Aviary, Terrace, glasshouses, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Garden Fountain bnm3916jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens glasshouses summer fountain clouds Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Instead of taking the June Border path, the White Borders continue towards the East Wall and face a delightful small fountain situated in the Doocot Borders.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, glasshouse, Burnett, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Garden Fountain bnm3915jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Doocot Border fountain water trees Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Instead of taking the June Border path, the White Borders continue towards the East Wall and face a delightful small fountain situated in the Doocot Borders.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Garden Fountain bnm3914jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Doocot Border fountain cherub water trees summer Scotland Deeside Aberdeenshire leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Instead of taking the June Border path, the White Borders continue towards the East Wall and face a delightful small fountain situated in the Doocot Borders.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, water, backlit, Burnett, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, sunny, sunhsine, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Garden Fountain bnm3913jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens White Borders fountain cherub water trees summer Scotland Deeside Aberdeenshire leading to the June Border, one of the main attractions of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.

The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. Entry into the walled garden is at the west side and the main path into the gardens is through the white borders and onto the path down the June Borders to the bottom of the walled garden where there is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. Instead of taking the June Border path, the White Borders continue towards the East Wall and face a delightful small fountain situated in the Doocot Borders.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, White, borders, path, grass, June, Border, Doocot, main, entrance, ticket, office, trees, shrubs, flowering, walled, gardens, herbaceous, border, fountain, cherub, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Rose Garden bnm3899jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens rose garden flowering trees summer box urn Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland one of the several specialist gardens at this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden, near the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, square, flowerpot, centrepiece, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Red Garden bnm3878jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens red garden framed shrubs trees summer colours sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland adjacent to the June Border, the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders near to the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Red Garden bnm3877jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens red garden shrubs flowering summer urn sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland adjacent to the June Border, the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders near to the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Red Garden bnm3876jhp 
 Crathes Castle red garden shrubs flowering summer paths sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire adjacent to the June Border, the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders near to the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Red Garden bnm3875jhp 
 Crathes Castle red garden shrubs borders Scottish summer sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire adjacent to the June Border, the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders near to the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Red Garden bnm3874jhp 
 Crathes Castle red garden trees borders urn centrepiece Scotland summer sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire adjacent to the June Border, the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The large urn is the centrepiece of this small garden tucked away at south east corner of the walled garden.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders near to the Red Garden is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border, the summer jewel resplendent with many colourful plants, with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, Red, Garden, urn, flowerpot, centrepiece, trees, shrubs, flowering, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Crathes Croquet Lawn bnm3905jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Deeside Scotland summer croquet lawn topiary clouds yew view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, panorama, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, croquet, lawn, grass, mower, lines, sundial, clouds, dramatic, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2016, camera, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR
Drum Castle bnm3540jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Scotland garden walled bench sculptures photo board childrens attractions was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3538jhp 
 Drum Castle June Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland garden pond avenue was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3536jhp 
 Drum Castle summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish garden pond plants shrubs ferns was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3530jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Scotland azaleas red garden medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, upright, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3528jhp 
 Drum Castle gardens azaleas colourful bluebells Deeside Scottish summer tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3526jhp 
 Drum Castle gardens border azaleas yellow red white flowers summer colours medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3525jhp 
 Drum Castle garden walks azaleas colours summer trees Aberdeenshire Scotland June medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3523jhp 
 Drum Castle east side tower Deeside library Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3522jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside east wing medieval tower Scottish Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3520jhp 
 Drum Castle east aspect sunshine Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, upright, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3519jhp 
 Drum Castle front lawn path Aberdeenshire Scotland Jacobean mansion grass sky was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, upright, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3518jhp 
 Drum Castle summer blue sky front path Scottish Jacobean mansion steps was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3514jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Drumoak azaleas summer June Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3513jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside red azaleas June front Jim Henderson photo Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, upright, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3512jhp 
 Drum Castle front southern aspect Deeside Drumoak red azaleas summer June Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3511jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside azaleas red blue sky colourful summer Aberdeenshire Scottish medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3510jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside rhododendrons white front lawn blue sky summer Aberdeenshire Scottish medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3509jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside front lawn blue sky summer Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3508jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scottish side entrance carpark west side medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, upright, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Drum Castle bnm3507jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland west aspect summer carpark view side approach medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, azaleas, red, yellow, flowers, plants, shrubs, ferns, bluebells, pink, pond, rhododendrons, photo, board, sculpture, park, bench, summer, landscape, upright, June, 2016, digital, DSLR, camera, Nikon, D700
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2432jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Scotland April daffodils flowers lawn wide tree avenue front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2431jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Kincardineshire Scotland lawns distance spring daffodils flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2427jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory panorama front lawn bottom trees avenue Aberdeenshire Scotland spring daffodils flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2425jhp 
 Crathes Castle front facing lawn Scotland blue sky flag flying 2016 view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2424jhp 
 Crathes Castle front facing Scottish blue sky flag flying spring April sunny view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2423jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Scotland spring daffodils flower borders east side view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2422jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scotland spring daffodils Jim Henderson Photograph f16 Nikon D700 photo of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2419jhp 
 Crathes Castle Scottish spring daffodils east border sun blue sky f11 Nikon D700 photo of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2413jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils flowers white border yew topiary east side view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2409jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland spring daffodils flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2408jhp 
 Crathes Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish front lawn spring daffodils flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2402jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Deeside NTS National Trust Scotland daffodils yellow flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2401jhp 
 Crathes Castle low angle daffodils flowers carpet lawn Aberdeenshire Scottish spring front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2398jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Deeside Scotland spring daffodils flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Castle Spring bnm2397jhp 
 Crathes Castle Aberdeenshire Scottish April chestnut young daffodils flowers front view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, daffodils, yellow, front, avenue, young, trees, lime, chestnut, landscape, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant, 2016, spring, April, Nikon, camera, D700, DSLR, digital
Crathes Yellow Garden up532116jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish Yellow garden shrubs flowers summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Borders, garden, gardens, summer, flowers, flowering, shrubs, flora, display, pink, blossom, shrubs, trees, yellow, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, topiary, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border up532089jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders summer flowering azalea pink Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and a later but good display of the borders I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border up532087jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders summer doocot high view Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes Castle up532121jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland entrance walk paths rear summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, paths, rear, back, shops, restaurant, Burnett, June, entrance, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro
Crathes Castle up532114jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Scotland croquet lawn topiary yew hedges clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, clouds, June, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro, cut, trimmed, shaped, virginia, creeper, rhododendrons, purple
Crathes Castle up532108jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Scottish summer sunny croquet lawn topiary yew shaped clouds view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, clouds, June, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro, cut, trimmed, shaped, virginia, creeper, rhododendrons, purple
Crathes Camel Garden up532095jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland camel garden bird bath clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Borders, garden, gardens, summer, flowers, flora, display, pink, blossom, shrubs, trees, white, croquet, lawn, steps, Camel, bird, bath, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, topiary, 2007, Fuji, S5Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040078jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border lupins foreground summer sunny colourful colors Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040070jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer flowers cropped tight Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040069jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden June Border path low view summer sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040066jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders high colourful Scottish summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040060jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders doocot view blue sky Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040049jhp 
 Crathes Doocot Gardens June Border summer asters pink flowers Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040044jhp 
 Crathes Gardens June Border flowers irises colours mass pyrethrums lupins Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040043jhp 
 Crathes June Border summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland irises doocot view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040036jhp 
 Crathes Doocot Gardens portrait June Border flowers colours summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040034jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders path doocot sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040027jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden June Border flowers colors summer sunny mass Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040026jhp 
 Crathes Gardens June herbaceous Border summer pink aster Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040024jhp 
 Crathes Doocot Garden June Border lilium yellow purple flowers summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040020jhp 
 Crathes Doocot path iris flowers colourful Gardens June Border summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040018jhp 
 Crathes Doocot Gardens June Border flowers lupins white summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040008jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border pink lupins flowers Scottish summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border sm970003jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders panorama colours flowers display summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040074jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders summer sunshine Jim Henderson Photograph Doocot view Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040071jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border tight crop flowers foreground summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040068jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders low angle path flowers summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040064jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders high view colourful splash summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040056jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Borders summer doocot view high sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040053jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders visitors doocot view summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040048jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders colour splash summer sunny colors Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040041jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Doocot Irises pink summer Deeside Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040035jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border colour riot variety summer colourful Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040033jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders Doocot colours different flowers summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040030jhp 
 Crathes Doocot Gardens June Borders colors different many summer Scottish Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040029jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border visitors viewing summer sunny Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, public, visitors, man, woman, people, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040023jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders summer sunshine Deesidelupins liliums Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040021jhp 
 Crathes Doocot Gardens June Border summer flowers masses sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040019jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders path doocot flowers summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040017jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border white lupins colours summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040009jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Irises summer sun colourful Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040007jhp 
 Crathes Castle June Border summer pink lupins close Scottish Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040005jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders summer path flowers displays Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040002jhp 
 Crathes Gardens Scotland June Border pyrethrums path Deeside Aberdeenshire summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, upright, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Crathes June Border to2040001jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border summer pyrethrums pink Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of the relayed borders in 2004 and probably the best display of flowers I have seen in the June border over the years. The June Border is the summer jewel of this historic property which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. At the bottom of the walled garden overlooking the path between the June Borders is a Doocot an attractive feature and useful high point for looking up the June Border with the Castle as its impressive backdrop.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, fort, NTS, National, Trust, landscape, Burnett, June, Border, Doocot, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, borders, summer, flowers, flora, display, lupins, irises, poppies, pyrethrum, lilium, aster, poppy, phlox, red, yellow, pink, mauve, purple, white, orange, croquet, lawn, Camel, historic, history, heritage, colours, colors, masses, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2004, Fuji, S2Pro, digital, DSLR
Findlater Castle vbn1271jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin stonework walls standing Jim Henderson Photograph closeup is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1270jhp 
 Findlater Castle fort Ruin Aberdeenshire cliff view clifftop buildings perched Scotland autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1269jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruins structure Aberdeenshire Coast Scotland clifftop autumn October is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1265jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruins wall stones cliff Scottish Coast clifftop autumn photo is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1264jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin Moray Firth waves plumes rocks drama North coast Scotland autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1263jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin rocks crashing waves dramatic clifftop perched Scotland autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1261jhp 
 Findlater Aberdeenshire Coast Portsoy clifftop Scotland autumn rocks waves photo by a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1260jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin Aberdeenshire Coast Cullen clifftop perched Scotland gorse autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, upright, westwards, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1256jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin Aberdeenshire Coast cliffs waves rocks panorama Scottish autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1252jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruins Aberdeenshire Coast cliff top Scotland autumn buff sea is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1251jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin Aberdeenshire Coast Portsoy cliffs grass perched Scottish autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.

Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, upright, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Findlater Castle vbn1250jhp 
 Findlater Castle Ruin Aberdeenshire Coast Portsoy clifftop perched Scotland autumn is a ruined castle whose current ruins were probably erected before 1411 by Sir John Sinclair of Findlater before his death at the Battle of Harlaw near Inverurie. Built in the style of his castle Roslyn, it was taken over by Ogilvie of Deskford during the reign of James 11 and its fortifications strengthened. Subsequently handed to Sir John Gordon but was abandoned in 1600 and fell in ruin by 1638 never to be repaired again. It is located on a steep buff below rugged and almost inaccessible cliffs just north west of Sandend near Portsoy on the northern coast of Aberdeenshire facing the Moray Firth. There was an original fortress on the site dating back to before 1246 when records indicate that it was to be fortified during the reign of King Alexander 111 to fend off attacks by the Vikings although it was subsequently captured by them. The Ogilvie’s had lost interest in Findlater Castle after they decided to build Cullen House a somewhat different elegant mansion close to Cullen.
Once there was a wooden bridge giving access to the castle after a steep descent down the cliffs. Little now remains of the building and it is now in a dangerous state of repair and although accessible should be taken with great care. Remains of some walls which include two floors with vaulted rooms possibly the kitchen and a dungeon can be easily seen from the clifftop as in this photograph. There is a signed carpark as you leave Portsoy and pass Sandend. From the carpark at the rear of farm buildings you pass a doocot on the left but continue on straight down towards the cliffs along a grass cut path and you will see the castle below you where there are seats and an information board.
The name it is suggested might derive from the Norse Fyn is white and leitr for cliff, giving Fynleitr or Fynletyr whereas another suggestion is from the Gaelic with fionn for white and leitir for cliff both relating to the nature of the cliffs around this area exhibiting high deposits of quartz. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Firth, Portsoy, Sandend, Banff, Cullen, Findlater, Castle, ruined, north, east, sea, landscape, blue, sky, waves, crashing, dramatic, clouds, spectacular, eerie, spooky, coast, coastal, steep, narrow, paths, grassy, inaccessible, dangerous, cliffs, rocks, lichen, grass, headland, vaults, windows, walls, stonework, weathered, erosion, 2015, October, autumn, Nikon, D700, digital, DSLR, sun, sunny, sunshine, colours, colors, colourful, colorful, blue, sky
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1254jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden camel panorama summer flowering blossom June grass Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, flag, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, flowering, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo, panorama
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1253jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Camel garden blossom Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1250jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer Camel Garden Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, framed, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1248jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden bird bath blossom pink Deeside Kincardineshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, flag, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, flowering, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1240jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden Camel bath flowering shrubs June Deeside photo Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, flag, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, flowering, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1239jhp 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden flowering shrubs pink Jim Henderson Photograph Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, flag, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, flowering, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo
Crathes Camel Garden xvv1237jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden June summer flowering pink blossom Banchory Kincardineshire Royal Deeside Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, flag, Camel, June, summer, bird, bath, Borders, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, shrubs, flowering, pink, blossom, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2010, D700, Nikon, DSLR, digital, photo
Crathes June Border xvv1223jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June summer path low level Deeside Scottish summer Aberdeenshire view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, low, angle, path, view, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Doocot xvv0855jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Lupins Doocot summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, irises, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1286jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Iris flowers colorful Jim Henderson Photo Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1235jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Lupins flowers colours summer Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1231jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border borders colourful Banchory Deeside Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, telephoto, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1230jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders Lupins path telephoto Kincardineshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1228jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Borders many colours colors NTS summer Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1215jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Lupins Banchory flowers Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2086jhp 
 Crathes Garden summer upper pool Deeside Kincardineshire Scottish photograph view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, upper, pool, back, rear, summer, Burnett, June, Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2080jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens upper pool rockery alpines Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, rockery, alpines, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2068jhp 
 Crathes Castle aviary four squares roses summer June Border Deeside Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, four, squares, roses, yellow, purple, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2084jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden summer upper pool Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upper, pool, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2083jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer upper pool borders roses Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, upper, pool, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2081jhp 
 Crathes Gardens summer upper pool flowers borders water Aberdeenshire Scottish view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upper, pool, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2079jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens croquet lawn flower border aviary Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2078jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens croquet lawn aviary Banchory Deeside Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2077jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer side croquet lawn flowers Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2072jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer greenhouse echiums towers Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, echiums, towers, flowering, stems, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2071jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer June echiums flowering glasshouse Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, summer, Burnett, June, Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, echiums, tall, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2070jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer four squares Border Banchory Deeside Scotland colourful view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, four, squares, roses, yellow, purple, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2069jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer four squares aviary Border Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, four, squares, roses, yellow, purple, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2064jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Scottish summer June four squares geraniums Border Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, geraniums, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8770jhp 
 Crathes Castle June summer lawns front blue sky Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, blue, sky, sunny, sunshine, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8768jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden June Golden shrubs Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Golden, trellis, creepers, yellow, leaves, blue, sky, sunshine, Burnett, June, summer, Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8767jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden Golden laburnum tree Kincardineshire Scotland summer photo view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Golden, laburnum, tree, creepers, yellow, leaves, blue, sky, sunshine, Burnett, June, summer, Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8765jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden Golden yellow trellis Banchory Royal Deeside Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Golden, trellis, creepers, yellow, leaves, blue, sky, sunshine, Burnett, June, summer, Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8761jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens woodland gate Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, woodland, gate, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8752jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Berberis fountain trellis Border Deeside Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, Berberis, border, fountain, trellis, creepers, yellow, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8751jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden Camel lavender walks Banchory Aberdeenshire Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Camel, trellis, lavender, blue, sky, sunshine, Burnett, June, summer, Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8750jhp 
 Crathes Camel garden path summer lavender Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Camel, trellis, lavender, blue, sky, sunshine, Burnett, June, summer, Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8743jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden Trough granite tree close Deeside Scottish summer photo view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, closeup, trough, tree, granite, stone, Burnett, June, Border, summer, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, D700
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8742jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer trough garden Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, trough, tree, granite, stone, Burnett, June Border, summer, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, D700
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8741jhp 
 Crathes Castle Garden June trough tree Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, trough, tree, granite, stone, Burnett, June Border, summer, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, D700
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8733jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens white Borders summer Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8732jhp 
 Crathes Castle White Borders herbaceous Border Banchory Deeside Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, white, borders, main, entrance, ticket, office, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, DSLR, Nikon, digital, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2063jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer greenhouse clouds sun Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2059jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer camel garden bird bath Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, birdbath, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2052jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens summer June Border flowers herbaceous Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, upright, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, yellow, blue, pink, white, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2048jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Scotttish summer June Border 2014 Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire view of this historic property, the famous June Border from near the Doocot and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens zxc2046jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Lupins Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The gardens this year were earlier than usual and by the time I got to the June Border, with suitable lighting; it was past it best with lupins going to see.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, Camel, greenhouse, steps, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, 2014, DSLR, Nikon, D700, clouds, sunshine, sunny
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8772jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June azaleas rhododendrons colours Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, azaleas, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, colours, colors, colourful, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, Nikon, DSLR, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8779jhp 
 Crathes Castle chestnut tree frontage Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish summer blue sky view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, front, lawn, frontage, flag, half, mast, horse, chestnut, tree, flowers, croquet, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8777jhp 
 Crathes Castle front lawn blue sky Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, front, lawn, frontage, flag, half, mast, horse, chestnut, tree, flowers, croquet, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8775jhp 
 Crathes Castle azaleas rhododendrons purple flower display Kincardineshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, azaleas, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, colours, colors, colourful, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, Nikon, DSLR, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8774jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens azaleas rhododendrons pink flowers Kincardineshire Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, azaleas, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, colours, colors, colourful, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, Nikon, DSLR, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8773jhp 
 Crathes Castle azaleas rhododendrons colourful flowers Deeside Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, azaleas, rhododendrons, shrubs, flowers, colours, colors, colourful, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, Nikon, DSLR, D700, 2013
Crathes Castle jkl9378jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring pink azalea flower Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland by the path at first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9376jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring azalea pink Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9375jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring azalea front Deeside Scottish Jim Henderson photo path by the first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9370jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils narcissi yellow orange Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, narcissi, landscape, panorama, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, orange, trumpets, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9368jhp 
 Crathes Castle front spring yellow daffodils Deeside Scottish Jim Henderson photo of first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9365jhp 
 Crathes Castle front spring daffodils Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland sunny image of first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9363jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils children visitors Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish holiday with first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, visitors, children, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9362jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils Scottish photograph pic Deeside Aberdeenshire lawn front the first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle jkl9361jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland photo of first main view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, spring, daffodils, azalea, flowers, yellow, pink, front, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, blue, sky, white, clouds, flag, chestnut, tree, Nikon, D700, DSLR, 2014, photo, photograph
Crathes Castle Yellow Garden asd8754jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish yellow garden summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, yellow, trees, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle Yellow Garden asd8753jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland yellow garden summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, yellow, trees, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8748jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Lavender Topiary walk summer Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lavender, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8747jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Four Squares Topiary Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, four, squares, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, magnolia, purple, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8746jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Four Squares Magnolia flowers Deeside summer Scottish view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, four, squares, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, magnolia, tree, purple, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8738jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Double Border Herbaceous Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8737jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Double Herbaceous flowers mauve Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, mauve, purple, shrubs, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8735jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Camel Birdbath Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Camel, birdbath, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8734jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Camel garden flowering white Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Camel, Garden, flowering, shrubs, white, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8729jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens path Borders dome tree shaped topiary Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, tree, dome, shaped, mushroom, blue, sky, sunshine
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8728jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens shaped tree dome Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, paths, red, flowers, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, tree, shaped, dome
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8726jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Iris blue paths Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, iris, upright, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8725jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens paths walks iris blue flowers summer Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, iris, paths, walks, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8724jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens shady tree path framed Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Gardens asd8723jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Lupins Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, pink, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful
Crathes Castle fgh0134jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish summer panorama croquet lawn topiary yew hedges cirrus clouds view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, panorama, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0217jhp 
 Crathes Castle front Banchory Aberdeenshire Scotland cirrus clouds shapes dramatic summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, front, approach, main, Burnett, garden, gardens, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes, background
Crathes Castle fgh0214jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Royal Deeside Scottish clouds cirrus main lawn summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, main, front, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0210jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens front clouds cirrus shapes Aberdeenshire Scotland main lawn summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, main, front, entrance, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0188jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland topiary yew hedges croquet lawn cirrus clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0187jhp 
 Crathes Castle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland topiary yew hedges cirrus clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, upright, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0182jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Deeside panorama summer croquet lawn topiary yew hedges cirrus clouds view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, panorama, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0170jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland croquet lawn topiary yew hedges cirrus clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, panorama, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Crathes Castle fgh0117jhp 
 Crathes Castle Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland cirrus croquet lawn topiary yew hedges cirrus clouds summer view of this historic property and the building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, Crathes, Castle, Banchory, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, flowers, croquet, Doocot, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, fort, summer, blue, sky, cirrus, clouds, dramatic, fanlike, shapes
Drum Castle to South qwe4630jhp 
 Drum Castle entrance summer sunshine Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland tower mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, entrance, view, northern, aspect, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape, sunshine
Drum Castle Tower View qwe4606jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside North East Scotland tower roof view east was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, roof, view, east, haar, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Tower View qwe4604jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland tower view south Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, view, southwards, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Tower View qwe4602jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Drumoak Scottish medieval tower roof view south Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, roof, view, south, chimneys, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape, upright
Drum Castle Tower View qwe4600jhp 
 Drum Castle roof view south west trees Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, roof, view, south, west, chimney, stacks, pots, slates, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Tower View qwe4597jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower eastwards photo was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, roof, view, eastwards, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Tower View qwe4595jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish medieval tower eastwards summer haar was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, roof, view, eastwards, haar, cloud, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape, upright
Drum Castle Upper Hall qwe4611jhp 
 Drum Castle upper hall interior vaulted Aberdeenshire Scottish fort medieval tower was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, upper, hall, fireplace, barrel-arch, ceiling, storeroom, interior, inside, stonework, vaulted, arch, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, medieval, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Upper Hall qwe4610jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower upper hall interior in what was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, upper, hall, storeroom, interior, inside, stonework, vaulted, arch, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, medieval, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, summer, upright
Drum Castle Storeroom qwe4592jhp 
 Drum Castle storeroom interior tower Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval photograph was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, upper, hall, fireplace, barrel-arch, ceiling, storeroom, interior, inside, stonework, vaulted, arch, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, medieval, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Storeroom qwe4590jhp 
 Drum Scottish Castle Royal Deeside storeroom inside medieval tower dungeon photo was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape, upright
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4626jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Scottish summer rhododendron red flora Aberdeenshire was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, rhododendron, flowers, petals, flora, red, pink, preserved, woods, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4625jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland rhododendron flowers red was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, rhododendron, flowers, flora, red, preserved, woods, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4624jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scottish woods bluebells walk was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, bluebells, blue, flowers, flora, trees, preserved, woods, woodland, summer, landscape, upright
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4621jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside woodland walk bluebells flowers carpet Aberdeenshire Scotland was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, bluebells, woodland, walk, path, carpet, flowers, flora, blue, preserved, woods, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4620jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scottish gardens walks flowers was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, rhododendron, flowers, flora, red, preserved, woods, summer, landscape
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4618jhp 
 Drum Castle gardens rhododendron flowers Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scottish photo was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, rhododendron, flowers, shrub, flora, red, preserved, woods, summer, sunshine, blue, sky, upright
Drum Castle Gardens qwe4616jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland rhododendron red flowers garden photograph was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, gardens, walks, park, rhododendron, flowers, flora, red, preserved, woods, trees, summer, sunny, landscape
Drum Castle Chapel qwe4562jhp 
 Scottish Drum Castle Chapel Deeside copse Episcopal grove yew holly was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. The Chapel is 16th century and stands in a grove of yew and holly trees and is adjacent to the rear of the carpark on the souith west of the main building. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, chapel, Episcopal, yew, holly, copse, grove, shaded, shadows, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, gardens, summer, upright
Drum Castle Chapel qwe4560jhp 
 Drum Castle Chapel Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland steps yew holly was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. The Chapel is 16th century and stands in a grove of yew and holly trees and is adjacent to the rear of the carpark on the souith west of the main building. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, chapel, yew, holly, copse, grove, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle & Tower qwe4585jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland medieval tower summer photo was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape, side, view, dungeon, entrance, steps, hall
Drum Castle & Tower qwe4580jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Scotland medieval tower Jacobean mansion summer flag flying was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, side, upright, flag, flying, blue, sky
Drum Castle & Tower qwe4578jhp 
 Scottish Drum Castle fort Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire medieval tower flag was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape, fort, flag, flying, blue, sky
Drum Castle qwe4576jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish medieval tower Jacobean mansion was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, front, path, summer, upright
Drum Castle qwe4574jhp 
 Drum Scottish Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire medieval tower Jacobean mansion photo was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, fort, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle qwe4567jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland front Jacobean mansion lawn was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, upright
Drum Castle qwe4566jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Drumoak North East Scotland Jacobean mansion summer was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Castle qwe4564jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Drumoak Aberdeenshire Scotland Jacobean mansion photograph was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Hermiston Quay, 5 Cutlins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, National, Trust, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, summer, landscape
Drum Spring Woodland wyy4599jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Woodland Garden Scotland Photo Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walk, woodland, trees, flowers, historical, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Spring Gardens wyy4614jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Garden Walks Scottish Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, gean, blossom, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, woods, gardens, landscape
Drum Spring Flowers wyy4605jhp 
 Drum Castle Gardens Deeside Scottish Wild Flowers Fritillary Spring Daffodils was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, trees, flowers, fritillary, meleagris, snakeshead, lily, forget-me-nots, history, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Spring Flora wyy4606jhp 
 Drum Garden Walk Flowers Photo Wild Spring Daffodils Fritillary Meleagris was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, trees, flowers, fritillary, meleagris, snakeshead, lily, forget-me-nots, purple, chequered, lantern, history, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle by Carpark wyy4565jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Carpark Walk Photo Spring Silver Birch Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, shadows, silver, birch, carpark, waljk, entrance, trees, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Silver Birches wyy4567jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Carpark Scotland Photograph Silver Birches Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, shadows, carpark, walk, silver, birches, trees, entrance, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle Rear wwy4592jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Rear Speed Ramp Photograph Spring Daffodils was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, drive, speed, ramp, entrance, rear, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Rear Daffs wyy4579jhp 
 Drum Castle Rear Deeside Scottish Photo Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walk, driveway, rear, entrance, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle NW Corner wyy4596jhp 
 Drum Castle North West Corner Deeside Scotland Photo Spring Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, north, west, corner, aspect, walks, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Flowers wyy4612jhp 
 Drum Castle Garden Walk Aberdeenshire Scotland Photo Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle Evening wyy4597jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland Spring Rear Evening Carpark was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, rear, carpark, entrance, walk, trees, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, landscape
Drum Castle Evening Walk wyy4570jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Scottish Photograph Walk Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Evening Daffs wyy4587jhp 
 Drum Castle Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland Photo Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, drive, rear, speed, ramp, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Evening Daffodils wyy4584jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scottish Library Photos Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, drive, rear, entrance, speed, ramp, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle Daffodils wyy4582jhp 
 Drum Castle Rear Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland Photo Spring Daffodils Evening was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, spring, evening, daffodils, daffs, walks, rear, trees, flowers, history, medieval, tower, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Glenbuchat View xvv1455jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle View Glen Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, view, rooftop, summer, water, Buchat, landscape, ruin, shell, Z-plan, corbelled, caphouse, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar
Glenbuchat Castle Window xvv1474jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle Window View Glen Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, window, view, framed, summer, water, Buchat, landscape, ruin, shell
Glenbuchat Castle Tree xvv1492jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle Approach Tree Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, approach, tree, framed, summer, water, Buchat, landscape, ruin, shell, Z-plan, corbelled, caphouse, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar
Glenbuchat Castle Frontdoor xvv1441jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle Entrance Front Door Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, summer, water, Buchat, landscape, front, door, entrance, ruin, shell, Z-plan, corbelled, caphouse, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar
Glenbuchat Castle Front xvv1432jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle Facade Front Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, front, entrance, summer, water, Buchat, landscape, ruin, shell, Z-plan, corbelled, caphouse, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar
Glenbuchat Castle Approach xvv1489jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle Approach Carpark Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, carpark, approach, summer, water, Buchat, landscape, ruin, shell, Z-plan, corbelled, caphouse, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar
Castle Roof View xvv1457jhp 
 Glenbuchat Castle roof top view Glen Strathdon Donside Aberdeenshire Scotland mock military house built in 1590 overlooking the River Don at one entrance into Glenbuchat and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Castle, glen, summer, highview, roofto, water, Buchat, landscape, ruin, shell, Z-plan, corbelled, caphouse, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar
Crathes Summer Walk xvv822jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Rhododendrons Walk Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, rhododendrons, summer, path, walk, gardens, National, Trust, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Summer Lupins xvv830jhp 
 Crathes Castle Doocot June Gardens Border Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, Doocot, National, Trust
Crathes Summer Colour xvv0812jhp 
 Crathes Castle summer colour rhododendrons Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, gardens, rhododendrons, puprle, flowering, National, Trust
Crathes Rhododendrons xvv817jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Rhododendrons Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, rhododendrons, flowering, purple, summer, gardens, National, Trust, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes June Lupins xvv835jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Border June Lupins Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, National, Trust, topiary
Crathes June Flowers xvv1281jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border flowers Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, National, Trust, topiary
Crathes June Colour xvv1226jhp 
 Crathes Castle summer colours June Border Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant. The 2010 June Border was not the best I have photographed and although there were good sunny days there did not seem to be a period the whole border was in its prime.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, colours, National, Trust, topiary
Crathes June Border xvv1288jhp 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Borders Royal Deeside Scottish Aberdeenshire River Dee Scotland sets off this magnificent building which dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, summer, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, colours, colourful, lupins, National, Trust, topiary
Crathes Topiary Steps xvcf13094jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring steps topiary Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, steps, side, croquet, lawn, topiary, spring, National, Trust
Crathes Castle Spring cf13037jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils lawn Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, daffodils, front, lawn, trees, spring, National, Trust, flag, flying, blue, sky
Crathes Castle Spring Lawn cf13053jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils lawn Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, daffodils, front, lawn, trees, spring, National, Trust
Crathes Castle Spring Borders cf13070jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring flowers borders Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, spring, National, Trust
Crathes Castle Spring Avenue cf130110jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils avenue Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, avenue, trees, gardens, daffodils, front, lawn, spring, National, Trust
Crathes Castle Lawn cf13056jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring lawn front Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, daffodils, front, lawn, trees, avenue, spring, National, Trust
Crathes Castle Daffodils cf13048jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring daffodils front Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, daffodils, front, lawn, trees, spring, National, Trust
Crathes Spring Border xvcf1004jhp 
 Crathes Castle spring flowers borders Royal Deeside Scottish Kincardineshire National Trust Scotland property building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, spring, National, Trust
Drum Castle xvv3173jhp 
 Drum Castle Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland Autumn Front Tower Flag Flying at what was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, autumn, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle xvv3172jhp 
 Drum Castle Main Front Facade Tower Autumn Light Drumoak Deeside Scotland was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle West xvv3179jhp 
 Drum Castle Public Carpark Entrance West Aspect Side Back Deeside Scotland was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Southern Aspect xvv3171jhp 
 Drum Castle Front Lawns Autumn Light Blue Sky Scottish Property Aberdeenshire was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, upright
Drum Castle South xvv3176jhp 
 Drum Castle Front Panorama Lawn Grass Blue Sky Autumn Colours Scotland was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle South xvv3167jhp 
 Drum Castle Photograph Autumn Light Front Path Foreground Converging Scotland Formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Front xvv3169jhp 
 Drum Castle Aberdeenshire Scotland Front Tree Framing Walk Path Autumn Afternoon was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, landscape
Drum Castle Deeside xvv3178jhp 
 Drum Castle Distance Yew Tree Framed Autumn Afternoon Light Deeside Scotland was formerly a royal residence with the Great Tower dating from the reign of King William the Lion, late 13th century. Granted to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce has been under their care from 1323 to 1976, including Forest of Drum, a royal hunting park and the Old Wood with ancient oaks, geans and Caledonian Pines.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 10 miles west of Aberdeen on the North Deeside Road and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Royal Deeside, North, East, Drumoak, Peterculter, Drum, Castle, NTS, history, medieval, tower, high, Laigh, hall, Jacobean, mansion, Victorian, lairds, Irvine, family heritage, preserved, woods, lawn, gardens, trees, yews, landscape
Balvenie Castle Morayshire VQ9321JHP 
 Balvenie Castle Front Entrance Dufftown Highlands Morayshire Historic Scotland property which requires payment on entry. Started in the Late 13th century during the reign of King James with later additions during the mid 1500’s, it held a commanding position at the meeting of several Glens and a strategic position that kept it in use until abandonment in 1720. A quadrangular curtain wall of great proportion still remains as does some of a deep vertically side surrounding ditch which were all part of its substantial defences. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Moray, Highlands, Dufftown, Balvenie, Castle, fort, landscape, Historic, history, entrance, fortress, battlements, curtain, wall, gateway, ruin
Crathes Castle Topiary UP532114JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Topiary Yew Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland west of Aberdeen viewed across the croquet lawn. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Topiary UP532112JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland Topiary Croquet Lawn Flying Flag Scotland view Banchory Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, gardens, croquet, lawn, National Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle June Border UP532092JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Banchory Royal Deeside Scotland Doocot Paths west of Aberdeen with a view of the flower borders towards the castle at its June best.
This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored
Crathes Castle June Border UP532090JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Doocot View Flowers Blossom Kincardineshire Banchory Royal Deeside west of Scottish Aberdeen with a view of the June Border towards the castle at its June best.
This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, Doocot, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored
Crathes Castle June Border UP532085JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Summer June Border Doocot Flowers Flora Sunshine view Scottish Aberdeenshire Banchory Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the flowers towards the castle at its June best from the steps of the Doocot.
This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, Doocot, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored
Crathes Castle June Border UP532083JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Doocot Viewpoint June Flowers Borders Paths Aberdeenshire Scotland Royal Deeside Banchory west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border towards the castle at its June best taken from the Doocot steps.This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, hedges
Crathes Castle Gardens UP532115JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Yellow Garden Tree Grass Lawn Shrubs Banchory Scottish Aberdeenshire Royal Deeside site west of Aberdeen taken near the June Border with its pudding bowl central tree. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, gardens, herbaceous, border, shrubs, flowering, yellow, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, tree
Crathes Castle Doocot UP532093JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Doocot June Border Herbaceous Border Sunshine Summer Kincardineshire Banchory Royal Deeside Scotland site west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border and the Doocot at its June best.This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, June Border, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, doocot, visitors, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored
Crathes Castle Croquet Lawn UP532111JHP 
 Scottish Crathes Castle Gardens Photo Croquet Lawn Vista Topiary Yew Trees Kincardineshire Banchory Royal Deeside Scotland west of Aberdeen viewed across the croquet lawn. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, garden, gardens, croquet, lawn, National Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, yew, hedges, topiary, rhododendrons, purple
Crathes Castle Camel Garden UP532096JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland Camel Garden Birdbath Shrubs Flowering Summer Banchory Scottish Royal Deeside site west of Aberdeen here viewed from the Camel Garden with its famous bird bath.
This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, upright, Camel, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, shrubs, flowering, bird bath, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored
Crathes Castle Camel Garden UP532095JHP 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden Lawn Grass Flowering Blossom birdbath flowering shrubs located Royal Deeside Kincardineshire Scotland west of Aberdeen here viewed from the Camel Garden with its famous bird bath. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, camel, garden, gardens, herbaceous, borders, shrubs, flowering, blossom, pink, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored
Crathes Castle Burnett Garden UP532104JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Burnett Garden Highview Steps Summer Borders near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen looking down on the Burnett Garden reached through the main gardens and past the croquet lawn. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, herbaceous, border, flowers, poppies, red, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Crathes Castle Burnett Garden UP532103JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Burnett Garden Pool Topiary Paths Shrubs Photo near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen looking down on the Burnett Garden reached through the main gardens and past the croquet lawn.This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, Crathes Castle, Banchory, Crathes, NTS, landscape, Burnett, garden, gardens, herbaceous, border, flowers, poppies, red, croquet, lawn, National, Trust, historic, history, heritage, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1843JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Great Hall Photograph Aberdeenshire Alford Stone Corner Ruin Doorway is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, great Hall, Historic, upright, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1842JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Great Hall Door Aberdeenshire Alford Historic Scotland Property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Great Hall, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1811JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Fortress Scotland Main Entrance Portcullis Drawbridge Stone Floor Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, upright, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, entrance, fort, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1809JHP 
 Scottish Fort Kildrummy Castle Entrance Portcullis Drawbridge Photograph Stone Floor is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, entrance, fort, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1785JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Chapel Exterior East Wall Round Towers Stone Battlements is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1782JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Chapel Window Exterior Stone Wall Sunshine Scotland Spring is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: SScotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, upright, spring, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1779JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Exterior Battlement Towers Chapel Window Stone Wall in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1769JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Main Entrance Gate Exterior General View Stone Bases Ruin is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1763JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Den View Aberdeenshire Scottish Countryside Hills Forest near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, upright, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1760JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Ruined Walls Den Telephoto Photograph Hills Setting Rural Scenery is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1739JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Den Panorama Countryside Setting Trees Fields Hills Forest is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland WTN1738JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Scottish Fort Outline Autumn Den Harvest Field Stubble Hills Forest is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, upright, spring, Donside, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2513JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Approach Main Entrance Autumn Evening Light Shadows Stone Walls is a ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford and a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, main, entrance, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2511JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Ruin Fortress Fort Autumn Evening Dramatic Light Stones in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2505JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Ruined Scottish Chapel Bakery Wall Closeup Photo Foreground is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2495JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle East Wall Interior Chapel Windows Autumn Great Hall View ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford bathed in evening light looking at the chapel and towards the bakehouse and south east tower from the great hall is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2488JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Chapel Windows Interior Stone Wall Autumn Evening Sunlight located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Chapel, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2486JHP 
 Kildrummy Scottish Castle Fort Chapel Windows Bathed Evening Light Photo is located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: SScotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Chapel, evening, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2484JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Chapel Windows Bakery Stone Walls Interior Autumn Evening light located in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, chapel, windows, Historic, upright, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2483JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Chapel Windows Bakehouse View Warden's Tower Scottish Autumn Evening at a Historic Scotland property in western Aberdeenshire near Alford with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2481JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Fort Stone Walls Outline Telephoto Den Rural Setting is a ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford and a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2472JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Den Aberdeenshire Countryside Donside Forest Farmland Hills Photo is a ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford and a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2465JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Sunshine Shadows Trees Highlight Ruins Den Viewpoint High is a ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford and a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2461JHP 
 Scottish Kildrummy Castle Den Rural Aberdeenshire Setting Hills Forest Outline is a ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford and a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, upright, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS2460JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Scotland Aberdeenshire Den View Rural Setting Ruined Fortress is a ruin in western Aberdeenshire near Alford and a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, River Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Kildrummy Castle Scotland VS0656JHP 
 Kildrummy Castle Den Telephoto View Tree Framed Distance Outline Stone Walls in western Aberdeenshire near Alford is a Historic Scotland property with its roots set during the peak of medieval European castle construction during the early 13th century. Started by Alexander 11 and possibly later extended after a visit by Edward 1 of England in 1296. It survived many sieges, being burnt and later restored, before being largely dismantled after the Jacobite rising of 1715 when used as the headquarters for the Earl of Mar. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. It is a magnificent ruin and the scale of the thick walls is particularly impressive despite not being as well preserved as many similar English ruins. 
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The castle carpark and entrance is a few hundred yards to the west of the Hotel entrance. It is open for most of the summer and requires and entrance fee to be paid. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Gordon, Strathdon, Kildrummy, Kirkton, Castle, Historic, landscape, Donside, Alford, Bellabeg, River, Don, Den, medieval, history, sieges, dismantled, 1715, hotel, 13th Century, Alexander 11, Edward 1, 1296, St Gilbert, Bishop, Caithness, fortress, drawbridge, postern, gate, portcullis, towers, shield-shaped, chapel, cookhouse, bakery, bakehouse, Elphinstone, Snow, tower, great, hall, ruin, preserved
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS2759JHP 
 Glenbuchat Scottish Castle Approach Carpark Tree Trunks Foreground Framed Photo but is a mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, landscape, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS2751JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Window Interior View Stone Walls Fort Fortified House from this mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, upright, window, framed, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS2750JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Tower Scottish Mock Military House Corbels Turrets Photograph built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, upright, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS2746JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Photo Scotland Facade Sunshine Stone Walls Tower Corbel in keeping with a mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, landscape, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS2740JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Northerly Aspect Stock Photo Library Photograph Aberdeenshire suits a mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, upright, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS2739JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Northerly Aspect Exterior Stone Walls Ruin Historic Scotland suits a mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, landscape, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS1175JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Approach Carpark Entrance Outline Hills Tree Branch Overhanging but is a mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.

As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, upright, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Glenbuchat Castle Scotland VS1172JHP 
 Glenbuchat Castle Carpark Entrance Aberdeenshire Scotland Ruin Rural Setting Photo is a mock military house built in 1590 and although of no great historical note has some fine examples of local masons workmanship with a feel of ‘solid grace and comfortable display’ and evidence of lavish interior expenditure with high quality interior ashlar work.
As this is a Historic Scotland property the photograph should be used for editorial, scenic or tourist related use. The property is accessed off the A97 Ballater/Huntly road and is open all the year round and is an unmanned property at which no entrance fee is applicable. Continuing along this road in the direction of Huntly Kildrummy Castle is the next property visited. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Strathdon, Glenbuchat, Alford, Castle, glen, water, Buchat, river, burn, ravine, landscape, ruin, historic, preserved, shell, Z-plan, 1590, Gordon Carnegie, corbelled, caphouse, square, crowsteps, angular, arches, ashlar, French trompes, squinch, gun-loops, great, hall, laird, chamber, quarters, grace, defence
Crathes Castle Snow TO3136084JHP 
 Crathes Castle Snow Scenery Topiary Winter White Deeside Scottish Photo which is relatively rare these days as heavy snow falls seem to be a thing of the past but this adds a special attraction to this beautiful National Trust for Scotland property near Banchory on Royal Deeside to the west of Aberdeen in North East Scotland.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, Banchory, historic, castles, landscape, croquet, lawn, yew, hedges, topiary, snow, covered, winter, scenic, Christmas, card, Dickensian, white, history, heritage, preserved
Crathes Castle Scotland VN0306JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Gate Framed Topiary Yew Tree Library Photo near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen viewed from the gate by the croquet lawn under one of the yew trees.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gate, wrought, iron, Border, gardens, herbaceous, croquet, lawn, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, nature, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Scotland VN0305JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire Scotland viewed from the gate by the croquet lawn under one of the yew trees.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gate, gardens, framed, croquet, lawn, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, nature, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle Scotland VN0204JHP 
 Crathes Scottish Castle Photograph Approach Entrance Gardens Lawns Fort Deeside is a National Trust for Scotland property near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen viewed as visitors walk from the main entrance.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lawn, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant
Crathes Castle June Border Scotland VQ0078JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Summer June Border Irises Flowers Sunshine Relaid New near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the relaid 2008 June Border towards the castle at its best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle June Border Scotland VQ0044JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Summer June Border Poppies Lupins Flowers Herbaceous near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the relaid 2008 June Border towards the castle at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle June Border Scotland VQ0043JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Banchory Royal Deeside Scotland Flower June Border west of Aberdeen with a view of the relaid 2008 June Border towards the castle at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle June Border Scotland VN0226JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Colourful June Border Path Doocot Viewpoint High Photo near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the 2008 June Border towards the castle at its June best taken from the Doocot steps.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, doocot, steps, highview, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0287JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Flowers Border Geraniums Pink Summer Colours Topiary near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen viewed by the steps to the croquet lawn.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, pink, steps, croquet, lawn, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, honeysuckle, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0286JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland Colour Stock Library Photo Flowers Colours near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen viewed by the steps to the croquet lawn.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, pink, steps, croquet, lawn, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, honeysuckle, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0274JHP 
 Crathes Castle Camel Garden Birdbath Grass Walks Summer Aberdeenshire Scotland located near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed from the Camel Garden with its famous bird bath.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gardens, Camel Garden, shrubs, birdbath, herbaceous, flowers, steps, croquet, lawn, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, honeysuckle, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0244JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Herbaceous Lupins Scottish Summer Photo near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the 2008 June Border towards the castle at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0241JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Lupins Poppy Herbaceous Summer Flower Border Scotland near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the relaid 2008 June Border towards the castle at its best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0238JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Daisies Path Flower Border Scottish Summer near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the relaid 2008 June Border towards the castle.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0237JHP 
 Crathes Castle Aberdeenshire Scotland Library Photograph Floral Summer Gardens Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the relaid 2008 June Border towards the castle.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle fm Croquet Lawn VN0297JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Croquet Lawn Topiary Yew Trees Summer Vista near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen viewed across the croquet lawn.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, gardens, croquet, lawn, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0225JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Telephoto Doocot View June Border Summer Scotland near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border towards the castle at its June best taken from the Doocot steps.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, 2008, Nikon, D300, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, lawn, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, honeysuckle, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0220JHP 
 Crathes Castle June Border Iris Path Border Scottish Summer Photo Gardens near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border towards the castle at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal, Deeside, River, Dee, Crathes, Castle, NTS, June, 2008, Nikon, D300, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, croquet, lawn, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, honeysuckle, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees, woods, entrance, lake, loch, woodlands, walks, public, visitors, tourist, attraction, exhibition, restaurant
Crathes Castle Gardens Scotland VN0214JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Scotland Aberdeenshire Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border towards the castle at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle Doocot Scotland VQ0088JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Poppy Red Closeup Photo Doocot Border Path near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border and the Doocot at its June best. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, doocot, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, trees, woods
Crathes Castle Doocot Scotland VQ0087JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens June Border Poppy Doocot Flowers Summer Colours near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border and the Doocot at its June best and beware gardener at work.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, 2008, Fuji, S3, doocot, NTS, June, Border, gardens, herbaceous, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, trees, woods, woodlands, walks
Crathes Castle Doocot Scotland VN0253JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Doocot Flower Border Lupins Aberdeenshire Scotland near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border and the Doocot at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, June Border, gardens, herbaceous, doocot, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, trees
Crathes Castle Doocot Scotland VN0252JHP 
 Crathes Castle Scotland Flower Summer Border Lupins Doocot Gardens near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen with a view of the June Border and the Doocot at its June best.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, June Border, gardens, herbaceous, doocot, flowers, lupins, poppies, red, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, trees
Crathes Castle Camel Garden VN0273JHP 
 Crathes Castle Garden Camel Birdbath Flowering Shrubs Summer Green Lawn located near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed from the Camel Garden with its famous bird bath.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, Camel Garden, birdbath, shrubs, June Border, gardens, herbaceous, white flowers, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, trees
Crathes Castle Camel Garden VN0263JHP 
 Royal Deeside Scottish Crathes Castle Camel Garden Summer Blossom Photo located near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed from the Camel Garden with its famous bird bath.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, Camel Garden, gardens, herbaceous, white, pink, shrubs, flowers, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, honeysuckle, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle Camel Garden Scotland VQ0111JHP 
 Crathes Castle Gardens Aberdeenshire Deeside Summer Flowering Shrubs Camel Garden located near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen here viewed from the Camel Garden with its famous bird bath.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, Camel Garden, birdbath, gardens, herbaceous, white, pink, shrubs, flowers, landscape, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, honeysuckle, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Crathes Castle & Topiary Scotland VN0298JHP 
 Crathes Castle Photograph Croquet Lawn Topiary Yew Tree Shaped Garden near Banchory on Royal Deeside west of Aberdeen viewed across the croquet lawn.
Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 15 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. This building dates from the 16th century although the land belonged to the Burnett’s of Leys as a gift from Robert the Bruce in 1323. In the great hall is the Horn of Leys, supposedly a symbol of this grant.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, North, East, Aberdeenshire, Kincardineshire, Royal Deeside, River Dee, Crathes Castle, NTS, Camel Garden, gardens, herbaceous, white, pink, shrubs, flowers, upright, National, Trust, Banchory, historic, history, heritage, preserved, countryside, rural, nature, honeysuckle, steps, rhododendrons, colourful, colorful, coloured, colored, peaceful, yew, hedges, topiary, trees
Craigievar Castle Scotland SM3126JHP 
 Craigievar Castle High View Countryside Hills Mar Aberdeenshire Spring Photo is a National Trust for Scotland property is situated about 6 miles south of Alford A980 and is open to the public from March to end of August and is open again after its 2008/9 closure for major renovation on the exterior. Grounds are normally open all year round. In the distance is the distinctive outline of Bennachie, a hill near Inverurie on the River Don in North east Scotland on the top of which are the ruins of a vitrified Pictish Fort.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Mar, Craigievar Castle, spring, winter, NTS, National, Trust, Scotland, Alford, landscape, telephoto, highview, Bennachie, walls, historic, history, Forbes, Sempill, clan, heritage, fairytale, 17th, Century, home, Great, Tower, turrets, green, grass, trees, shadows, sunny, conservation, countryside, farming, rural, nature, peaceful, trees, woods, walks
Craigievar Castle Daffodils SO20010JHP 
 Craigievar Castle Spring Daffodils Close Photo Old Tree Aberdeenshire Scotland is a National Trust for Scotland property is situated about 6 miles south of Alford A980 and is open to the public from March to end of August but now open again after 2008/9 closure for major renovation on the exterior. Grounds are normally open all year round.
Example of the best in Scottish Baronial architecture, dating from 1626, and is unspoiled since being relinquished to the NTS by the Forbes-Sempill family.

Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Mar, Craigievar, Castle, spring, NTS, National, Trust, Scotland, Alford, Torphins, landscape, Bennachie, mountain, historic, history, Forbes, Sempill, clan, heritage, fairytale, 17th, Century, home, Great, Tower, turrets, flag, flying, daffodils, flowers, colourful, colorful, colours, colors, yellow, green, grass, tree, oak, pine, shadows, sunny, blue, sky
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1907JHP 
 Castle Fraser Summer Early Autumn Blue Skies Aberdeenshire Scotland Tree Framed is situated at Craigearn near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view the western side of the property and the main entrance.
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, landscape, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1893JHP 
 Castle Fraser Front Stonework Tower Sky Clouds Upwards Perspective Dramatic is situated at Craigearn near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view the front of the property and the main entrance door.
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, upright, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1892JHP 
 Scottish Castle Fraser Towering Perspective Front Stone Walls Tower Sky Clouds is situated near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view the front of the property from the main entrance door.
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, landscape, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1889JHP 
 Castle Fraser Front Fort Tower Stonewalls Entrance Door Lawn Aberdeenshire is situated at Craigearn near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view the front of the property and the main entrance.
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, upright, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1888JHP 
 Castle Fraser Fort Fortress Stock Library Photograph Photos Scotland Historic Site is situated near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view the front of the property and the main entrance.
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, landscape, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1867JHP 
 Castle Fraser Front Panorama Grass Lawn Trees Setting Aberdeenshire Scotland is situated at Craigearn near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view is of the western aspect and the front of the property .
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, upright, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1857JHP 
 Castle Fraser Summer Trees Flag Tower Stone Walls Front Craigearn Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view is of the western side walking around the front of the property .
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, upright, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white
Castle Fraser Scotland VS1845JHP 
 Castle Fraser Entrance Drive Walk Tree Avenue Lined Scottish Aberdeenshire is situated near Kemnay in the Donside area of Aberdeenshire to the west of Aberdeen and this view is of the main approach to the property from the carpark.
This is a National Trust for Scotland property situated about 16 miles west of Aberdeen and is open to the public all the year round. Any of my photographs are for scenic/tourist use only and cannot be used for product endorsement without the explicit permission of the NTS. Please contact their Edinburgh Head Office at Wemyss House, 28 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.
This building dates from between 1575 and 1636 is the “most elaborate z-plan castle” in existence in Scotland today and was the work of two master masons or builders called Bell and Leiper.
The tower house is one of the finest examples of the period and some of the original wall paintings still survive. 
 Keywords: Scotland, North, East, Scottish, Aberdeenshire, Grampian, Kemnay, Castle Fraser, landscape, colours, colors, coat, arms, Mar, River Don, Donside, castles, tower, Craigearn, Backhill, Bennachie, historical, historic, history, Great, Hall, Raeburn, family, clan, heritage, preserved, colourful, colorful, sky, clouds, blue, white

Scotland > Rivers, Glens & Lochs (3 files)

The gallery has photographs of Scottish lochs, glens and pictures associated directly with particular rivers in Scotland such as the River Dee, Don, Feugh, Urie, Deveron, Tanar, Dye, and Glen of Dee, Glen Muick and Glenbuchat.
Crathes Rainbow bnm6581jhp 
 Double rainbow colourful Deeside spring Scottish River Dee Crathes bridge weather evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. Captured by accident returning from dropping friends off at Aberdeen Train Station and spotted the bright sunshine and showers, always a goof oemn for rainbows. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, River Dee, Dee, Crathes, Bridge, road, south, eastwards, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2017, April, digital, FX camera, D700, DSLR, 16mm wide angle
Crathes Rainbow bnm6579jhp 
 Double rainbow colours Aberdeenshire Scotland River Dee Crathes bridge weather spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, River Dee, Dee, Crathes, Bridge, road, south, eastwards, landscape, upright, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2017, April, digital, FX camera, D700, DSLR, 16mm wide angle
Crathes Rainbow bnm6578jhp 
 Double rainbow colours sky Aberdeenshire Scottish River Dee Crathes bridge weather spring evening sunlight and although not perhaps calendar material are none the less great photography subjects. The shapes, size and often awesome sense of power of clouds and often couple with rain storms and rainbows make them a subject I enjoy photographing and are a truer reflection perhaps of the great mix of weather and light we have in the North East of Scotland. One big headache is the rain that creates them so lenses have to be kept dry or covered as much as possible and it also appears in the images are short lines as it falls catching the sunlight although in these photos not a problem. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Royal, Deeside, River Dee, Dee, Crathes, Bridge, road, south, eastwards, landscape, rainbow, double, colours, colors, clouds, bands, prism, unusual, shapes, weather, meteorological, phenomena, cumulus, countryside, nature, field, grass, autumn, evening, sun, sunshine, sunny, rain, raining, showers, storms, white, brown, grey, curved, bend, shapes, height, dramatic, moody, Nikon, 2017, April, digital, FX camera, D700, DSLR, 16mm wide angle

Click below to purchase all images shown (you can fine-tune on next page):